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"I didn't tell him that yet." Jeongguk mutters, clacking his tongue.

The beta awkwardly clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, w─well.. surprise?" He croaks, making a small gesture with his hands.

"I─ I can give freaking birth .. to flippin' puppies now?!" Taehyung yells, scarred for life.

Jeongguk snorts, Jimin starts hysterically laughing.

"No, no, 'cause it makes sense! Apparently according to you we're part wolf and wolves give birth to, well, technically puppies─ oh my god I can give freaking birth?! I do not have a womb, I am a male, you are mistaken!" The brunette hastily denies, knowing for sure.

"Calm down, Taehyung, you won't give birth to literal puppies," The ravenette clears up, trying not to laugh.

"We call our offspring, our children, 'little pups' because of the wolf part. However what Jimin said is right. You are a male omega and all omega's possess the ability to birth. You do have a secret, hidden womb inside of you. But you can only get pregnant when you're in heat and I'm in rut."

The brunette forgets all about his sandwich, feeling traumatised.

"I.. I what? What .. what .. does 'in heat' mean?" He stammers, forgetting all words in his vocabulary.

"Oh boy.." He hears Jimin whisper before Jeongguk speaks up. The beta takes a big bite out of his breakfast, glancing into the opposite direction.

"All omega's and sometimes other submissive wolves experience it. Dominant wolves go through rut. It's basically the same thing, but just slightly different,"

He clears his throat, brows slightly furrowed and a somewhat mischievous glint shines in his eyes, although Taehyung doesn't pick up on the last thing because his wolf is too restricted to look at him straight in his orbs.

"I don't know how much you know about animals, but are you aware some of them have a thing called 'mating season?'"

Taehyung nods wordlessly in response, his feared suspicion slowly becoming more and more true.

"Well, it's sort of like that. When an omega is in heat, they'll experience the want to get bred and the urge to please their mate gets ten times worse. Their body starts hurting and it's certainly hell for them when they do not have anyone to help them through it. Pills exist, however on long term it's very harmful for their health. It could even cause infertility,"

Taehyung's cheeks are dusted pink the more the elder goes on. He's too blunt with it. How could he say such an obscene, bold thing just like that?

"As for rut, dominant wolves will experience the want to breed. The urge to please their mate and provide gets ten times worse. Their body starts hurting, but far less. However they heat up immensely, can get aggressive and can harm those who get in between them and their mate. Pills for reducing rut symptoms don't exist. It's not necessary for them to have someone to help them through it, but it still sucks." He finishes, taking a bite of his food himself.

Taehyung swallows thickly, feeling utterly embarrassed and shy.

"W─when will I.. go through that?"

Jeongguk tenses up, eyes darkening.

"I don't know. You're completely new to your transformation. It's most likely you'll shift into your wolf first before that happens."

Jimin hums, speaking up.

"Submissives generally tend to experience it a week per two months or so. It certainly differs per person, it's almost as unique as a fingerprint. As for dominants, they definitely go through it more often. It still differs, especially depending on the rank. But let's say each month, a couple of days."

Taehyung blushes redder when a question pops up in his head, but he's too shy to ask.

His eyes quickly flicker upwards and meet Jeongguk's gaze for a second, before he glances back down, fast.

He hears the man let out a throaty chuckle, most likely already assuming to know what's on his mind depending on his actions.

"I experience my rut each month for a full week." Jeongguk suddenly voices out, answering Taehyung's unasked question.

The brunette nods in response, staring at the food in front of him.

"W─who's helping you through it now?" He asks, but doesn't really want to know the answer.

Jimin glances at the ravenette next to him, elbowing him when he sees the big smirk on his features and the teasing glint in his eyes.

"You're enjoying this too much." He comments in a whisper, rolling his eyes.

Jeongguk shakes his head, "No one. I didn't want anyone to help me through it because I was eagerly waiting for my mate,"

Suddenly he squints his eyes, a glare taking over.

"For your sake I really hope it's the same for you otherwise I'll─"

"Alright!" Jimin shouts, slamming his hands on the table and standing up.

"Breakfast was great, 'was nice to meet you Taehyung, I'm just gonna .. go." His eyes flicker between the two of them, definitely not wanting to stay for such an intimate conversation.

He awkwardly clears his throat and shuffles towards the door, heading towards some of the other pack members in order to get out of the situation.

"Y─yeah, what he said!" Taehyung stammers, standing up himself.

"Breakfast was nice, even though I didn't really touch my food but that's irrelevant─ I.. erm .. am just gonna .. go." He stutters, quickly marching towards the door.

He puts his hand on the handle, about to pull it towards himself when a dominant figure towers over him from the back, placing his own hand on the door to keep it shut.

"No, you're not. I've waited twenty-three years for you. Plus there are a ton of other things you need to be made aware of. It's a lot of information you must know," Jeongguk states.

"By the way, I give you the permission to look at me directly in my eyes," The man voices out, turning the omega around and lifting his chin up.

Taehyung frowns, finding no inner turmoil apart from butterflies within him as their gazes lock.

"Your wolf was being very respectful towards mine all along. Now you won't feel troubled." He smiles, taking a few steps back.

Taehyung's heart hammers in his chest.

He hums, voice cracking and hands clammy.

"Well, thank you for taking care of me, but my own home is calling for me!" He hastily spits out, in the blink of an eye turning around and swiftly disappearing through the door.

"Hey!" Jeongguk shouts, reopening the door and watching his mate run through the corridor with a fond grin on his lips.

"What am I supposed to do with you?" He whispers, fighting the urge to go after him.

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