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It didn't take long before Jeongguk reached his own pack's border again.

Listening to the birds as they softly chirp without a care in the world, gives him the reassurance he needs to cross without having to worry too much for his own safety.

The hunters probably moved out of the area for now, reckoning they drove all of the wolves away.

But the ravenette knows they'll be back, so he mustn't take longer than necessary.

The sunset hours ago had turned into the night sky with glimmering stars, now on the brink of switching back to daylight again because of the early morning approaching fast.

Still alert, the dark, chestnut wolf struts through the forest with his ears attently perked up, ever so often changing position whenever he heard some twig snap.

Making sure to place his paws in the softest soil to make as less noise as possible, he goes farther and farther, knowing the town isn't too far ahead.

At the very end of the border he glances back once, making sure there is no one lurking behind him when he shifts back to his original form.

The ravenette appears from the depths of the woods soon enough, stepping on the road and starting to jog. He'll need to follow it another mile or six before he gets to his destination.

It's around nine AM when he finally arrives, immediately heading towards the pharmacy with the latest experiences and worries pressing heavy on his mind and heart.

He's only slightly out of breath once he enters the store, walking up to the front desk.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" An elderly person greets him with a polite smile.

Fishing the small note out of his pocket, he slides it over on the desk.

"I need these items, please." He rushes out, coughing after seeing the woman glance at him strangely.

"Alright, I'll be back within a few minutes. Hold on." She takes a hold of the note and disappears around a corner, checking in the back for certain items.

The ravenette impatiently taps his foot on the ground, biting on his bottom lip because of his nerves and anxiety.

Is he taking too long?

Has someone else died because of the lack of medication?

Before he could ponder on his thoughts, the woman came back with two white plastic bags, putting them on the counter.

"Alright, everything you asked for is in these. It's a lot, are you stocking in for the upcoming two years or so?" She tries to joke, failing miserably at it because her suspicion shines through too much.

"I'm donating it." Jeongguk retorts, grabbing the bags and leaving the required cash behind.

Without any further ado, he quickly leaves the store, not wanting any more questions.

He starts speed-walking back towards where he came from, trying to avoid as many people as possible.

Turning around a corner, he flinches in shock when he collides with someone out of nowhere.

His orbs immediately focus themselves on the individual across from him.

His heart stops for a second, before starting to race within its confinements.

"Mate." He whispers out in pure astonishment.

His nostrils suddenly pick up on the mouth-watering scent of cherries and vanilla. How didn't he pick up on it before? He reckons he was way too deep in thought.

The ravenette can't stop staring at the boy in front of him. He's drop dead exquisite.

His brown locks cutely tucked in a middle part, skin like honey. Coffee bean coloured orbs stare straight back at him, and Jeongguk's lips are tugged up in a small smile of pure bewilderment, surprise and immediate adoration.

Lately his life has been nothing but chaotic, complicated and dreadful. Now this is the best moment of his life he did not see coming in the slightest.

"Sorry mate, I wasn't looking where I was going. My bad."

Jeongguk was still processing the sudden encounter and the delight of hearing his  voice for the very first time ever, when he suddenly realises what the words mean.

His smile starts fading just slightly, but when he notices the pretty brunette hurrying to walk past him, he frowns a bit more.

Without thinking he reaches his hand out, grasping gently onto the brunette's.

Tingles shoot up his entire body at the skin-to-skin contact.

"Do you need something else?" The boy in front of him asks suddenly, shaking him out of his thoughts.

Jeongguk's smile starts visibly wearing off, noticing the utter confused and lost look in the other's cute eyes.

Is he pretending to not feel the bond?

Is he genuinely not interested?

This is certainly not how he ever imagined this special moment to be.

The ravenette's eyebrows violently crash together.

"Mate doesn't recognise us?" Jeongguk painfully croaks out, hurt laced in his veins and his wolf clawing at his insides.

The boy attempts to get his wrist out of Jeongguk's grip, but he only holds on tighter, not wanting to let go of his destined one.

"What the hell dude? Let go of me!" The brunette spits out, yanking his arm away.

Jeongguk's hand somewhat lingers after it, dropping sadly to his side after a long second or two.

He watches the other take a step back.

His expression falls completely, heart sinking to the bottom pit of his stomach.

"Omega doesn't want me?" He whispers out, absolutely heartbroken and devastated.

How can this be?

Yet, he still holds on to his last bits of hope.

"What the fuck are you on about dude? Stay away from me you wierdo!"

Jeongguk's heart shatters at the words and seeing his facial expressions contort rapidly into disgusted and utterly freaked out.

Doesn't the stunning omega feel the mate bond?

But before he could voice out anything else, he watches in utter hurt as the boy takes three steps back before turning around fully and running away from him as fast as he possibly could.

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