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Taehyung slowly raises his hand, ever so gently making contact with the other's.

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung. It's alright, Jeongguk." He responds, trying to ignore the amount of tingles shooting up his arm and his heart leaping inside his chest.

That strange, yet somewhat good feeling seems to be jumping around within his bones, absolutely delighted.

The ravenette grins, but finds himself almost disappointed when the brunette drops his hand back to his side.

"Where are you headed?" He questions, knowing he had to start somewhere. He can't just drop a giant bomb on the smaller male, announcing what they are.

Taehyung nibbles on his bottom lip, glancing into the opposite direction once.

"I, um─ I was heading towards my humble abode. It's been a long day, so I really desired to go home." He kicks away a small pebble with his right foot, hands deeply stuck in the pockets of his jacket.

It's safe to say he feels completely disorientated. Everything within him feels off, and it seems to magnify the longer he's in the other's presence.

Although Jeongguk doesn't look very intimidating, for some reason the brunette's legs feel like jelly whenever he attempts to glance into his eyes. It doesn't matter how hard he tries, oddly enough he just isn't able to do it. It's as if everything in him is refraining him from doing so, telling him not to.

Apart from that, he desperately wants to ignore the fact that the guy in front of him is so handsome, it leaves him flustered and shy on his feet. There seems to be this strange, strong magnetic pull towards him that he just can't resist.

"Ah, I see. I totally get it. I need to replenish at home too since my day has to be one of the worst ones I've had in a while," Jeongguk says in attempt to make some small talk, continuing on.

"I've actually just moved into town. I'm completely new here and I still need to get settled. It'd be great to at least know one face. Would you mind me walking you home? I'd really love to get to know you better, Taehyung."

The aforementioned debates on it, not sure whether that would be the best idea. However the man in front of him sees genuine and kind, so he reckons it wouldn't do any harm.

It's not like he would've been able to decline the offer anyways, since everything within him seems to be barking at him to let it happen.

"Um, yeah, sure. That's fine." The brunette retorts, slowly turning on his heels and taking a few steps once he notices that Jeongguk started to move.

"Great! Thank you. For now I am actually staying in a hotel nearby, however I'm planning on renting something else the moment I stumble upon something better."

"Oh, I see. I will keep my eyes open in case something comes along, then. I'll let you know." Taehyung's lips curve up.

"That'd be awesome, thanks." Jeongguk grins, not being able to tear his orbs off the adorable omega.

Of course he has noticed the amount of struggle the male seems to have when it comes to eye contact between them. However that's completely normal in their hierarchy, the real struggle is the fact that the omega isn't aware of it yet.

He also noticed Taehyung's silhouette that seemed to have transformed into what it has always supposed to look like. And god, was it difficult to fight the desire to wrap his hands around his waist and feel how tiny the other is for himself.

He wants nothing more but to pull the omega towards himself, locking him in his arms and shielding him away from the world, scenting him up.

"So, tell me about yourself, Jeongguk. Where are you from? How old are you?" The brunette questions, eyes trained on the path.

The man hums, "I'm twenty-three. I actually lived in a mansion with friends miles back in the woods, however I wanted to move into town since I started to dislike how remoted it was." He went with, obviously not being able to tell the actual story quite yet.

"A mansion with friends, huh? That sounds so nice! I'd love to live that way. I never minded residing somewhere remoted. I actually decided to live off campus since I didn't like the amount of people on the daily. Plus it comes with a lot of extra benefits as well, of course. But living with friends totally sounds like something I'd do." Taehyung comments, feeling giddy to learn about the other.

Jeongguk's lips curve up even higher at the information. The wolf within him is ecstatic to know that its mate is going to enjoy living out there.

"You live off campus? You attend college?" The ravenette voices, needing to peel his eyes off the omega for a second, otherwise he'd crash into a lantern.

"Yeah, I do. I'm twenty, still taking courses. However lately it just hasn't been the same. In all honesty, I've been wondering if I should call it quits. I have no issue in finding jobs, the only thing I have to double check is the salary. I'm actually looking for a new job at the moment." Taehyung answers, taking his hands out of his pockets since they are starting to feel sweaty.

"Do what sounds right for you. If quitting is what would make you happier and it doesn't bring too much trouble along the way, go for it. I'll keep my eyes open regarding a new job for you." Jeongguk retorts, not being able to stop grinning.

"Well, here we are." Taehyung suddenly voices, stopping his movements.

The ravenette stops dead in his tracks, frowning.

That walk was awfully short, they're there already?

He had been so engulfed in the conversation he didn't even pay attention to his surroundings. Heck, he didn't even notice the moment the small forest trail ended and only turned to bricks and concrete.

Jeongguk glances up, eyeing the building up and down.

"Oh, alright." He awkwardly says, not sure what to do with himself now. This entire situation is not like how he ever imagined it to go.

Taehyung giggles softly, noticing the other's disappointment and awkwardness.

"We'll keep in touch, alright? What's your number?" He swiftly pulls out his phone, unlocks it and heads to contacts.

Jeongguk almost dropped his own, newly bought device because of the speed he wanted to hand it over with.

"Here, put your number in. I'll text you." The ravenette coughs out, his internal wolf dancing around at the sight of the omega doing as told.

Taehyung's thumbs swiftly tap on the screen before he hands it back.

"Alright, Jeongguk. Have a good night." He smiles, eyes quickly shooting upwards to glance at the other's handsome face for a split second.

"Good night, Taehyung." He grins back, watching as the cute male turns around and disappears through the door.

He keeps on standing there for at least a full two minutes, until he sighs softly to himself and turns around to walk away, staring at the omega's name on his phone.

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