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It's three weeks later when Taehyung wakes up one morning and his eyes find Jimin's across the room instead of his mate's next to him.

He sits up in bed with a yawn, smiling at the beta.

"Good morning, Jimin." He giggles, stretching.

"Good morning, Tae." The other greets back, a nervous grin tugging on his lips.

It doesn't take long before Taehyung's brows contort together, noticing the vibe is off. Jimin isn't his usual, cheery self and he seems fidgety, unrelaxed.

"Where's Jeongguk?" He asks, pouting a little.

"He's─ he's out." Jimin answers, seeming as if he had to debate on his response. The male immediately glances into the opposite direction.

The omega's heart starts beating faster, his wolf telling him that something is incredibly off. His gut twists uncomfortably.

"Out..? Where?" He asks, really wanting details.

He can see Jimin tense up on his seat. After a long second or four he responds, "At his shift at the cafe."

Taehyung frowns deeply. "We always work together. Why didn't he wake me up? What about my shift?"

The beta glances at him, not able to look at him for long. His eyes dart all over the place and it looks as if he's sweating.

"H─he, uh, wanted to surprise you with a day off. He'll be back home soon." He retorts, the last sentence coming out as a mere whisper.

The brunette's beating organ seems as if it has moved up to his throat, almost making him choke on it.

He stands up from the bed, gathering his clothes and hastily disappearing into the bathroom to change.

When he comes back out, Jimin shoots up from his chair, standing in front of him defensively.

Now Taehyung is absolutely certain something is terribly wrong.

"Where is Jeongguk, Jimin?" The boy asks again, not understanding one bit about what's going on.

"I─I told you, he's working," He croaks, eyes widening when the other walks past him to slip on his shoes, panic settling in.

"Where are you going?" He adds, coming to stand in front of the door to keep it shut and prevent the other from walking out.

"To the cafe. I appreciate the surprise, but I really want to see him. I miss him." Taehyung says, trying to grab onto the handle.

"No!" Jimin accidentally raises his voice, coughing awkwardly after. "You can't. He really wanted it to be a surprise, he clearly told me so. Stay, please. He'll be really, really happy if you do." He dead seriously exclaims, emphasising the 'really' part.

Taehyung can feel all of his senses tingling. His chest moves up and down unevenly, everything feeling off.

Something really isn't right.

"I'm sorry, but I really want to see him." The brunette stubbornly says, attempting to get past Jimin but the male doesn't budge.

At this point he's getting frustrated, eyebrows contorted together. He can feel himself grow more and more worried and he just wants to make sure the elder is indeed peacefully working at the cafe, that's all.

"Jimin, please move out of the way." He pleads, glancing at his face.

The beta shakes his head, putting his hands on his shoulders and trying to get him to sit down on the chair.

"You still haven't eaten breakfast! I got something earlier this morning, are you hungry?" He tries to change the topic, pointing towards a plastic bag on the counter.

Everything within Taehyung is screaming at him to exit that door. So with a deep inhale, he presses his eyes shut trying to gather courage for the thing he's about to do next.

He tries to push aside the guilt he's bound to feel afterwards regarding his friend, speaking up with determination.

"Jimin, as your Luna, I'm ordering you to let me go."

The beta stands there flabbergasted, seemingly having an internal battle with himself.

Within that moment, Taehyung takes the opportunity to fly past him, out of the door.

He sprints through the corridor, exiting the hotel and dashing towards the cafe's direction.

He's out of breath by the time he runs over the familiar trail that brings him happy memories, yet continues to run until the cafe comes in sight.

Not hesitating even a second, he opens the door and his eyes immediately prawn around in order to spot a very dear ravenette. He takes a big breath, not picking up on his scent either.

"Oh, Taehyung! Did you come to get something to eat?" The voice of Mrs. Lancelin reaches his ears and he shakes his head.

"No, I'm searching for Jeongguk." He answers, smiling regardless of his anxiety.

"He hasn't been here since he informed me yesterday morning that he is resigning. I hope you'll enjoy your off day, Taehyung." The woman smiles, needing to continue working since it is busy.

The boy's heart plummets.


Did he hear that correctly?

He turns on his heels and is about to exit the shop, when he makes a U-turn back towards Lancelin.

"My apologies, but I'm resigning as well. A lot of things came up and I won't have the time to continue working here. I'm sorry." He says, watching as the woman frowns.

However he doesn't give her the time of the day to respond, as he already dashed back outside, disappearing around the corner.

Mate is in danger!

He suddenly hears from within him, goosebumps appearing on his entire body when his wolf hits the full alarm.

He tugs on his hair, turning in circles on his heels as he tries to understand what is going on and where the hell Jeongguk is.

'I just desire to do something simple yet fulfilling since I don't know for how long I'll be staying here.'

A flashback pops up within him, the time when he introduced Jeongguk to Mrs. Lancelin coming back to him as a memory.

And suddenly, as if all of his instincts and his gut feeling kicked in at once─ his feet were moving him out of town and six miles down the road, towards a border on the left.

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