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Jeongguk snarls the moment the consent settles within him, feeling riled up to the max.

Their lips smash together again, continuing to make out.

His hands capture the omega's waist, fingers digging into the skin and inevitably bound to leave bruises.

Taehyung's hips start moving back and fort on their own accord, dry humping himself onto the alpha's rapidly hardening bulge in order to get some much needed friction.

The ravenette's hands move up on the omega's body, going under his shirt until he's fiddling and twisting his erected buds. Taehyung lets out a small moan, shivers going up his spine at the feeling of the cold, calloused hands on his bare skin.

"Y─you're so slow, alpha. Want you now, please just touch me." The brunette moans out, causing the elder's eyebrows to violently crash together and his tongue to poke his inner cheek.

"You don't get to order me around, omega. I am touching you now, aren't I?" Jeongguk meanly teases, giving his nipple a hard pull.

Taehyung hisses, eyes half-lidded. "No, 's not enough. Want to feel you, alpha!" He whines out needily, causing the ravenette to groan.

He stands up from the couch and taps his fingertips on the brunette's side, commanding him to wrap his legs around him as he walks towards the bed.

There's not much gentleness present when Jeongguk's wolf takes over him as well, leaving him to throw the male on the matress with a bounce.

"Hurry, want you now!" Taehyung has the audacity to whine again, fingers even reaching for the elder's belt already.

Jeongguk slaps his hands away, dominantly glaring down at him.

"Shut it, omega. You'll get what you want but if you continue to be a brat I'll have to reconsider." His lips tug into a mocking grin, his hands reaching for his belt and ever so slowly undoing it.

Taehyung almost cries, pulling his shirt off over his head and tossing it somewhere. He's left staring at the man, not able to do anything but patiently wait, leaving him completely at the male's mercy.

He feels feverish and twitchy as he lays there impatiently, in vain attempt rolling over on his stomach to try and rub himself against the sheets to lessen the pain inside of him.

Jeongguk growls out at the sight, yanking the omega's pants and undergarment down in one go, slapping him across his arse, hard. It leaves a perfect red handprint, leaving him to chuckle to himself as he watches the younger arch his back with a cry.

He waits a few seconds, enjoying the way the omega is violently trembling as he desperately seeks his touch.

"Alpha, please.." The brunette sniffles. The wolf within him took over long ago, the headspace he's pulled into overpowering all of his rational thoughts.

Finally feeling pity for him, Jeongguk turns him back over and goes to hover on top of him, connecting their lips again for a moment or two. He sucks on his tongue, relishing in the way Taehyung moans into his mouth.

He moves his lips towards his ear, ragged breaths entering the younger's drums and turning him on impossibly more. The brunette can feel himself starting to leak, badly needing more.

"I'll fuck you so good, love, you'll be wanting it every second of the day." The ravenette husks, sucking on his earshell and teeth proceeding to tug on his lobe.

Taehyung throws his head back into the pillow with a groan at the words, eyes tightly squeezed shut as he solely focuses on the way the elder is leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses on his jawline and then his neck, going downwards.

Jeongguk sucks big, purple marks on the supple flesh, all bared for him and him alone. He takes his sweet time with it,  building up the tension as he gets the other more and more on edge, waiting for him to crumble.

He moves down, licking and biting his chest and taking one of his pink buds in his mouth. The omega's back arches deliciously because of the sensation, hands finding themselves buried in the alpha's hair.

He releases the nipple with a soft popping sound, repeating his actions to the other as well before kissing down his stomach until he reaches his length.

He surprises the brunette as he takes him in all at once, moving his head up and down and hollowing his cheeks just right. The omega releases a high-pitched moan, eyebrows contorted together.

His thighs begin to shake and he can feel himself nearing already. Jeongguk noticed it too and immediately popped off, grinning in satisfaction as the omega cries out, shaking his head.

"N─no! I was so close, please don't stop, please!" He wails, trying to tug the ravenette towards his twitching length again.

But Jeongguk once again slaps his hands away, snarling out a throaty "Submit!"

It does the trick as the male's head flaunts to the side, his neck bared fully and all of his bratty movements stopping.

The alpha pushes himself up, hands gripping on the omega's waist as he forces him into another position. He pushes the brunette's head down into the pillow, making sure he's balancing himself on his knees and lower arms before he hastily stands up hinself to remove his remaining pieces of clothing.

He is rock hard and his cock slaps up against his stomach, the tip angry red from the long deprivation of touch.

His own body is softly trembling because of the pure adrenaline coursing through him, the want to please and finish the mating process almost making it an impossible job for him to take his time to prep the omega.

He crouches behind the younger, hands forcing his thighs apart and then pressing down on the arch of his back. Taehyung whimpers loudly, feeling vulnerable in front of the other as his hole is perfectly presented for him. Yet at the same time he can't help but moan out a slutty whine because of it, absolutely loving it too.

The alpha starts to suck dark hickeys on his inner thighs, paying equally as much attention to the both of them. He moves up, groaning out against his skin when his tongue laps up the slick that trailed down.

Finally, after what feels like ages, the male encloses his lips around his rim and gives it a harsh suck, touching the area that is craving it the most.

Taehyung's lips part and he's afraid to start drooling, brows scrunched together.

"O─oh, alpha!" He moans loudly, fisting the pillow he's resting his head on.

He can feel the elder growl behind him, causing vibrations to ripple through him.

The ravenette goes to add a finger, groaning out as he notices how easily it slides in because of the godly amount of natural lubrication the omega is producing.

He slides it back and forth, curling it just right and hitting the spot inside of the younger that causes him to come right then and there.

Jeongguk's eyebrows raise up, a raspy chuckle slipping past his lips.

"Already, pup? I'm just getting started."

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