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"Woah now, take it easy!"

Is the first thing Taehyung hears when he wakes up and attempts to sit upright.

"You need to rest some more, Luna. You passed out due to exhaustion when you shifted for the first time ever, yesterday evening." Jimin explains, gently helping him to sit up against the headboard.

The brunette groans, his entire body feeling stiff and sore.

Memories start flooding back in, causing his eyes to widen and his heartbeat to speed up.

"Holy shit, I turned into an actual wolf." He states monotonously, not really able to comprehend it.

Jimin who's sitting on a chair next to him laughs, humming.

"You did! You pulled through. Your body needs to recover for a little while. Luckily, now that you're fully through your transformation, your body accepted the werewolf side completely. That also means that you'll heal a lot faster now. It's a wolf perk." He grins, winking.

Taehyung smiles softly. For the first time ever, he feels he's exactly who he's supposed to be. Everything feels just right. He's at peace with himself.

"Here, take this painkiller. It'll help." The beta hands it over with a glass of water, watching him swallow it down.

"Where's Jeongguk?" He asks, noticing he isn't present in the hotel room.

"He's at the cafe. He already informed the owner that you're sick and won't be able to attend your shift for the next couple of days. He instructed me to take a very good care of you," Jimin answers, teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at the last part.

"He's totally smitten. You know that, right?" He adds, watching as Taehyung's smile turns more shy.

"I've never seen him so patient. He's very respectful of your boundaries and letting you adapt to this side of you." Jimin goes on, causing Taehyung to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" He curiously wonders.

The beta smiles, "In our world when two mates meet, it's normalised for them to be fully mated within a week or two. It's sort of the standard for them to finish the mating process within that amount of time. Simply because of the fact that it comes with a lot of bonuses and it's better for the bond."

Taehyung glances at the blanket, fiddling with his fingers as guilt starts consuming him.

"Hey, don't feel bad! He's very understanding of the fact that longer than a month ago you didn't even know you weren't fully human. He didn't want to scare you off, instead he wanted you to ease into it on your own time." Jimin tries to comfort him after noticing his saddening eyes, but it only makes him feel worse.

"What kind of bonuses were you talking about, by the way?" Taehyung asks, not knowing what he meant by that part.

"When mates are fully bonded, they automatically share a mind link. They can also feel when something is wrong with the other. Overall the bond is unbreakable and the feelings that already exist intensify. They'll be fully tuned together. Maybe you'll experience even more benefits, I wouldn't really know that yet." He grins after he explains, shrugging.

The brunette's mouth forms an 'O' shape.

A few hours pass by and Taehyung can slowly feel energy seeping back into his veins. Over time he starts feeling a lot better, especially with the help of Jimin who is kind enough to bring him food, drinks, medicine and laughter.

It's twenty past seven when the door opens and reveals a certain ravenette.

"Ah, there you are. Someone's been eagerly waiting for you." Jimin greets the male, nudging his head into the direction of someone on the bed.

Jeongguk immediately smiles, jogging over.

"Hey there," He grins, staring at Taehyung with heart-eyes. "How are you feeling?"

The brunette shyly smiles back, his brown orbs shining.

"Hi back," He giggles, "Still a bit sore, but not too bad. I am really tired though, but I'm sure that'll be solved with a good night's sleep."

"I'm glad to hear that. You scared the shit out of me yesterday. First of all by disappearing and then by suddenly shifting and collapsing. I'm really glad it's over so you won't have to go through it again." He says, sitting down on the edge of the bed and holding his hand.

"I won't?" Taehyung repeats.

"You won't. When wolves shift for the first time, it's forced by their nature and the influence of a full moon. Everyone has to go through it once in their lives to complete the transition and accept their other side fully. It's the only time that hurts unbearably bad," He explains.

"After that, everyone can decide for themselves when they want to shift or not. The second and third time are definitely still a bit uncomfortable and straining, but it'll become way easier over time. Eventually you won't feel a thing and it'll be as easy and natural as breathing." He ravenette finishes, averting his eyes from their intertwined hands and back up at his face.

"Well, thank the Moon Goddess for that." Taehyung giggles.

Jeongguk's smile widens, everything in his body pulling him towards his other half. Within a second he nears his face, passionately pressing their lips together.

The younger's eyes flutter close as he moves his lips in a rhythm, feeling giddy and warm. Butterflies tickle his insides, his face warms up.

"I brought dinner, by the way. It'll strengthen you up. Come on, let's eat." The ravenette says as he pulls away, lifting the blankets up and carrying the other bridal style.

"I can walk, you know?" Taehyung laughs, shaking his head.

"Oh, I know. I just prefer this." Jeongguk grins, carefully sitting down with him on his lap.

"Tsk, lovebirds." Jimin rolls his eyes, laughing to himself.

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