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The door shuts close behind the brunette and he yawns, dragging himself towards his bed.

He's still wobbling on his untrustworthy legs. Jeongguk has a special effect on him that just─

He groans, letting himself topple over and face planting himself in his pillow.

Flashbacks from today vividly replay in his head and subconsciously a wide smile starts dancing on his lips.

Suddenly he shoots up straight at the sound of his phone dinging. His heart starts beating just a little faster and his mind already started wondering whether it could be from a certain ravenette.

Unlocking the device, he heads to his messages and slightly pouts.

Not the one he was hoping for, sadly.

But he shakes his head right the moment he realises what he just did. Scolding himself, he sends Yoongi a quick response and chucks his phone away after, continuing daydreaming.

It takes a little while before he forces himself out of bed, needing to change his clothes to more comfortable nightwear.

He pulls his shirt off his head and is about to discard it to the side, when he halts his movements when his nose picks up on something.

Slowly bringing the piece of fabric up to his nostrils, his pupils subconsciously dilate when he picks up on the scent of the elder male he spent the entire day with.

Not only does his heartbeat speed up again, the odd yet good feeling from within him intensifies. It's as if it's dancing around inside of him, howling out in joy.

Eventually, Taehyung strolls back towards his bed, not being able to dislike the way the ravenette's scent manages to cling onto him. In fact, he likes it.

He likes it a lot.

His brows furrow and he nibbles on his lip.

Why does he like it that much?

Why can't he seem to get the other out of his head?

Why is the handsome elder all he can think about?

The brunette finds it highly unusual for someone to occupy his mind this much, especially for someone he only interacted with for the third time today.

He blankly stares up at the ceiling, thoughts roaming wild inside his head. However no matter how hard he tries, he can't help but end up picturing a certain alluring male over and over again.

He slaps his hands over his face, softly screaming into them.

"What the hell is wrong with me lately? God, I'm so wierd now.." He mutters to no one in particular, silence engulfing him once more.


He flinches, immediately sitting up straight and orbs widening dramatically.

Flashes of Jeongguk appear again and at the exact same time, the word repeats itself within him.


"Am I supposed to see a psychiatric for this?" He mumbles, yet he doesn't stand behind his own spoken words.

The voice seemed to come from the deepest part of himself, yet it didn't feel wrong or uncomfortable.

In fact, the moment it repeated itself for the third time, he started feeling accustomed to it.

As if it was supposed to be there.

He has no idea what it indicates and why it seems to be linked to Jeongguk, but it feels right.

Actually, the more he allows himself to feel this new sensation, he can feel energy and happiness bubbling up inside his veins. His senses prickled, beating organ jumping around and for some reason he finds himself stuffing his nose back into his earlier worn shirt.

This feeling didn't only feel right─ it's the best thing he ever felt his entire life.

As if this is what he lives for.

As if this is what he has been waiting and yearning for, for a long, long time.

He takes another deep inhale of Jeongguk's scent, not finding it strong enough. But there's nothing he can do about that, at least he reckons it's better than nothing at all.

After spending another ten minutes feeling euphoric, he yeets the shirt away and hides himself under his blanket, feeling utterly ashamed of his actions.

A million question marks float above his head, only tiring him more and more.

He doesn't understand a thing about what just happened. And he isn't too sure whether he wants to know the actual answer or not, that is if he'll ever be able to get one in the first place.

For as far as he knows, he's the first person ever to experience unnatural things like these. He searched the entire internet the day his body transformed into a new shape, but even google didn't have an answer.

He can't help but continue pondering on it. At this point he's certain he'll cause himself another migraine, but unfortunately this entire new him didn't come with a switch he could easily turn off in order to relax.

After another set of hopeless minutes, he once again retrieves the shirt from the ground and hugs it close, eyes fluttering shut.

It surprisingly doesn't take too long after that before he gets pulled into a deep slumber.

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