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The sound of roughly a hundred voices conversing together within the chaos fills up the hall.

Jeongguk sighs to himself, knowing Jimin warned him.

"The alpha would never agree with you and this idea of yours!" One of his own pack members suddenly exclaims.

The ravenette takes a very deep inhale, trying to overcome the feeling of his heart pulsating and squeezing inside his chest.

"Everyone, please quiet down." Jeongguk hushes, gesturing with his hands.

"She's right! The alpha would never agree with this. Where is he? We need him!" Another voice suddenly shouts.

The ravenette's eyes shut close. His worries and self-doubts were right. He isn't a good alpha, the others won't seek refuge in him. How is he supposed to lead them, when they all doubt him?

The voices continue again, the short silence no longer. Now they're all wondering where their alpha went.

Eventually he can feel his blood starting to boil up, his own hurt overtaking him.

"Everyone, silence!" He exclaims loudly, causing everyone to shut up immediately.

They all turn to look at him.

"My father has passed away.." He managed to croak out, causing some to gasp and others to turn drastically white.

Suddenly, it was painfully silent.

Jimin pushes himself through the crowd, glancing at his friend with wide, worried eyes at the newest information.

"During the recent attack, he was shot. The poison got to him and it was only a matter of time. I went to check up on him an hour ago, and he─" The male shuts his eyes close, a tear escaping and rolling down his cheek.

"He already died," He finishes, gulping.

"I didn't get to discuss this plan with him, unfortunately. But I know one thing, and that is that he has always wanted what's best for us. It's the same thing I want,"

The ravenette glances at the people, eyes finding Jimin's.

"Like I just told you, our chances of survival are slim if we all stay here. We can't sit here and await the hunters to come for us. We must hide. They expect us to do so in the forest, so that is exactly what we won't do. We'll do the complete opposite and move to town,"

He watches as a few people shake their heads.

"We'll have to split up in groups, imagine small packs. Rather that some of us survive, than no one at all. One group will move to the nearest town, the other two will move towns farther away. Otherwise we'll only draw attention to ourselves. I know it's certainly not the best plan, but we have to at least try. It's better than nothing."

"And I'm with you." Jimin voices out, offering a very small smile and walking up to stand next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you.." Jeongguk whispers, nodding once.

"Since Jeongguk is the alpha's son, he'll have to proceed with his role. As the only heir, he is now the new alpha. You can either accept this, or turn to fend for yourself. It's entirely your decision." Jimin states the necessary words.

The ravenette slightly raises his head, standing broad and tall. He could only watch as the people whisper to one another, all debating on what to do.

At some point, one person walks up to the front with lips pressed together in fine lines.

"My apologies, I just don't believe in this plan. I deeply trusted the previous alpha, but in this I'd rather be led by someone more experienced."

With that, the individual turns to leave and heads out of the door.

Jeongguk inhales deeply, trying to not let it get to him.

"Anyone else who'd rather leave than accept their new alpha?" Jimin voices again.

Another two wolves head out of the door, but the rest stays put.

"Alright.." Jeongguk exhales. "Like I said, we'll split up into three groups,"

He turns to look at the alpha of the allies' pack.

"If you agree, we'd like for you to join ours. We have to be able to communicate at any cost, and if needed, you can easily reach out to your fellow pack members."

The man seems to hesitate. After a long second or five, he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, but as you can probably understand from one alpha to another, you wouldn't want to leave your own pack behind. I agree with your plan, but I'd rather have my own pack split up in two and yours to do the same. That way we both carry our own responsibilities in case anything happens."

"Very well," Jeongguk nods. "I'll form the first group with Jimin. If you'd like to join our half in the nearest town, please step forward."

One person after the other does as told, creating an even split-up. The other pack does the exact same.

"Okay, it's entirely up to you which towns you choose." Jeongguk glances at the other alpha.

"I would say we'll let you know, but I think it's safer if we don't. In that case the hunters won't be able to gather information about our whereabouts if one of our pack members gets caught. We have to block their leads the best we can."

"I totally agree with you. The only thing that remains is the question when we are going to meet up again. We can't stay like this forever, but the hunters will be crawling around everywhere. Until they don't, we can't get back together. How are we going to stop them?"

"I'm afraid that for now, we can't," The other alpha answers the ravenette.

"For now, all we can do is hide, hope they'll eventually lose interest. We can only defend ourselves in the utmost critical situation, because if we go around and bite those who we think are hunters, they'll only become aware of our hiding spots. Furthermore, we don't want to take innocent lives by accident."

Jeongguk nods, sighing out. It's silent for a full minute, everyone glances at one another.

"Very well, then. Let's get the preparations going, we have to be out of here by dawn."

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