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<Jeongguk, can you hear me? Please respond!

Taehyung tries to use the mind link for the thousandth time, but to avail. He's starting to doubt whether he's doing it correctly, but the other has learned him how to use it two weeks ago, so he can't be wrong.

He desperately looks around him, seeing nothing but trees and more trees, the woods seeming endless.

It is indeed as stunning as Jeongguk described it to be, but unfortunately that is the last thing he pays attention to right now.

He needs to find the elder and make sure he is okay first.

"Jeongguk!" He calls out, a few birds sounding the alarm and scattering away because of it.

"Guk!" He yells again, only for it to get swept away with the wind.

He is afraid he'll get a heart attack because of the way it's erratically beating. His palms are sweaty, his breaths coming out ragged and his eyes are glazed over.

He starts to jog again, deciding to go straight ahead with the hope he'll eventually come across the cabins or mansion the other has told him about.

And to his utter surprise, he does.

But it is eerily silent, not a single soul present. He halts in his tracks, glancing around while fear enters his body and refuses to leave.

He eyes the giant mansion up ahead, taking very soft steps towards it. His hand reaches for the front door when he reaches the place, but he sighs when he notices it's locked.

That's when he flinches, the sound of howling wolves nearing him fills up his eardrums.

He releases a whimper, starting to tremble.

Turning around, he watches as five giant creatures sprint towards him, turning into people when they're near him.

"You didn't wait for the sign! We started early because of you!" One guy curses at him, an angry look on his face.

A terribly confused expression takes over Taehyung's features. At this point, he fears the worst.

A woman furrows her brows, glancing the boy up and down.

"Are you from the allies' pack? I don't recognise your from ours. I didn't know they have a male omega within their circle. Your kind is very rare, why the hell did he decide to let you participate in the war that's about to begin? Can you even fight?"

The expressions from the guys around her turn confused as well, all of them staring at the brunette.

"I─I don't know.." He fearfully mewls, "I don't know who you are, I don't know anything about what's going on." He can only pick up on their ranks, but that's about it.

"Oh for the love of the Moon Goddess, great. Just great." One of the guys flings his arms up in desperation. "Now we don't only have ourselves to protect, but we have to keep a close eye on this guy." He stares him up and down.

"Well, whoever you are, this is your fight now, too. Just follow along and try to mimic what we're going to do. Stick to our side and most importantly─ watch the fuck out." Another person instructs, causing him to rapidly nod in response with a pale face.

That's when they effortlessly shift back into their wolves, their heads glancing into the direction of the south when they pick up on incoming sounds.

Taehyung is profusely sweating at this point. He can't shift into his wolf again, he barely succeeded the first time!

"I─ I can't shift well yet." He admits in a whisper, causing one of the wolves to roll its eyes and start blabbering some squeaks as it seems to mock the boy.

Another howl from a wolf farther away alerts all of the others present, causing them to nod at one another and split up into all kinds of directions.

Taehyung is left there, not knowing who to follow and completely vulnerable out in the open. His eyes fall upon a well and he starts to run towards it, hiding behind it. He failed the first simple instructions he got.

He presses his back against it, trying to disappear into thin air. He can see a few wolves dashing left and right before other people come in view, soundlessly gesturing between them and firing a few guns.

A tear escapes the brunette's eye, his throat running dry. He shuts his lids tight, not wanting to see what's going on.

He misses the next few minutes, only hearing a few gunshots and two sets of wolves howling.

But suddenly there are people shouting, footsteps rustling through the leaves on the ground and bushes. The few people seemed to double in amount, then triple, and then quatriple, and out of nowhere the numbers of wolves duplicate as well.

The earlier silence is now nowhere near found, only the sounds of bullets, growls and screams filling up the cold air. It turned chaotic real quick and he knows he can't stay hidden on the battlefield for long.

So he stands up, deciding to make a run for it in the hope he could sprint towards safety.

The scent of pine and scandalwood, roses and leather suddenly enters his nostrils and he stops in his tracks absurdly quick, trying to find the source through all of the chaos that's going on.

Wolf after wolf hunts down an individual with a bullet, the sounds of bones cracking in half due to a pair of jaws giving him shivers.

He feels like he is about to puke at the sight of how bloody it is getting, some wolves heavily injured, squeaking and whimpering in pain.

That's when finally Taehyung's eyes land on the biggest wolf present, not being able to mistake it's dark, chestnut coloured fur and the pull he's getting towards him.

He watches as the creature jumps on an individual from behind, its jaws tearing the person's arm off and their head next.

The brunette glances around and finally realises what's going on─

They're at war with the hunters Jeongguk has told him about, trying to win their territory back.

He suddenly understands why Jimin was trying to keep him locked up in the hotel room, yet he can't believe he and his mate didn't tell him about it.

However one person freezing in fear in the middle of a bloody battlefield catches everyone's attention.

Especially the ones of those who mean harm.

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