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It's late at night when Jeongguk enters his hotel room, softly closing the door behind him since he doesn't want to wake the omega up.

He drags himself towards the sink, splashing some cold water on his face with a sigh. He rests his hands on the edges, leaning some of his body weight on it as he stares at the water that runs down the drain.

He attempts to calm down his racing thoughts, inhaling deeply and releasing it in a long breath.

With gentle steps he turns around the corner, almost flinching at the sight of the omega sitting in the exact same position he left him early this morning. His head is tucked into his knees, his locks all over the place as he shivers and shakes in his sleep.

The ravenette immediately crouches on the bed, touching his skin and feeling his heart tug in him when he notices the boy is ice cold.

He discards his clothes, not minding to put on more comfortable ones and slides into bed, ever so gently maneuvering the younger on his side so he's able to hug him back to warmth with his body heat.

However Taehyung stirrs, eyes fluttering open regardless of how sneaky he was being and gasps once he notices what's going on.

He swiftly turns around, teeth clattering a little as he clings to the elder, sniffling.

"I─ I am so─suh─sorry, alpha!" He cries out suddenly, body twitching. "I never wanted us to get into a fight, I don't like seeing you upset! I'm so sorry for angering you!" He whimpers, burying his head into his chest.

"Hey, little one, look at me. Look at me," Jeongguk whispers softly, cupping his small face in his large hand.

"It's alright, love. I was being stupid, you can't help the way you feel. I should've taken care of your worries instead of slamming the door close because of them." He says, wiping a tear from the boy's puffy cheek.

"N─no, it wasn't okay," Taehyung sniffles, "I was being irrational, my worries and doubts were as good as meaningless because of course I know it would all be okay. I have you, and as long as I do, I know I'll always be fine. I should've confided in you more, I should've believed you. I'm sorry.." He mumbles, staring back at his chest in shame.

Jeongguk wordlessly lifts up his chin again, capturing his soft lips with his own. They taste salty because of the amount of tears that appeared to have ran past them, causing him to feel even worse about how he handled the situation.

"No, baby, I should've been there for you. You did nothing wrong, alpha is sorry." He apologises, hating the way the omega whimpers sadly.

Taehyung's brows furrow because of the words. He encloses his arms around the elder's neck, pressing their lips together once again after whispering "It's okay, alpha. Let's just forget it happened."

He immediately let's the other take the lead, obediently following his rhythm and humming in satisfaction at the amazing feeling that surges through him again.

Jeongguk's arms engulf around his waist, hands sliding up and down on his bare back as he pulls him impossibly closer towards him.

He turns them around, hovering over the omega and starting to kiss and suckle on his pretty mating mark on his neck.

Taehyung moans, head flaunting to the side as he submits fully without needing to be told. His eyes close in pleasure, addicting tingles erupting all over his body.

"Ngh─ alpha, please take me. Please," He begs, causing the elder to groan lowly.

The brunette can feel the other's length twitching against the skin of his stomach, already hard for him because of his words.

"Please fuck me, alpha, want to feel you inside of me." He continues on, almost crying again because of pure desperation. His wolf is still shaken up because of the fight, desperately wanting to feel at ease again.

"You're too tired for that, baby. You can barely keep your eyes open." Jeongguk mumbles, pressing kisses on his soft cheek.

"'Don't care, just have your way with me, please. Want to be dominated, want to feel small." The omega whimpers out, his wolf craving it.

The alpha almost chokes on the animalistic growl that escapes because of his words, eyes darkening.

"Fuck, I really should've handled the incident better. Look at you," He groans out. "I'll give you my cock but I'm not fucking you tonight. You need to rest." He states, hand going downwards until his finger is circling his already slicked, clenching rim.

He pushes in his first digit, almost immediately entering a second one because he meets no resistance. The younger clenches around his fingers, trying to suck more of him in.

"Don't need to be prepped, 'm still loose." The omega weakly moans out, head thrown back into the pillow.

"You're going to be the death of me,"
Jeongguk grunts out, stuffing him entirely full with one thrust. The brunette gasps, holding onto him for dear life.

"Just close your eyes, darling. It'll all be alright." He whispers, wanting to take away all of his worries and doubts. He then proceeds to hold him close, as he cockwarms him throughout the night.

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