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"Dude, hurry the fuck up! We're going to be late!" The sound of a certain red head's voice and a fist violently knocking on the front door is what makes Taehyung curse out loud.

Taehyung is never late. And when he is, it's because he was a dumbass and forgot he went by bike instead of his car which he spent time looking for─ or because of heavy traffic.

Never, ever, is the brunette late because he's stuck in front of the mirror debating on which clothes to wear to a party because he suddenly feels insecure about every single piece of clothing he has.

Groaning out, he chucks his shirt to the side and opts for another one he hasn't worn in ages. Back then, he disliked it because it wasn't his style, it didn't represent him in the way he wished.

It's a bit too tight on him but not too much. Actually, now that he pulled it over his head again, he finds himself to like it.

Must be a change of style coming in, is what he thinks.

He glances at his own face, clenching his jaw once or twice because his gums are hurting like hell.

Reckoning that it must be his wisdom teeth coming in, he sighs.

"Taehyung! Come out now or we're leaving without you!" Hoseok screams.

The called out male flinches, rushing to get to the door.

"Finally, what took─ you look.. different." The man changes his original sentence midway, after scanning the brunette up and down.

"I do?" The boy pipes, glancing down at himself.

"Uhuh. You look.. I can't explain it. You just look a bit different. Not a lot, but─"

A loud honk of a car makes both of their heads snap towards the road.

"Fucking get in, both of you! Even snails are faster man, come on!"

Both of the boys chuckle to themselves, doing as told.

"Finally, thank god. The hell took you so long, Taehyung?" The blonde groans out.

"Uh, I.. um.." He hesitates, not knowing what to tell them. He doesn't even know what's wrong with himself for the past couple of days, and it seems to only worsen.

"Fuck man, don't tell me you were watching spicy videos? Is that it?"

Taehyung can feel himself warming up slightly due to the sudden accusation and the embarrassment that comes along with it.

"What! No! I wasn't!" He denies, telling nothing but the truth.

"Uhuh, right." Hoseok lips curve up in a smile of disbelief, mocking him.

"Well, good news for you buddy─ a party means enough people to spend a night with. You really need to stick your dick in something other than your fist, man."

The brunette groans, "Just drive for sakes, who's slow now? Don't worry about such things, god."

An hour later, two of them find themselves getting hammered due to various of drinks, dancing to the deafening music.

The other is silently prawning around, feeling very out of place.

"I'll be right back, toilet!" Hoseok yells to get his words across. Namjoon sticks up his thumb in response, dragging Taehyung with him through the sweaty crowd of people.

The blonde starts dancing, trying to get his friend to join him.

But instead of doing so, the brunette awkwardly stands there, just watching him.

"What's up with you today, bud?" Namjoon questions, his own movements not faltering.

"I.. I don't know." Taehyung honestly retorts in a mumble.

"What?!" The blonde shouts, after seeing the other's lips move but no sound reaching his eardrums.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, "Nevermind. I'll─"

Before he could say anything else, a clumsy person bumped right into him and spilled his drink all over the brunette.

Namjoon abruptly stops dancing, watching as Taehyung glances down at his soaked shirt and back up at the drunk individual.

"Watch where the fuck you're going!" The man slurrs out, pushing Taehyung back once.

The blonde makes a quick pray, knowing the guy is about to hear it since he knows his friend's personality perfectly well.

"Now I need to get a new drink.. you should apologise to me." The guy struggles to say, almost failing to stand upright.

"The f─ hey, you were the one who bumped into me! You should be the one apologising, my shirt is ruined!" Taehyung voices back, saying nothing but the truth.

But apparently this individual is an aggressive drunk, pushing the brunette back harshly and spitting out at his face,


Expecting the brunette to lose his shit like he normally does in situations like these, Namjoon is left flabbergasted at the sight of the male cowering and averting his orbs downwards, actually excusing himself for something that isn't even his fault and moving out of the way hastily after instead.

Taehyung rushes outside with newly polyestered orbs, hands ever so slightly trembling.

Holding on to a fence, he glances up, taking a few very deep inhales of fresh, cold air and staring up at the full moon.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" He questions out loud to no one in particular as if he is expecting an actual answer.

His eyes suddenly trail a bit more down, focusing themselves upon the dark depths of the woods.

For some reason he can't cast his eyes anywhere else. His heart starts thumping faster and his insides feel prickly, like something is nibbling at him from the inside out urging him to enter the unknown.

"What was that, dude?" Namjoon pops up behind him out of nowhere, causing him to shriek and turn around immediately.

"I don't know what came over me. I just don't feel so good.. can we go home?" He asks, disliking the stench of alcohol coming from the material he is wearing.

Hoseok erupts from behind the door next, his arms flaunting in the air in desperation.

"I was looking everywhere for you guys! What happened?"

"Taehyung isn't feeling very well, so I'm going to drop him off at his place. You're free to stay for some longer if you'd like."

The red head's smile falters, "Oh, are you sick, Taehyung? That's okay, we can go home."

And just like that, the brunette finds himself laying in his own bed wondering why he feels as if he's floating right above the surface of the earth.

He feels as if there's a giant part of himself missing.

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