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Yoongi's happy mood plummets, his smile faltering. On the contrary to Jeongguk, who feels as if he can breathe again.

"Oh.." The man nods, "I see. I apologise for not giving you the opportunity to earlier. I shall take my leave, then." He says, heading towards the door.

Taehyung feels bad, yet fully stands behind his words. For a second he wants to stop him from leaving and at least offer him something to eat from the cafe, but he refrains himself.

"Do you know how bad you just made me feel?" Jeongguk loudly growls out the moment the male is gone, causing Taehyung to release a whimper. 

"I─I'm sorry. I really don't like him like that, though." He quickly reassures again.

"Good, because I would've killed him. You can only like me in this lifetime and no one else. You're destined to me and I am destined to you. You belong to me only and I swear to the Moon Goddess that if I see you with someone else, I won't hesitate to make you submit to me right in front of them and take you right then and there for them to see so they'll know it too." He glares, tongue poking his inner cheek.

Taehyung's breath hitches as the words settle in. His face burns up as he freezes to his spot.

"Come on, I'm taking you back to my place." Jeongguk states, taking a hold of his wrist and dragging him out of the cafe, locking the doors behind him.

They start walking and the ravenette lets go of his arm. Taehyung almost pouts, however the next thing he knows, the male is gently sliding his hand over his own, intertwining their fingers.

A shy smile dances on the omega's lips as he stares at their hands. Jeongguk's large one completely engulfs his own, the warmth shooting up his arm.

The familiar path comes in view after a few minutes and the elder speaks up, ending the peaceful silence.

"You said you wanted to see for yourself in order to be fully convinced, right? Let me show you my other face," He softly says, staring in Taehyung's eyes.

He watches as the boy reluctantly nods.

"I won't ever harm you. You're the safest when you're with me," Jeongguk reassures, noticing his doubt.

With that he guides the omega towards a bend of the path, going to the left instead of going home straight away.

The trees and bushes become more dense and it doesn't take long before they find themselves completely surrounded, no one in sight.

Jeongguk then goes right, abandoning the trail and glancing back in order to make sure his little one wouldn't harm himself tripping over branches, or getting caught in thorned plants.

"Alright, this should be good," The man voices, eyeing around to make sure.

He lets go of the other's hand, stepping farther away.

"You might want to close your eyes. It's not exactly the prettiest sight."

Taehyung immediately does as told. During the whole thing he stays silent, unsure of what to say or do.

His heart is palpitating, palms feeling sweaty.

His ears pick up on the wind softly brushing past him, a few leaves crunching under his feet.

But then a rough shiver goes up his spine the moment he could hear a bone snap. He starts feeling nauseous once it repeats.

It fills up his eardrums again, and again, and again.

It happens quickly, but he's terrified to reopen his eyes.

When he doesn't hear anything for a full minute, he knows he can look. The only problem is, that he doesn't dare to.

He suddenly hears a whine-like, animalistic sound come from right in front of him, as if its urging him to flutter his eyelids open.

Something big presses itself against his side, nudging him.

And it certainly doesn't feel human.

Taehyung takes a big, deep breath in, trying to calm down his shaking hands.

With that he finally opens his eyes.

His heart drops to the bottom pit of his stomach.

His breath audibly gets caught in his throat and he shakes his head in disbelief, orbs widening dramatically and he takes haste steps back.

Only naturally he trips over a branch, causing him to fall to the ground with his back pressed up against a tree.

A few metres in front of him stands a giant being on four tall paws─ so powerful and mighty, it could rule over the entire world.

The dark, chestnut brown fur blows in the wind, small black pearls of eyes containing the same familiar glint as another familiar pair of dark brown eyes do.

The wolf has its head slightly down, keeping its distance as it let's Taehyung's eyes take over its form. Its fluffy ears twitch and are directed to the back, rather unsurely since it can't pinpoint how its mate feels about it.

The brunette grips on the soil when the creature starts taking big strides towards him. Within a few steps its right in front of him, towering over him as it looks down at him.

Taehyung's feelings are all over the place. His face still carries an expression of disbelief, but at the same time he feels mesmerised.

They stare at each other for a full three minutes. The longer the brunette does, the less scared he feels.

This creature wasn't going to harm him─ instead he feels drawn to it. A magic pull telling him this mighty being belongs to him.

It's his literal other half.

The wolf's snout nears Taehyung's face, a cold nose pressing against the skin of his neck. It tickles him, but tingles erupt in both of their bodies.

The animal pulls back and sneezes playfully once, the glint in it's black orbs turning mischievously familiar.

Within a blink its licking Taehyung's face all over, causing him to giggle loudly and drop to his side as he tries to get it to stop.

"M─mercy! Mercy!" He laughs cutely, hands shielding his own face.

The wolf quits its actions, fondly staring at the human in front of him.

Taehyung giddily smiles as he reaches his hands up, causing the creature to bend down to let the brunette do as he pleases.

His hands brush through the thick, soft fur, teasingly tugging on its ear once as he whispers into it, feeling himself slip as a deeper part of him surfaces─

"You scared the shit out of me, Alpha."

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