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"Pfft, 'I have a wolf inside of me,' as if,"

The brunette mumbles to himself as he enters his apartment, locking the door behind him.

"They're just a bunch of kind and handsome druggies who started to believe their own fantasy," He comes up with, trying to make himself believe that instead of the crazy, terrifying truth.

"But nah-ah, they're not fooling this one! I'm not about to get dragged into it. Heart, you need to stop flippin' when you're with him because I can't be with a lunatic," He talks to himself, trying his very best to adapt his thoughts and feelings.

"I'm going to get my life together, start working on monday, and pretend all is good in the world." He nods, slightly flinching when his phone starts blaring.

Without glancing at the caller ID he picks up, momentarily freezing at the person's voice.

"Taehyung? I wanted to apologise to you. I've been spamming you with messages but you ignored them. I understand why you're upset, and you have every right to be. I was drunk, please let me make it up to you."

Taehyung sighs, furrowing his brows. He doesn't like drama and certainly doesn't enjoy staying mad at someone.

"What did you have in mind, Yoongi? How are you going to make up for it?"

"I'll come over! I'll be there within thirty, alright?"

"Fine, but your apology better be good."

The brunette nibbles on his already bruised lip.

The call ends and he sighs out once more, flopping down on the couch.

He rubs his forehead, feeling heavily overstimulated.

"What am I going to do?" He groans, grabbing a pillow and placing it over his face, hugging it there.

"Why is my life suddenly so extraordinary?" He mumbles against the material, his voice coming out muffled.

It doesn't take long before the doorbell rings, causing him to sit up straight.

Taking a deep breath in, he drags himself towards the door and opens it. In view comes a familiar peppermint haired guy.

"Taehyung.." He starts, staring at the male with a small, guilty smile.

"Come on in, I guess." The brunette steps aside, watching as he enters. He folds his arms over each other, not moving away from the door.

"I'm really, really sorry, Taehyung," Yoongi starts, trying to reach out his hand.

The brunette takes a step to the side, not wanting his hands on him again.

"Please give me another chance! I'll make it up to you. I really like you and I truly want that feeling to be reciprocated." Yoongi adds, trying to win him over.

Taehyung ponders on forgiving him, noticing the sad glint in his eyes.

His shoulders slump downwards as he goes, "It's okay, Yoongi. You were drunk and only tried to force me to dance with you. Let's just forget about it, okay? I know you're a nice guy."

The male's eyes spark with happiness. A big gummy smile takes over his face.

"Thank you! I really hoped you'd say that. Does that mean I get to take you out on another date sometime? I promise you, history won't repeat itself. Let me try to swoon you." He winks, chuckling a little.

Taehyung's orbs slightly widen, hands turning clammy and his heartbeat picking up. His forehead feels tingly and his gut twisted. Suddenly he feels something claw at his insides, whimpering away.

Supposedly knowing what it is but blatantly ignoring it, he starts stammering,

"Um.. I─I mean─"

"I promise you won't regret it! I'll pick you up after your shift on monday, how does that sound? I know they close at seven."

Alarm signs flare off inside of the brunette, everything feels wrong about it. But for some reason because of the other's determination and the huge smile on his face, he doesn't dare to say no. Or, doesn't know how to.

"Erm─ I guess I don't know how to say this, b─"

"I'll see you on monday, alright, Taehyung?" Yoongi interrupts him, not wanting him to finish that sentence.

"I'll be going now. Oh and by the way, I got you these.." Yoongi suddenly puts a plastic bag he was holding on the couch, starting to take steps back towards the direction of the door.

Taehyung frowns. He didn't even notice the other brought something with him.

He opens his mouth wanting to comment on it, but the Yoongi was already opening the door, beating him to it.

"Have a nice day, Taehyung. I'm excited for monday." He sends another wink into his direction and with that, he disappears out of the apartment, closing the door behind him with a soft thud.

It takes a few seconds before the brunette comprehends what just happened. He exhales loudly, walking over towards the plastic bag and peeking into it.

Guilt starts nibbling at him. Perhaps it's something else that does, but Taehyung prefers believing in the first.

He reaches into the bag and pulls out a small pot of adorable flowers, grabbing a box of chocolates out of it next.

"Maybe he isn't that bad.." He mumbles, trying to convince himself to give it a fair shot even though he suddenly feels so nauseous he fears he'll throw the uncomfortable lump in his throat up.

"Perhaps this is my only shot at living a normal, ordinary human life.." He continues, even though he can feel the whirlwind within him escalate again.

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