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"Mrs. Lancelin! Good afternoon to you." Taehyung greets with a polite smile, watching as the woman struts towards their table.

"Good afternoon to the both of you too!" She grins back, orbs switching between the two of them.

"Oh, you brought another friend?" She wiggles her eyebrows, causing Taehyung to giggle.

"Yeah, I did. This is Jeongguk. He only recently moved into town. He actually applied for a job in your cafe!" The brunette introduces, not forgetting to add the last part with the hope it'll do him good.

"Did he now?" Lancelin glances at the taller male, watching as he nods with a grin.

"I did, yesterday evening. I'm eagerly waiting for a response." He retorts, watching the woman's facial expressions closely.

"Well then, I'll take a look at it within a few. Perhaps you're in luck today." She winks, averting her eyes back towards Taehyung.

"What can I get you two? For you your usual?"

The brunette's smile widens. "Yeah, that sounds great." He turns to look at the man across from him, shivers shooting up his spine when they accidentally meet eyes, his breath hitching in his throat.

"W─what would you like, Jeongguk?" He stutters, not being able to keep looking at him directly for long.

The other's dark brown orbs are too deep, pulling him in entirely. His gaze is too strong for him to handle and his expression screams confident, his aura radiates off 'strong alpha-male.'

Huh. Taehyung wonders where the insecure-seeming man went the night they met for the second time.

"What would you recommend, Taehyung?" Jeongguk asks, his voice somehow sounding ten octaves deeper, raspier, causing goosebumps to form on the brunette's arms.

"U─um, w─well, I personally really like their caramel macchiato and strawberry cheesecake. That's what I always order. However they have tons of different things, they're all really good. Would you prefer to look at the menu first?" Taehyung is proud of himself for only stuttering twice.

"Hm, no, that's alright. I'll take what you have, that sounds good."

"Alright, two caramel macchiato's and strawberry cheesecakes coming right up." The woman nods, turning on her heels and disappearing around the corner for a few minutes.

The brunette glances out of the window, feeling his face heat up the longer he can sense the other staring. After a long few seconds he clears his throat, deciding to speak up in attempt to lessen his anxiety and calm down the wierd feeling inside of him.

"What a coincidence─ my favourite cafe turns out to be the one you applied for." He starts with, that being the first thing that came to his mind.

"Yeah, it is! But now that I know your usual, perhaps I'll surprise you with it sometimes in the future after I finish my shifts." The male winks, grinning.

Taehyung's mouth forms an 'O' shape, not knowing what to respond to that.

"Why would you.. erm, t─thank you.." He breathes out, feeling all shy and flustered.

He's completely new when it comes to feeling like this, but he certainly doesn't hate it. In fact, he finds himself to quite love experiencing these kinds of sudden new things.

"Here you go boys, your orders." The woman pipes, walking up to them whilst professionally balancing the drinks and edibles.

She puts them on the table and folds her arms over each other, turning to look at Jeongguk.

"I took a look at your form just now and it seems really promising. If you're certain and truly up for working here, you can start next week if you'd like. The only question I have is why you'd choose to work here, when you have loads of more potential in store."

The ravenette chuckles, shaking his head.

"Well thank you, but like Taehyung said, I only recently moved here. I don't know for how long I'll be staying, and for now, I just desire to do something simple yet fulfilling."

The woman 'aah's, nodding in return. She responds to his words but Taehyung's mind drifts too far off in order to catch up on their ongoing conversation.

Did he hear that correctly?

Is the ravenette planning on moving out in the nearby future?

He doesn't know why, but he feels like crumbling up in bed underneath his blanket, hiding away from the world by hearing those words. His heart pulsated, somewhat sliding down to his stomach.

The brunette furrows his brows, turning to look at his order in front of him on the table. He mindlessly picks up the fork and starts stabbing around one of the strawberries, too deep in thought to realise Jeongguk's and Lancelin's conversation ended.

"─day, Taehyung?"

The aforementioned slightly flinches, blinking himself back into actuality.

"O─oh, I'm sorry. What were you saying?" He apologises, his head rosing back up.

"I said it's amazing that I managed to get myself a job here within the span of a day. You told me you are looking for a job too, right? They're still searching for more staff! Wouldn't this be something for you? We'd be colleagues!" Jeongguk exclaims, seeming really happy with the last thing he said.

The brunette hums, nodding as he debates on it.

"Yeah, that actually sounds really nice. Why didn't I think of that before? Hey, if we're going to be colleagues, we'll get to hang out every day." He smiles, not sure why he added the last part.

It just felt right.

Jeongguk smirks, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, we would. But even if we wouldn't be, I'd still be more than ecstatic to hang out with you every single day nonetheless."

Taehyung quickly stuffs his mouth full of cake, his cheeks turning strawberry red.

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