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"We can not stay here. You heard what that individual said, they've only just begun. They will hunt us down, it won't stop." The ravenette brainstorms out loud.

"But now we have numbers! Isn't far more dangerous to split up again? Where do you even want to go?" His best friend retorts, feeling on edge.

"I know, more wolves means a better form of defense but we don't know how many there are of them. Perhaps we aren't even in the majority. Now we're out in the open, basically just waiting for them to strike again. I don't want to endanger our allies' pack either with our arrival."

Jimin sighs, "That doesn't even matter. They are in danger anyhow. You didn't bring that upon them, Jeongguk. Those hunters did."

The ravenette exhales loudly, shaking his head slightly.

"Where do you even want to go?" Jimin asks again.

Jeongguk averts his gaze, glancing at the forest around him.

"Ever heard of the most dangerous place is the safest place? The hunters will expect us to hide anywhere, as long as it's the farthest away from town. What if we did the complete opposite?"

The beta frowns, "Oh hell no. Are you out of your mind? All the people there will notice the sudden spike of new faces and we'll become the talk of the town real quick. That's like putting a huge advertisement sign on your front doorstep with the words 'WE ARE HERE!' I can guarantee you, that won't work."

His eyes are blown wide, locks bouncing on his head as he shakes his head rapidly.

However the alpha in front of him seems determined, scaring him to the fullest.

"I'm afraid we don't have a choice, Jimin. We could hide anywhere, but we aren't safe no matter where we go. They will search every area thoroughly because they know we exist. They won't stop. We have to split up. You are right about the too many new faces in town, that can't happen. We have to divide ourselves into groups." The man exclaims, glancing back at his terrified friend.

"I'll hide together with you, Jimin. I'll keep you safe, alright? I refuse to leave my father's side, I need to take care of him. I don't know how much longer he has. The alpha of our allies' pack needs to be in our group as well, because in case something happens we have to act quick. We need to be able to communicate whenever. We need to take a few beta's, create small packs with the right hierarchy."

Jimin gulps, nodding once or twice. "I'll gather everyone so you can give them your piece of mind. It'll cause a ruckus, Jeongguk. Beware."

"I'm aware," The ravenette inhales.

"But we have to do this. I need to at least try. I can't sit here and do nothing. Even if this plan fails, it's still better than having everyone here, awaiting the day the hunters will surround us and kill every single and last one of us. Splitting up and doing this at least gives us a chance. They won't see it coming and it's better at least some of us survive, rather than no one at all."

"Alright," Goes the smaller male in the end.

"I trust you. I get where you're coming from, I do. We wouldn't have a chance of survival here anyway." He nods his head into the said direction.

"Thank you, Jimin. I'll go see my father and explain to him what I've come up with. Please gather everyone in the meantime. The sooner we are ready to do as planned, the better."

"Of course, already on it." Jimin grins, turning around and speed-walking away.

Jeongguk takes a big, rather shaky inhale, jogging off towards the house and sprinting upstairs.

He knocks on the wooden door once, opening it and stepping inside.

"I came up with an idea, dad," He starts, turning around so his eyes could focus on the alpha's frame.

Jeongguk freezes. His hands turn clammy, his forehead starts tingling.

It's too quiet in the room. The atmosphere is too cold and his gut dropped to the floor.

He nears his father's side step by step, sitting down next to his blue, unmoving appearance.

He's laying too still.

His chest isn't going up and down, his eyes seem to be glued close.

"Dad.." Jeongguk attempts to swallow a heavy lump back, but to avail. It only turns heavier, orbs starting to sting and water.

His shaky hand reaches for his father's arm, slowly and with the utmost gentle touch wrappping around his ice cold wrist.

"Oh god, dad.." Jeongguk gasps out a silent cry, bending over to hide his face in the blanket on the bed.

The young male is left sobbing, his body shaking and twitching as he desperately grasps onto his father's frame.

"You weren't supposed to leave me, dad. Not yet! I told you, didn't I?" He croaks out, lifting himself up.

"Fuck, what the hell am I going to do?" He shakes his head from the left to the right, standing up to lift the white bedsheet up over the man's face to cover him entirely.

"I'm so sorry, dad. This shouldn't have happened to you.." His eyebrows are fully furrowed together, a paining expression sketched on his face.

"This shouldn't happen to any of us," Jeongguk whispers out, face slowly turning more and more fierce and deadly.

"It won't happen to any more of us," He states with venom dripping from his words as he stands up to leave the room.

"It won't."

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