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"Oh thank the Moon Goddess you came back safely! Thank you so much for these supplies." Seokjin gratefully takes the two white plastic bags from Jeongguk's hands, immediately going back to work.

"Of course, anything." He replies, voice void of any emotion.

Without another word he drags himself towards the house, stepping inside and heading upstairs to check up on his father.

Upon opening the door he is met with the sight of Jimin handing him a glass of water.

"Oh, Jeongguk! You're back!" The smaller male smiles widely, standing up and engulfing him in a short hug.

"Yeah," The ravenette croaks, "I am."

He doesn't miss the way the beta's facial expressions contort and how one of his eyebrows quirk up questionably.

But Jeongguk doesn't respond to that. Instead he takes a seat next to the alpha, glancing at his face.

His skin tone is drastically changing to a dangerous blotchy blue, telling him his blood is fully poisoned with no way of return.

That's the killer part─ not even the actual disease itself, but the fact that there is nothing he can do in order to revive him. Those hunters put something in either the bullets or the arrows and there hasn't been a cure developed yet.

They can only bite back, however a bullet will always be faster than their four legs. So, they never risk it. Instead, they try to run from it.

The only thing he can do is brutally sit by the alpha's side as he awaits his death.

"How are you feeling, old man?" The ravenette monotonously asks, knowing deep down the nickname pisses him off so he lets it slip past his tongue to try and lighten the mood.

The man tilts his head to the side, a small yet painful smile lingering on his lips.

"Like a strangled smurf," Is what he responds with, smiling a bit wider. "But you mustn't worry too much about me, alright? Do this old man a favour and worry about all the others out there."

Jeongguk humourlessly chuckles, irritated.

"You can't be serious. How can I not worry about you? You're the only actual family I have left and apart from that, you're the alpha."

"And when I die, you'll take my place. Jimin told me about your worries regarding it, but Jeongguk, you really need to worry less. All these years you have been nothing but responsible and caring. You'll not only lead like me, you'll be better at it. I'm sure of it."

Jimin glances at his friend, watching as the male's eyebrows are fully furrowed, his head shaking to the left and right.

Of course the male doesn't agree with his father's words. Stubborn is what he always has been.

"I'm not ready yet, dad.." Jeongguk eventually whispers out, eyes shinier than usual. He's just blankly staring at the bedsheet, not looking up.

"You are, Jeongguk. And perhaps I'm the last person you're blood related to, but remember you always have your pack. The pack is your family, Jimin is. He's your oldest friend. You never walk alone, my boy. And remember, there is a beautiful person out there, impatiently awaiting the day to meet you and realise you're their mate. They'll be closer to you than I could've ever been."

The words sting in his heart and a heavy lump sits in his throat. He's aware the words were supposed to reassure him, comfort him, and they did.

In the first half, at least.

But the moment he began over his mate, today's earlier events played in front of his eyes and his heart squeezed like there was a fist roughly gripping it, causing the blood in his veins to stop flowing and turn ice cold.

The first part his father told him is true. He'll always have a family.

Sadly, the second part isn't.

His destined one isn't awaiting him. No, far from it. He couldn't even wait to get as far away from him as possible, only looking freaked out as if some lunatic was talking bullshit to him.

His mate doesn't want him.

He doesn't even know his name.

"Thank you, dad. I know." He responds in a rough, quiet tone and holding onto the man's arm for a moment.

The alpha grins, tilting his head to look at the silent Jimin in the room.

"Please take him outside for me. Distract him, cheer him up. He looks way too depressed for someone so young and lively."

At that, the beta stands up and tugs the younger alpha with him.

"Try to see things from a more positive perspective, Jeongguk. There could've been a hundred more deaths and another dozen of injured wolves. Your father could've died instantly, but for now he's still alive to guide you. Now you get to say goodbye."

The ravenette sighs deeply, feeling utterly drained from all of today's experiences and sadness clouding over him.

In the end he decides to go along with Jimin's words, nodding once.

"I suppose your right. I should be more grateful for all of the people who got back harmless and to those who get to see another day because of the new medicines. Also for the fact that for now, the alpha's still breathing."

He kicks away some random rock, both of them walking in silence for the next few minutes.

"What happened in town today, Jeongguk?" Jimin suddenly inquires.

The alpha stops dead in his tracks, averting his eyes to the lower ranked.

"What?" Is all he manages to get out.

"I've known you for twenty years now. I know when something is up. So I'm asking you, what happened earlier today?"

The ravenette exhales loudly, turning his head to the right and staring into the depths of the woods.

"I met my mate." He mumbles out.

"You what?!" The beta shouts, definitely not having that one seen coming.

"Well, your actions, tone and expression tell me it wasn't great. Please enlighten me?"

Jeongguk looks back at him.

"I literally stumbled into him. I immediately recognised him as my mate, however he was all confused and freaked out. He didn't understand a word of what I was saying and only wanted to get away from me. I don't even know his name. I could only pick up on his rank. My mate is an omega."

Jimin stands there needing to process the words for a moment. In the end he goes,

"Oh, that explains a lot.. Your mate is a male omega? Those are rare."

Jeongguk hums, eyes subconsciously starting to shine in adoration whilst he adds, "He is so cute, Jimin. So magnificent and special. His voice is so smooth and adorable, I only wanted to get closer to him, but.."

Another sigh of pure devastation.

"He only wanted to get away from me."

The shine in his orbs dim down, leaving a dull look behind.

It's silent for a long second or twelve.

"Hey, Jeongguk?" Jimin suddenly voices, tone drop dead serious.

The ravenette averts his eyes back at his face, interest piqued.

"What if your mate isn't aware of the fact that he is like us?"

That remark slapped the alpha right in the face.

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