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"No way! See, I told you, you worried for nothing! Fate always has its way." Jimin pats his own shoulder, causing the alpha in front of him to roll his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, you were right and I was wrong. It was purely coincidental, really," Jeongguk grins, remembering vividly how he stumbled upon his mate for the second time.

"And this time around, he actually seemed to be interested in me. You have no idea how happy that made me." He adds, averting his eyes back towards the beta who is staring at him with a teasing smile tugging on his lips.

"Don't give me that face. You'll know the feeling the moment you stumble upon your own other half." The ravenette smirks, nudging the other's shoulder.

"Oh, I know, but for now I can just tease you about you being all lovesick. It's an adorable sight─ a big, strong alpha being all weak and tiny for his omega." Jimin taunts, smile widening the more he watches the man in front of him get agitated.

"Okay that's enough, shut up." Jeongguk grumbles out, feeling the wolf inside of him wanting to snap because of its hurt ego.

"What are you waiting for anyway? Text him! You said you have his number now, right?" The beta pushes, knowing if he didn't, it would take ages before the male would gather the courage to do so, since he knows the other doesn't want to fuck it up.

"Alright, fine. To prove to you that I am not afraid, I will." Jeongguk smirks, pulling his phone out of his pocket while trying to hide his trembling fingers.

His thumbs swiftly dance across the screen, typing numerous of greetings but he ends up backspacing all of them. None of them sound right.

Jimin chuckles, shaking his head. Within a split second the alpha's phone finds itself in the beta's hands instead.

"Hey Taehyung, when are you free? I would love to hang out with you one of these days." Jimin voices out what he is typing, not wasting another second before he presses on send.

He hands the phone back, trying to refrain from laughing out loud noticing the glare that is shot his way.

"Why now, you should be thanking me! I did what you could not." The beta smiles innocently, turning on his heels.

"As if! I was about to do it but you snatched the device before I could do so." Jeongguk states, staring at the smaller guy's back as he nears the door.

"Werewolf my ass, you're a werewimp." Jimin comments, dashing out of the hotel room the moment he saw Jeongguk's facial expressions change for the worst.

"Who's the wimp now, huh?!" The ravenette snarls, knowing fully well the other was listening from the other side of the door.

The next thing he hears is laughter drifting away, and he's left alone in the room.

With a sigh he unlocks his phone again, staring at the yet unread text. Not wanting to ponder over it any longer, he attempts to search for available jobs in the area instead.

It surprisingly didn't take long before he found a vacancy for a cafe only ten minutes away. Knowing he has to pick something, he ended up filling in the application form.

After that, he was left sitting on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

His eyes close and his hands clasp over his face. Inhaling deeply, it comes back out shakily─ trying to fight the tears that weren't coming.

He has to be strong. He has to lead. He has to block his emotions. He has to stay rational. He has to be prepared. He has to be fierce. He has to be courageous. He has to do many things, and crying isn't one of them. He can't let his sadness overwhelm him. He has to grieve in a different way.

With that, he stands up and heads towards the door. He shuts it close behind himself and drags his feet through the hallway, until the exit comes in sight.

Going for a run almost always works. It usually succeeds in lifting up his mood, making him feel better and it clears his head.

He starts jogging towards the forest, purposely taking the familiar small trail he walked over with his mate.

A smile almost automatically finds itself tugging on his lips at the memory. He inhales sharply, getting a good amount of fresh, cold air into his lungs.

Glancing around, he makes sure no one is following him or in the area before he takes another path, leading him farther into the woods.

His pace falters a little as he abandons the trail entirely, stepping over branches and thorned plants in order to get somewhere he is able to shift without any worries.

The moment he does, a dark, chestnut brown wolf stands proud and tall on four legs. Its fluffy ears are perked up, switching directions as it picks up on all different kinds of sounds.

The wolf sneezes once, starting to jog. Its thick fur blows in the wind, keeping itself warm and protected from scratches.

Jeongguk was indeed right─ doing this always manages to cheer him up and diminishes his worries just for a while.

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