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"Here you go, your orders. Enjoy!"

A few days passed and Taehyung is back to his usual energetic self. Nothing hurts anymore and he feels better than ever, fully content.

He's back to work, happily spending almost every hour of the day with Jeongguk.

"Taehyung, can you please serve table four? I need to prepare the drinks for the group of women over there." The ravenette asks, nodding his head into the said direction.

"Of course! No problem." He smiles, jogging towards the counter.

Minutes that pass by turn into hours, one customer after the other leaving the cafe fulfilled.

Just like that their shifts come to an end, always ending up in the both of them sharing a high-five.

"I'm so proud of you, darling." Jeongguk whispers on the top of Taehyung's locks as he embraces him.

The brunette giggles, heart jumping in his chest.

They close up the cafe and start strolling back towards the hotel hand in hand, humming peacefully to themselves.

"How old were you when you shifted for the first time?" Taehyung wonders, glancing at the other next to him.

"I was twelve, according to my father's words. I don't remember much of it, honestly. I was quite early. Most wolves don't shift until at least fifteen. The oldest age I've heard of someone shifting was eighteen, until I met you." He responds, swishing their hands in the air.

"It's a pity I don't know my real parents. I would've liked to know what they did to repress the wolf inside of me." Taehyung sighs, knowing there's nothing he can do about that.

"On the bright side, everything worked out in the end, no?" Jeongguk grins at him, winking.

"Yeah," The brunette smiles. "Everything did work out indeed. My life has gotten so much better since I met you, it's insane."

The ravenette feels his heart jolt, "Thank you for telling me that. You know, when we first stumbled upon each other, I was crushed. I thought the Moon Goddess made a mistake, since you didn't feel the mate bond and thought I was crazy. Then Jimin wondered whether you perhaps weren't aware of the fact that you were like us, and it made sense," He chuckles.

"However when I started thinking about it, I started wondering whether it would've been better if I just stayed clear out of your life. After all, you spent twenty years believing you were an ordinary human being, nothing was wrong. I thought I totally fucked up and ruined your life by suddenly appearing. So you saying that makes me really, really happy." He smiles widely, his eyes crinkling up.

Taehyung's heart pulsates. He squeezes Jeongguk's hand, shaking his head.

"I can't believe you thought that. Have you seen yourself? You're amazing inside out. How could you not make anyone's life better?"

At that, Jeongguk laughs.

They arrive back at the hotel, stepping out of their shoes and closing the door behind them.

"Oh, Jimin's not here." Taehyung notices, slightly pouting.

"It's alright, I asked him if he could stay with the other pack members tonight. I really wanted to spend some time with you alone. Shall we watch a movie or something? I'll prepare some snacks!"

Taehyung nods rapidly, "That sounds good! I'll grab some blankets."

They both do as said, meeting one another again in front of the couch.

"I have popcorn, chocolate and some drinks." Jeongguk announces as he puts the things on the table in front of them.

"I call dibs on the chocolate!" Taehyung exclaims happily, flipping down on the couch. He pulls the blanket over himself, watching as Jeongguk flicks off the lights and turns on the TV.

The ravenette sits down next to him, wrapping his arm around the omega and pulling him close.

"Here, you can pick the movie. I'm fine with anything." Jeongguk hands over the remote, staring fondly at his mate as he scrolls down the list.

A movie starts not long after, the intro music playing. Taehyung hums as he clings to Jeongguk's side, wrapping himself around him.

Throughout the movie the brunette keeps on readjusting his position, for some reason just not that comfortable any longer.

A frown plasters itself on his face as he can feel himself warming up. He discards the blanket to the side, sitting up straight.

He takes big gulps of his cold drink with the hope of that cooling him down, but to avail.

The uncomfortable feeling within him intensifies, a small, almost inaudible groan leaving his lips.

He tries his best not to disturb the male next to him, wanting him to enjoy the movie and focus on that instead, because he knows he needs the peace too.

However minutes pass by and he only grows hotter, skin feeling sticky. At this point his breathing picks up and his chest heaves up and down, he can feel his wolf's nature surfacing more and more.

A whimper slips past his lips and Jeongguk's head flaunts to the side.

"Tae, baby? What's wrong?" He worries, turning toward him fully and gently holding onto his wrists.

"Nghh─ it hurts, alpha.." Taehyung moans out, twisting on the couch.

Jeongguk's eyes flare wide for a second when his nostrils pick up on the invading scent of even sweeter cherries and vanilla, his wolf completely on edge and snarling within him.

"Make it stop, alpha, please.." Taehyung sniffles, not understanding what is wrong with him. All he knows is that he needs Jeongguk right now─ only him.

The ravenette releases an animalistic growl from the depths of his chest at the scent of fresh slick.

"Fuck, love, you're in heat," Jeongguk lowly husks, trying not to drool.

"A─alpha, I need you, please!" Taehyung cries, shutting his eyes tight when his body grows as hot as lava and he feels a foreign wetness between his thighs.

"Look at me, omega," The ravenette croaks, gently holding onto his face with trembling fingers as he tries to keep his wolf on a tight leash.

"Do you really want me to help you? Once I start I won't be able to stop. We'll be fully connected for life. Do you want that as much as I do?" He seeks confirmation, knowing there's no going back.

Taehyung stares at his handsome face, feeling butterflies swarm in him.

He crawls onto the man's lap and presses their lips together, both of them starting a fast, sloppy rhythm of pure want and need. Their teeth clash once or twice, tongues wetly rubbing against each other.

The brunette moans, tugging on his black locks as he pulls away, his bottom lip still in between the other male's teeth as he sucks and bites on it.

During that action he whispers,

"I've been yours all along, alpha. Please make it infinite."

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