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He pulls back, connecting their unfaltering gaze as the wolf's body starts cracking and shifting back into its original shape on cue─ leaving Taehyung to watch in a trance as the pearly black orbs start changing, hints of brown coming back in until he's staring into a known pair of warm eyes.

Within a split moment a human form replaces the mighty creature, hiding it back in himself.

Jeongguk's orbs flicker between Taehyung's as he leans his body weight on his hands, keeping himself from crushing the petite male underneath him.

Taehyung takes in his messy black locks and lively, fond expression, feeling electric shocks pulse through his veins as the fire between them flares up.

Adrenaline courses throughout their bodies, the warmth engulfing them and their fierce heartbeats synchronising.

Their eyes lock once again and within a split second Jeongguk dives in, their lips crashing together in pure desperation and want as the built-up tension explodes.

Taehyung whimpers. His hand buries itself in his black locks, slightly tugging on the strands as he tries to follow along, mimicking the other's actions sloppily.

Their teeth clash a few times, ragged breaths leaving their mouths.

The alpha enters his tongue, feeling himself and his wolf getting riled up as the wet muscle rubs against the other's, fireworks exploding within him.

He pulls back slightly, nibbling, tugging and sucking on his bottom lip and feeling himself twitch when Taehyung moans.

The brunette mewls in shame, hiding his face in the crook of Jeongguk's neck.

The elder raspily chuckles, sitting up and pulling the omega on his clothed lap. He buries his nose in his brown locks, inhaling deeply as he tries to recompose himself.

"Fuck, omega, the power you have over me.." He groans, playfully bending his head towards his neck to mouth and nip at his skin.

Taehyung releases another whimper, starting to nose at the elder's neck.

The alpha halts his movements, freezing momentarily and his eyes slightly widening.

"Are you scenting me, pup?" He croaks with a smirk on his face.

"I─I don't know what 'm doing.. but it feels right." Taehyung whispers bashfully, his cheeks flared red.

"You're doing it right, baby. Keep going." Jeongguk encourages, basking in pride, happiness and content.

The omega wordlessly does as told, his lips tugging up in a big smile.

He pulls away when he notices the alpha reeks of his cherry and vanilla scent, a proud feeling blossoming within him.

The ravenette cups his face in his hand, fondly staring back into his eyes. Without hesitation he leans back in to capture Taehyung's sweet lips in another kiss, this time passionately, gently.

The brunette feels the elder smile in the kiss, his heartbeat picking up because of it.

It lasts a few seconds before the alpha pulls away, resting his forehead onto the younger's and closing his eyes for a moment. His arms wrap around the omega, hugging him close to his chest.

Taehyung pulls away to rest his head on his shoulder, wrapping his own arms around him.

He never thought he'd feel this free. This amount of pure happiness, of fondness and contentment. He feels entirely whole, grounded to the earth in the best way possible. He never thought he'd feel this loved.

Out of nowhere Jeongguk switches their position, gently placing him on the soil and starting to attack his face with thousands of kisses.

Taehyung starts giggling loudly, his pearly whites completely on display.

"Come, lets go home." The alpha grins widely, standing up and offering him a hand.

Taehyung gets pulled back on his feet and he clings to the male's side, tightly holding his hand, never wanting to let go.

It doesn't take long before Jeongguk opens the door for him, leaving him to walk into the hotel first. They stroll down the corridor until they reach the right room, stepping in moments later.

"Ah, there you are!" Jimin greets the ravenette cheerily, briefly pausing his movements when his nostrils pick up on something.

"You absolutely reek of Taehyung, what were you up to?" He teases, failing to notice the said boy who is shyly standing right behind his mate.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Jeongguk playfully rolls his eyes, stepping aside to reveal his destined one.

"Oh! Hi, Taehyung!" The beta smiles wider, walking up to him and shamelessly pulling down the collar of his shirt, face nearing his neck to inspect the area with a suspicious eye.

"Back off!" Jeongguk growls, defensively shielding his mate away since the wolf within him hated the sudden closeness between them.

"Woah there, no need for violence. I was just checking for a mating mark, calm down." Jimin winks, chuckling when he notices Taehyung's cheeks tint pink.

"He's staying the night. If it's up to me, he's staying here every night until we get to move back to our territory." Jeongguk comments, causing the brunette's head to snap towards him.

"Of course, alpha. The Luna is welcome anytime." Jimin politely nods, absolutely meaning it.

Taehyung's head now snaps towards Jimin, feeling the wolf within himself roll its eyes because of the way he adressed his mate.

He huffs slightly, not going unnoticed.

Jimin grins, winking at Jeongguk. The elder picks up on the beta's plan, devilishly grinning along.

"Alpha, have you eaten yet? I can go get something for us. What would you like?"

The brunette's expressions contort. He stares at the wall, lips pressed together in fine lines.

"No, not yet. Only a small dessert at the cafe. Anything is fine, really. Thank you, Jimin."

"Alright alpha, I'll be back before eight." The beta responds, heading towards the door.

The moment he leaves, Taehyung huffs again and walks over towards the couch. Jeongguk laughs, sitting down next to him.

"Baby, he was just being polite. Don't be a sourwolf now, hm?" He teases, tapping on the omega's chin.

"Were you jealous?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.

"Pfft, no. As if." Taehyung shrugs, glancing into the opposite direction.

"You'll get used to it, love. It's just my title. The only time it affects me is when it comes from you." Jeongguk voices, causing the brunette to avert his orbs back towards him.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung apologises, not knowing what came over him.

"It's totally normal to get jealous when it comes to your mate, darling. It happens really quickly, to everyone. It's just your wolf that gets agitated easily. It's alright, it's cute." Jeongguk smiles.

"Just like what happened to you when Jimin got close to me?" Taehyung teases.

The elder glares playfully, tongue poking his inner cheek.

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