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"Enjoy your evening!" Taehyung exhales loudly as he watches the last customer of the day walk out the doors.

"Hey, we did it!" Jeongguk high-fives him with a smile.

The clock reads 6:50 PM and both of the males decide to sit down with a drink and something to eat themselves.

The brunette greedily stuffs his mouth full of strawberry cheesecake, trying desperately not to get too flustered because of the elder's sweet eyes on him.

"You know, by the looks of it, this could be considered a date." The ravenette suddenly voices, dusting Taehyung's cheeks pink.

"A─a date?" He whispers, shyly. When Jeongguk says it, it sounds a hundred times better than when─


Taehyung's eyes slightly widen, his posture tenses up and he starts fidgeting.

"Are you full? Or would you like another? I don't want you to be hungry." Jeongguk asks once the omega clears his plate in a rapid speed.

"No, it's alright. I'm good." Taehyung smiles nervously.

"Are you sure? We could go grab a bite somewhere. By the way, if your wolf is ever craving meat, just tell me. I'll be more than happy to go out to hunt and provide for you." He proudly boasts.

Taehyung's eyebrows raise up.

"When you said 'shift into your wolf' a few days ago, did you mean .. like, actually shifting into an actual wolf?" He questions.

Jeongguk chuckles, "Yes, of course I did. Like Jimin told you, we are equally wolf and human. Either side can take over."

"Hm, first I got to see it for myself, then I'll be fully convinced." Taehyung nods to himself, causing the ravenette to smirk.

"That's no problem, although I can't guarantee my wolf is as respectful and patient as I am when it comes to you." A mischievous glimmer shines in his eyes, orbs slightly darkening.

Taehyung shivers, not being able to keep his gaze for long because of his shyness.

"And when you said 'mark you' and 'knot you,' what did that mean?" His face heats up, but his curiosity is killing him.

Jeongguk's smirk widens, his head tilting slightly to the side. Within a split second he stands up, pulls Taehyung from his seat and backs him up against the wall, trapping him there.

"W─wait! Someone could walk in!" Taehyung panics, heart beating fiercely in his throat.

"Not my problem," The ravenette breathes out in his ear, inhaling his addictive scent.

He starts leaving feathery kisses along his jawline, slowly going down to his neck. However the omega keeps struggling and moving around, causing his wolf inside of him to snarl.

He growls out, "Submit!"

Taehyung's knees feel wobbly and his head flaunts to the side, everything in him throwing itself at the man's feet.

"A─alpha.." He moans when Jeongguk sucks on the most sensitive spot on his neck, his teeth grazing the skin.

"Marking and knotting is done during the mating process. You'll know what it means soon enough," The ravenette husks out, trying to keep his wolf at bay because of the way the omega adressed him.

Taehyung holds onto the elder's shirt, hands turned into small fists as he tries to keep himself upright while feeling drunk and high at the same time.

Jeongguk leaves some more kisses on his neck and then cups his face in his hand, keeping it to the side.

"This is your scent gland, love. I can scent mark you so other wolves will smell me on you. It's territorial behaviour. It works both ways, so you could do it back." He says, starting to do as said.

He covers Taehyung's pheromones with his own, taking a step back once he could solely smell his own scent, overpowering the omega's one completely. However he doesn't move his hand, still holding his small face.

The brunette picks up on what he just did, feeling his face heat up tremendously. He doesn't understand a thing about how it works and why it feels so good, but he can't seem to complain.

He lifts his gaze up to look Jeongguk in his dark orbs, staring at him. The male's aura screams confidence, authority and dominance. But his eyes withhold something else too─ possessiveness.

The ravenette's cocky grin doesn't falter. He keeps staring at the omega, thumb sliding softly over his cheek as he moves back in.

Taehyung notices the way he's removing the distance in between them, his head only getting closer to his.

His eyes flicker to his lips, for some reason he's not able to look away. At this point their noses are touching and they can feel each other's warm breath fanning their skin.

The tension only builds up, the fire growing hotter and hotter.

Jeongguk's other hand grasps onto the omega's waist, only mere inches left in between them.

That's when the bell rings, indicating someone entered the cafe.

The ravenette's jaw clenches and his expression turns agitated as he pulls away, heading over towards the front of the store.

Taehyung takes a few deep breaths in, trying to calm down his absurdly quick beating organ before he follows after the elder.

"Ah, Taehyung! There you are. Are you ready to go?" A familiar individual asks in a happy tone.

The brunette's face pales as he remembers once again.

"Oh, Yoongi. Y─yeah, um, let me just change my clothes real quick." He responds, dashing towards the staff room.

"I didn't know you were picking him up." Jeongguk mutters lowly, remembering his face and what he did vividly.

"I apologised to him and he gave me another chance. So I'm making it up to him by taking him on another date! History won't repeat itself, I'll stay away from the drinks." Yoongi laughs, not really picking up on the aura around the ravenette that turned red.

"Another date, huh?" Jeongguk repeats his words laced in venom, the moment Taehyung walks back into the room.

The omega freezes, tensing up.

"I didn't know you were into him." The ravenette comments in a raspy voice, feeling his heart sink to his stomach.

At that moment, every fibre of Taehyung's being wanted nothing more than to hide himself in the elder's embrace and stay there forever, showing him that the opposite is true.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in, deciding to gather his courage to clear up the misunderstanding. He feels safe with Jeongguk in the room, him being his strength to be able to do it.

"Y─Yoongi, I wanted to tell you this last time you were at my place, but you didn't give me the opportunity to. You're a nice guy, really, but I can't like you back in the same way you like me. I'm sorry."

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