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Taehyung yawns after he gulped down his last bits of food, tiredness washing over him.

Jimin smiles, "You can sleep in my bed if you'd like. I'll stay nextdoors."

The brunette nods, "Thank you. The food was really good by the way."

"It was my pleasure to get it for you. But, on a serious note, if you ever need anything, just ask me. As the Luna you get to command others around. It's just how our hierarchy works." The beta grins, shrugging.

"I'll try to keep that in mind, however I doubt I'll use that excuse to get others to do stuff for me. I'm more than capable myself. I'd feel guilty. Thank you, though. You're really kind." Taehyung smiles back, feeling his eyelids start to droop.

Fifteen minutes later Jeongguk and Taehyung find themselves alone in the room together.

The brunette yawns again, too tired to get flustered over the way the ravenette is staring at him.

"Do you perhaps have something more comfortable to sleep in?" He asks, tugging on his clothes.

"Yeah, of course," The man goes to fetch a shirt for him. "It'll probably reach past your knees so I doubt you need a pants." He says as he hands it over.

Taehyung goes towards the bathroom to change, rinsing his mouth with water since he doesn't have a toothbrush there.

When he steps back into the room he heads towards the bed on the right, making himself comfortable underneath the blankets.

Jeongguk appears from around the corner and frowns.

"Are you really going to sleep in his bed? What's wrong with mine?" He mutters out, his wolf very displeased.

"Of course I am. Your bed is occupied by you. Jimin was kind enough to sleep somewhere else for the night just so I could sleep here." The brunette retorts, a confused expression on his face.

"Bullshit. Jimin would've slept somewhere else anyway because I would've made him. You're sleeping in my bed." He states, nodding his head into the said direction as to sign the omega to stand up and get over there.

Taehyung nibbles on his lip, frowning as he does as told.

"Why are we switching beds?" He asks, making himself comfortable in the other bed instead.

The alpha airily laughs, shaking his head.

"We're not switching beds, silly. You're sleeping together with me in mine."

The brunette's eyes widen. He immediately presses himself up against the wall on his side, leaving a giant gap of space for the other.

Jeongguk shuffles in after flicking the lights off, pulling the blanket over himself.

"Why are you all the way over there? I want to cuddle you." He whispers, turning on his side as well.

Taehyung coughs in order to mask the embarrassing noise that slipped out of his mouth. He hums instead, his voice cracking slightly.

But apparently the elder isn't patient and holds onto his wrist, yanking him towards himself.

"Don't be shy, pup. Remember the night I took care of you? We also slept in the same bed. You said you felt safe with me." Jeongguk whispers, turning the omega around so he's spooning him from behind.

He wraps his arm around his petite waist, his other goes under his head. Pressing his body flush against the smaller male, he rests his chin on top of his brown locks.

Taehyung's heart is fiercely beating inside of its confinements, his cheeks warming up.

He gently traces the man's arm with his fingertips, reaching his large and veiny hand and holding onto it.

"Good night, alpha." He mumbles, eyes fluttering close.

Jeongguk's heart jolts.

"Sleep well, love." He mumbles back at the same frequency, pressing a few kisses to the skin of his neck before readjusting himself to his previous position.

Another week rapidly passes by.

Each day Taehyung goes to work together with Jeongguk, spending their shifts together. Afterwards they get back towards the elder's hotel room, eating together with Jimin.

Last night Jeongguk even introduced him to a few other pack members, who seemed ecstatic to welcome him into the pack. It made him feel as if he was home.

"Good morning, pretty. Slept well?" Jeongguk wakes the omega up, knowing they have to get ready for their shift.

"Hmhm." Taehyung hums, trying to adjust his eyes to the light. "It was cold during the entire night, but your hugs kept me warm." He says, causing the alpha to grin.

"That's good, I'm glad. Hey, you have to start getting ready, it's almost eight. We have to be out of the door within ten."

The brunette shoots up, gathering his clothes. By now most of his personal items and belongings find themselves in Jeongguk's hotel room instead of his own apartment, simply because of the fact that the alpha isn't letting him sleep somewhere where he isn't.

The walk towards the cafe is filled with chatter and laughter, playful jokes and a lot of glances.

When they arrive Taehyung flips the sign on 'OPEN' and Jeongguk starts preparing the machines, both of them getting ready for another day.

"Welcome!" The brunette greets when the first customer walks in, a few minutes later.

And just like that the hours fly by, both of the males staring at one another every now and then. Jeongguk sneakily peppers Taehyung with tons of kisses whenever he's near him, even causing one customer to ask whether the brunette was feeling okay since he was so red, wondering whether he had a fever.

It's later in the evening when Taehyung finishes preparing a few drinks, balancing them as he struts towards a table with a few customers around it─ the last ones of the day.

He places the orders on the table, smiling politely as he does.

"This isn't what I ordered," One of the old men suddenly exclaims, glaring at the boy.

"It's not that hard to remember. Can't you do your job right?" He continues on, causing the brunette to lose his smile and insecurely freeze to his spot.

Jeongguk's head shoots up, immediately stopping what he is doing and heading over once he heard the commotion.

He puts his hand on the omega's back, fingertips massaging his side.

"It's just a little mistake. We're all human, those things happen. What did you want instead?" He voices out, feeling the male next to him tremble.

"I want him─" The man points towards Taehyung "to get me what I asked for. Or isn't he capable of doing it himself? Say, if you aren't good at what you do, you should stop working here." He spits.

The brunette's eyes turn teary as he stares at the ground.

"I─I'm really sorry, sir, I'll immediately go and prepare what you asked for. I'm s─sorry again─"

"Are you crying? Oh for the love of god, don't fucking bother. I don't want those damned salty tears in my drink─"

"That's enough!" Jeongguk raises his voice, feeling his heart clench for the boy next to him.

He and the man start arguing, but the brunette is too far gone to be able to hear it.

Within the blink of an eye, Taehyung dashes away.

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