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"Good morning, pretty." A familiar voice greets the second Taehyung opens the door.

He smiles bashfully, "Good morning, Jeongguk. Ready for the day?" He questions whilst he exits his apartment, locking the door behind him.

"Yeah, absolutely. Although I am a bit tired." The ravenette admits.

"Oh, how come?" The brunette attently asks, as they start walking towards the cafe for their first day of work.

"I never told you the reason as to why I moved into town." Jeongguk says, glancing at the gorgeous boy next to him who looks at him with a confused face.

"You did, though. You said you started to dislike how remoted your previous home was, or something."

The alpha smiles at the fact that he remembers his exact words.

"I did say that, however that's not the truth," He starts, watching the male's expression contort.

"I couldn't be honest with you back then, because you had no idea werewolves existed, or the fact that you are one yourself. The real reason is we had no other option, since hunters have been on our tails for decades. They were starting to come far too close and murdered a bunch of our kind,"

Taehyung's eyes drastically widen at the word 'murder.'

"We absolutely love it back there. Our territory is ginormous, there's something suitable for everyone when it comes to cabins. However like I said we had no other option but to move out, attempt to hide in town. Our pack split up, so did our allies' pack and spread throughout different towns in order to mislead the hunters," Jeongguk explains further.

"I've been stuck pondering over what the hell I am supposed to do about the situation. Because of my role I need to take care of everything and everyone, and that's a lot of pressure. I got a call a few days ago from the allies' alpha, saying the hunters are getting closer again. I have to come up with a new plan, and quick."

The brunette gulps, feeling sorry for the elder.

"That must be a lot of pressure on you.." He says, looking at him with a pitable glance.

"It is, but it's my duty. I have to. Luckily for me, I found you. I have yet to introduce you to the pack as my Luna. We're supposed to lead together. You'll help me with small tasks, you're able to get me to relax as well." Jeongguk grins, ruffling the other's locks gently.

Taehyung's heartbeat speeds up, his insides feeling mushy.

"L─Luna?" He repeats.

"Yes, the alpha's mate is called a Luna. It's a traditional title. I hope that when the hunters are finally off our backs, that is if that'll ever happen again, we'll be able to move back into our territory and thrive like we always have." The ravenette smiles at the idea, already picturing Taehyung with him there.

"Can you fight back if hiding doesn't work?" Taehyung voices instead, deciding not to linger on the 'mate' and 'move back' part.

"Our bite is considered fatal. It'll cause terrible nausea and fever, attacking and damaging the nervous system. Eventually it'll cause muscle contractions and failure, causing the heart to stop beating. There is no cure, but on the other hand, there isn't a cure for their ways either. Bullets are already fatal as they come, and they also have this technique with poison infused arrows. That is how my father got sick and passed away."

Taehyung raised his hand and gently holds onto the ravenette's arm for a second, "I'm sure your father is very proud of you and how you're handling this. You'll get through it. I'm sure of it."

Jeongguk stops walking for a moment, grabbing the brunette's wrists and pulling him towards himself, holding him close to his chest.

"Thank you, baby. With you by my side, I'm sure I will." He breathes into his fluffy brown locks, pressing a kiss on the top of his head.

Taehyung's stomach explodes with butterflies, the supposed wolf within him swooning.

However as much as most of him enjoys it and blushes because of it, there is still another part of him that frowns.

It's not that he doesn't believe it all─ by now, the other has indeed managed to convince him. It's the most logic explanation to all the changes he has been through and the way he feels and acts.

It's just that he isn't sure if he wants to believe it─ doubtful whether this is the life he is supposed to live. It feels so supernatural and out of this world, so far away yet so unbelievably close at the same time.

The whole ordeal with Jeongguk and being 'mates' for example, feels so impossibly perfect and unreal he almost starts second guessing it.

Do literal soulmates really exist within this grey and filthy world? It seems too good to be true.

Yet he can't ignore the way he feels around him, as if he's known him for years on end. He feels complete and whole in his presence, alive and thriving. He feels nervous yet relaxed, butterflies and tingles and warmth.

He wasn't much of a believer in love at ─for him, second─ sight, but he has to start believing in the actual possibility of it. Of mates and werewolves, a Moon Goddess who made all of this actuality.

They turn around a corner and stroll towards the end of the street, watching as a familiar cafe comes in sight.

The brunette's mind only revolves around the male next to him, totally forgetting everything else.

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