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"Are you sure you can get home by yourself? It's a twenty minute walk from here. I don't mind driving." Yoongi frowns, as Taehyung insists on wanting to walk home.

"No really, it's okay. I want to stretch my legs for a bit, get some fresh air. I had a really fun time with you today, Yoongi. Thank you." The brunette admits in full honesty, smiling.

The edges of the male's lips curve up.

"I'm glad to hear that. You're a really nice person, Taehyung. I'd love to get to know you better."

The brunette giggles, "You weren't put off by my sudden new appearance?" He points at his own body, mocking himself.

"Of course not. Perhaps I like this version even more." He winks, it seemingly being nothing but the truth.

A slight blush creeps up on Taehyung's face. He's glad it's getting dark so the other won't be able to see.

"Well, thank you for making me feel better about myself. We'll stay in touch, alright?"

Yoongi grins and nods, waving while taking steps back.

"Alright then. Good night, see you another time!"

Taehyung nods, waving back and then turning into the opposite direction.

For some reason he's craving to stretch his legs.

He starts walking down the pavement with an extra bounce in his steps, enjoying the feeling of the wind brushing through his locks and a newfound pump of adrenaline.

Where the rush suddenly comes from, he has no idea.

But it's a good feeling.

Great, even.

Humming softly to himself, it doesn't take long before five minutes pass by. The sun has almost set completely, causing the lanterns alongside the road to flicker on to provide light.

It is right then and there the nagging feeling from within comes back. As if something inside of him is scratching him, urging him. He can't think of it being anything other than his gut feeling, even though it feels far from that. However, he decides to follow it nonetheless.

It isn't necessarily a bad feeling, hence why he is trusting it. It's as if he can put all of his faith in it, because the feeling wants what's best for him.

He takes a slight detour, taking a bend and now finds himself strolling over a small path in the woods. Taking a deep breath in, he closes his eyes, feeling very much alive in the moment.

However, that's when a strong whiff of something else enters his nostrils, causing them to flare wider and his eyes shoot open at the speed of light.


He flinches visibly, stopping dead in his tracks. Within a split second he turns into an owl, his head almost rotating entirely to see who the hell said that.

But, to his utter confusion, there seems to be no one there. The only sound his ears manage to pick up on is the faint whistling of nightingales and crickets, some leaves blowing away in the wind.

Another whiff flares past his nose and it's so strong he can almost taste it on his buds. It would make him salivate if he didn't know any better than it being a dish.

It's a mixture of pine and scandalwood, roses and leather.

Obviously those aren't things one would typically want to sink their teeth into, so he's left dumbfounded at the urge of wanting to do nothing but exactly that.


He hears again.

Once more he shrieks, rotating fully on his heels.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He croaks out, suddenly feeling as if there's a lump in his throat.

But no one responds and he feels funny.


That feeling echoes inside of him.

His eyebrows crash together.

Did he say that out loud himself? There's no way.

Why would he do that? What does it even mean?

"I'm going insane." He mumbles, continuing his previous pace.

Out of nowhere the addictive scent he picked up on just a few seconds ago is the strongest it's ever been. As if on full autopilot he swiftly turns around, seeing someone slowly step into view.

The person stops right under a beam of moonlight, causing their facial features to get illuminated in a way that makes Taehyung's heart beat an extra time.


He hears again. It almost seemed to come from the deepest part within himself, that is if he didn't know any better.

That can't be.

Then it clicks.

"W─wait, you're the guy I stumbled into that day!" The brunette gasps softly.

What a small world.

The handsome stranger seems to be glued to his spot. As masculine, muscled and broad he seems, he also eyes incredibly insecure for the moment being. Eyes round and seemingly unsure, front teeth on display since he's nibbling on his bottom lip.

He doesn't respond, but instead keeps on staring at Taehyung with an expression that causes his beating organ to jump in his chest.

The brunette takes a few steps forward, swearing he can see the male's eyes light up more and more by each step he takes into his direction and the insecure posture to vanish by doing so.

"You remember me?" The ravenette voices out softly.

Taehyung can't remember his voice to be so smooth, so perfectly pitched just the right octave. He also can't remember feeling so giddy in this guy's presence, so great overall.

Wasn't that the complete opposite last time he stumbled upon him?

His heart is beating erratically fast, skin tingling.

"Yeah," The brunette responds at the same frequency. "I do."

The male's lips curve up immediately at the words.

"I remember you too." His eyes sparkle.

Taehyung bites back a giggle, taking another step closer so he's better in view himself.

The ravenette's posture seems to stiffen once his eyes avert up and downwards over Taehyung's figure. The brunette can see the man gulp, his hands slightly trembling and he hears him suck in a deep breath.

"Fuck.." Nothing but a faint whisper.

Taehyung's eyebrows furrow slightly and it doesn't take long before the stranger picks up on it. He exhales through his nose, keeping himself composed while taking a step closer and extending his hand.

"I'm Jeon Jeongguk. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier."

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