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Taehyung giddily struts through town, his fluffy locks bouncing on top of his head.

He finds it strange how excited he is over the fact that he's meeting up with Jeongguk again today.

Ever since the man escorted him back home, he couldn't seem to get him out of his thoughts. It was almost on the brink of turning annoying.

Even though there's a ton of crap going on his life right now he should definitely be brainstorming over or should be considering seeing a very professional doctor for─ he found himself responding to Jeongguk's text within thirty minutes yesterday, putting it as his priority.

Why he did that, he does not know. Perhaps it has to do something with that feeling inside of him, pressing heavily on him and telling him that this is the best choice to make right now. That this is what he needs most at the moment.

He only hopes that feeling is right.

The town square comes in view and the giant fountain right in the middle is hard to miss. The water comes clattering down, the sound of it filling up his eardrums along with birds chirping and whistling happily in the sunlight.

He squints his eyes, seeing a familiar silhouette in the distance right next to the ornament.

A bashful smile dances on his lips as he nears the person, not being able to look directly into his orbs the moment he's right in front of the elder.

"Hi." He greets, his smile protruding as he speaks.

"Hey there, pretty," The male greets back with a fond grin, chuckling softly.

Taehyung feels his cheeks warm up, his insides feeling all mushy. He has to bite on his tongue to refrain himself from letting embarrassing noises slip out.

"You look really stunning today." The ravenette compliments, causing the younger to stutter.

"T─thank you! You look really good yourself." He responds quickly, his tone causing the taller man to laugh in adoration.

The ravenette knows he only has once chance. He can't mess it up. Since the omega doesn't know a thing and is oblivious to the mate bond between them, he'll have to make him fall for him the natural way.

Obviously the Moon Goddess helped a hand, so Jeongguk knows he won't have to start from scratch─ but the thought of being able to fail nonetheless presses heavily on his conscious.

"So I was thinking─"
"Maybe we could─"

Jeongguk chuckles, shutting up to let Taehyung speak first.

"Maybe we could go to my favourite cafe together? They serve really delicious things. I'm quite hungry." The brunette asks, hoping the other would agree.

The ravenette hums, the sound sending shivers up Taehyung's spine.

"Yeah, of course. Lead the way." He grins, having to fight the urge to wrap his arm around the petite male's waist as they went.

He can feel his wolf clawing inside of him, for it wants to claim the omega already, regardless of the circumstances.

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" Taehyung wonders, knowing the other only recently moved into town and still needs to get settled.

"Sort of. It could've been better, honestly. I did manage to fill in an application form for a job, though." Jeongguk announces.

"Wait, you did? That's quick! I'm happy for you. Let's hope they hire you, I'll be cheering you on."

The ravenette keenly turns his head to look at him, his eyes sparkling.

"Thank you," he smiles, following the younger around a corner to the end of the street.

"After this, perhaps we could go for a stroll? Only if you like the sound of that, of course." He adds, hoping the other would agree.

Taehyung rapidly nods, locks falling in front of his eyes.

"Yes, let's do that. I really enjoy going on hikes lately." He responds, his voice somewhat drifting off at the last word.

Jeongguk picks up on it and presses his lips together in fine lines.

How is he ever supposed to tell him?

Is there even a proper way to do so?

The worst part is that he feels pressured not only because he doesn't want to mess it up between the two of them, also because there's a time limit.

First of all, Jeongguk has no idea for how long he'll be able to stay in the area before the hunters realise they're there. If that happens, they'll have to move out again.

Secondly, he has no idea how far Taehyung is when it comes to his newest transformation. He doesn't know how many differences the other has noticed already and how many things have changed to what they always should've been by now.

All in all, the ravenette has to somehow get a clearer picture of that, so he manages to tell him before he shifts into the wolf inside of him for the very first time ever.

That isn't only dangerous because of his rare rank, also because of the fact that the first time is the worst time for each and everyone. Perhaps even worse for him, since his wolf has been hiding within him for supposedly twenty years long.

Another thing he has to figure out. Why did this happen now? What happened to him in his younger days?

And he can't forget the fact that if Taehyung shifts, he is in a very vulnerable state. If a hunter manages to see him, it'll be over for him.

Jeongguk's head feels like it's exploding with worries and thoughts. He takes a deep breath, noticing they arrived.

He jogs to open the door for the omega, watching as the male's cheeks slowly get more pigmented.

"Thank you.." He smiles, entering the cafe first.

The ravenette follows suit, eyebrows raising up when he realises something.

"What a small world, this is the cafe I applied for!" He exclaims as they sit down across from each other.

"No way! You have taste, I'll give you that." Taehyung giggles.

"Ah, Kim Taehyung! Our favourite customer!" A familiar voice beams.

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