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Jeongguk worries sick as he hastily closes the cafe six minutes later, after throwing the rude man and his friends out.

He jogs over the streets, trying to pick up on the boy's scent, but to avail. It was raining when Taehyung disappeared through the doors and now he can't track him down since it washed it away.

It's getting dark outside. A big full moon adorns the sky, however Jeongguk didn't pick up on that yet.

He is too busy worrying, speeding over towards a familiar trail away from town with the hope he'll find a certain brunette.

"Taehyung?" He calls out the moment the pavement turned into soil, trees slowly started appearing more and more.

"Tae!" He calls again, jogging down the bend of the trail instead of the shortest way home.

"G─Guk.." He hears a tiny sniffle, causing him to halt in his tracks absurdly quick.

"Tae, baby? Why are you hiding there?" He voices seeing him appear from behind a tree, finally able to smell his scent again.

"I─ I don't know.. 'Feel so wierd, Ggukie."

Taehyung is severely trembling and his eyes are watering. He clings to himself, teeth clattering as if he's freezing.

Jeongguk's brows crash together and he quickly pulls the boy in his arms.

Only then when he glances up, he notices the full moon in all it's glory in the sky.

His eyes flicker downwards again, suddenly widening as he suspects something.

"Do your gums hurt again, love?" He asks, heart starting to beat quicker and quicker because of the adrenaline that shoots through him when the boy nods in response.

"Baby, your emotions are severely heightened tonight because of the full moon. I think you're going to shift for the first time, seeing the shape you're in." Jeongguk suddenly announces, causing Taehyung's eyes to enlarge and tears running down his cheeks.

"No.. no! Don't want to yet, 's gonna hurt!" He shakes his head rapidly, hyperventilating.

"I'm with you, darling. I've watched it happen countless of times, I'll be here to take care of you all the way. The first time hurts, yes, but you'll be so relieved once it's over and you won't have to forcefully go through it again," The ravenette reassures, staring into his eyes with a serious expression.

Taehyung starts violently shaking, hissing out in pain when his back cracks once.

"Come on, we have to get somewhere more remoted." Jeongguk says, lifting the boy up in his arms and jogging towards the same place he shifted.

He gently places him down on the soil, crouching down in front of him and holding his hand.

"Close your eyes and let it take over, Tae. It's the quickest way to get it over with. Close your eyes and give in to it and the strength of the moon," He guides, wiping some of his tears away.

The brunette does as told, a pained cry leaving his mouth when his shoulder snaps.

"You're doing amazing, sweets. You can do this." Jeongguk goes on, pressing his own eyes shut when he hears the boy scream out when multiple of his bones crack and snap in order to visually shape the creature that's inside of him.

Taehyung topples over, hands digging in the soil and eyes flickering back open on their own accord.

He continues to scream as more and more bones break in his body, his hair sticking to his drenched forehead and appearing darker because of it.

Jeongguk continues to encourage him, praying that no one is around to hear or witness it.

Glancing down, Taehyung watches in horror as fur appears on his hands.

His bones continue to snap and twist inside of him and at this point his throat is too hoarse to voice out anything, his vocal chords completely strained.

When he glances down again he's standing on long legs with paws, his vision adjusting. He's now only able to distinguish hues of blue and yellow, strongly the colours grey and black.

At this point he's in so much pain he barely even feels it anymore. His entire body turned numb and foreign and he's unable to voice out actual words.

Before he knows it, his vision goes pitch black and everything stops.

"Tae!" Jeongguk reaches over, one hand holding the weight of a petite wolf's head.

He lets him rest for a few minutes, knowing the entire ordeal knocked him unconscious.

He sighs deeply, trying to calm down his beating organ. The worst part is over and he won't have to go through it again if he doesn't want to.

The sound of a whimper reaches the ravenette's ears and his eyes shoot back towards his mate in front of him.

He watches with a relieved and mesmerised expression on his face as the creature slowly stands up, clearly needing to adjust to its new form and freedom after being hidden and repressed for so long.

The moonlight illuminates the gorgeous being, making it appear even more ethereal.

Jeongguk can feel his own wolf going crazy inside of him, absolutely blown away by the pure beauty of its other half.

It's caramel coloured fur fits perfectly with its scent of vanilla and cherries, causing the alpha to almost lose control over his own animal. It wanted to jump out and mark the other as permanently its own on the spot.

"You're so fucking stunning, omega.." Jeongguk whispers in pure astonishment, watching as the wolf stares straight back at him and whines out bashfully.

"If you want to shift back to your original form, solely focus on the human version of you, on the now repressed side. Only when you're ready and if you want to." The ravenette informs, causing the wolf to tilt its head to the side in curiosity.

Ten minutes later, bones start cracking back into their previous shape and within moments an exhausted Taehyung sits sniffling on the soil, looking completely worn out.

"You did it!" Jeongguk happily exclaims, reaching forward and pulling the younger in his arms. "I'm so proud of you, pup! Come on, lets get you home, alright? You need to rest."

The alpha gently helps the other back up on his feet, about to turn around when Taehyung softly tugs on his shirt.

His eyebrows raise up and his eyes widen slightly as he tries to understand what's wrong, trying to read his facial expressions.

However he's left in a trance as the omega reaches forward, holds onto him and kisses his cheek whilst whispering,

"Thank you for being the one who is destined to me. I couldn't wish for a better alpha."

With that the male suddenly collapses to his knees from pure exhaustion.

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