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"I'll see you guys monday! Have a great week you two." Mrs. Lancelin says her goodbye for now, watching as the two boys head towards the door.

"Thank you, miss! Have a great week!" Taehyung smiles, waving.

Jeongguk can only stare at him in utter adoration, finding his mate impossibly cute.

"You didn't have to pay, by the way. But thank you anway." The brunette voices the moment they start walking towards a familiar path.

"It's alright, Taehyung. It was my pleasure." A lopsided grin tugs on his lips.

They continue to walk in silence for a minute or two, both of them deep in thought about the other without realising. It wasn't awkward at all, rather peaceful and nice.

The time they shared at the cafe was the best. They conversed about their likes and dislikes, their opinions on different kinds of topics and shared tons of jokes. Taehyung finds it unbelievably easy to be in the other's presence. Almost as if they've known each other for a few years already, even though this is only the third time they've met.

Jeongguk's brows are slightly furrowed,   a small crease on his forehead.

He knows he has to slowly start asking questions in order to get a clearer picture, but he doesn't want to scare him off.

In the end he clears his throat, deciding to just go for it.

"I couldn't help but notice your new appearance. You look really good." Jeongguk compliments, one hundred percent meaning it.

The omega is drop dead stunning.

Taehyung's posture somewhat stiffens up, but only slightly.

"Oh, thank you," he giggles softly, wondering if he could talk to Jeongguk about it. After picking up on how understanding the other male is, he reckons it perhaps wouldn't be the worst idea to tell him certain things that have been bothering him lately.

"Believe it or not, I actually woke up like this not too long ago," He breathes out, deciding to put his trust in him and the feeling within him that's telling him it's all perfectly fine.

The ravenette hums, attently listening and his eyes not leaving the omega's face.

"I have no idea whether this is even scientifically possible. Well, it is, otherwise I wouldn't be looking like this but.. it shouldn't be. A─a lot of things changed out of absolutely nowhere." Taehyung stammers, his eyebrows crashing together.

Their pace slows down the moment they're out of town, now finding themselves surrounded by bushes and trees.

"You can tell me anything, Taehyung. It's alright. I promise." Jeongguk states seriously, causing the smaller boy to glance up at him.

His heart speeds up within his chest noticing the way the other is staring at him. He doesn't even have to ponder on it, it's like everything goes automatically from there.

"Well.. now that I think about it, it all started the day I stumbled into you for the first time. Before I could even hop on my bike, my head started throbbing and paining, it was insane how much it hurt. The moment I arrived home, I took an Advil, but it didn't even help. It only got worse and I remember fainting," Taehyung admits, fiddling with his hands.

"It all started with physical pains such as migraines and this odd ache in my gums. Then I thought I was imagining things when I first started thinking my face was changing. My personality, likes and dislikes and the way my mind works started having adaptations as well. At some point my friends started noticing my wierd, unusual behaviour. It was hard to miss because I suddenly felt so out of place I didn't know what to do with myself," He clears his throat before he continues on, feeling very relaxed and comfortable in the elder's presence.

"Then suddenly one day I woke up with a completely new body. My senses dulled before they came back ten times better and the ache in my gums─ uh.. disappeared but.." He sighs, shutting his eyes for a moment.

Should he continue? What if Jeongguk thinks he's absolutely insane?

Suddenly he feels a big, calloused and veiny hand gently hold on to the back of his neck. Tingles shoot up his entire body and his beating organ jolts.

"It's alright, Taehyung. I won't judge. You can tell me, but only if you're comfortable. I won't force you." Jeongguk affirms, purposely letting his fingertips rub against a spot on the bare skin of his neck in a subtle way, but enough for it to have the desired effect. He just wants to test if he's already this far in his transformation.

The brunette's pupils blow wide, goosebumps reappearing on his arms.

Jeongguk notices the way the male goes pliant in the touch of his hand so he uses the opportunity to sneak in his scent whilst he rubs small circles on the scent gland of his neck, effectively getting him more and more used to his own and ever so slightly marking him, even though he isn't aware of it yet.

After a few seconds he stops, not wanting to freak him out. He mentally puts a check mark behind his earlier suspicion.

"My gums stopped hurting, but when I glanced into the mirror four of my teeth were pointy. It went away after a minute or three, but it was there. I also have this wierd feeling inside of me, almost like an echo. As if there's two of me? And it spoke, once. Like my thoughts, but not really? God, I sound so wierd right now, I'm so sorry." Taehyung groans, shutting up for a second.

Jeongguk presses his lips together, debating on how to go from there.

"You don't sound wierd. Really, I believe you." The man says, watching as the younger seems relieved.

"I feel so strange. Like I'm not myself, yet the most myself I've ever been? I don't know how to explain it. Also, I'm afraid. Actually, I'm terrified. I have no idea what's happening to me and everyone thinks I'm crazy."

Jeongguk stops walking right in front of Taehyung, gently cupping the boy's face in his hand and raising it up so he has no other option but to meet his eyes.

"I promise you, Taehyung, I don't think you're crazy. Not at all. I'll always be here for you when you need me. When you're afraid, I want you to come to me. When you need reassurance, a shoulder to cry on, support, literally anything, I want you to come to me. Alright?"

Taehyung nods, feeling utterly weak on his legs. An actual, almost inaudible whimper came from the depth of his chest and it left him perplexed.

But of course, he isn't aware of the power of an alpha's command just yet.

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