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Taehyung sees stars for a solid fifteen seconds, his vision fading to black as the euphoria of his first orgasm of the night hits him.

He can't even find it in him to voice it out, too soaked up in the addicting feeling of it.

One finger turns to two and two fingers switch to three, stretching the brunette properly so he's able to take what's coming next.

"'M good, alpha, please just put it in." The younger mewls out, weakly begging.

The elder sucks in a breath, tongue darting out to lick his lips as he moves closer. He removes his fingers and holds onto the thick globes of his arse instead, nails digging into the skin.

Taehyung's knuckles are white because of the immense grip he has on the pillow as he awaits the man's next moves. Beads of sweat are rolling down his forehead and his hair sticks to it like glue.

He is severely trembling, the arch in his back perfecting as he tries to move back to get the elder to hurry up.

Another rough spank on his flesh sends him flying forward, a pitched moan slipping past his lips because of the impact.

The moment he feels the blunt cockhead tapping against his rim his chest starts heaving up and down, eyes enlarging due to nervosity. His teeth tug on his bruised bottom lip and he wiggles his behind, really craving it.

"You don't know how to patiently wait for it, now do you, slut?" Jeongguk spits, ramming into him in one go.

All of the air gets knocked out of Taehyung's lungs, heart beating fiercely in his throat.

"S─so full, alpha. 'M so full─" The omega weakly breathes out, feeling absolutely stuffed with the other's thick girth.

He starts blabbering incohorent sentences when the elder wraps his arms around his hips and bends down over him so his chest meets his back, setting a brutal and relentless pace right from the start.

His ragged breaths and grunts against his neck cause goosebumps to form on the brunette's entire body, shivers shooting up his spine as he clenches around him, desperately wanting to keep him locked in.

"Y─you're so fucking tight even after taking three fucking fingers. Loosen the fuck up or I won't be able to last long." Jeongguk groans out in his ear, biting on the shell afterwards.

Taehyung doesn't even register the words as he gets pounded into another dimension, his entire body tingling all over. He throws his head back when the other adjusts his aim and starts hitting his spot dead-on, each thrust he gives him sending him closer and closer to his edge.

The sound of skin-slapping and the smell of sex fills up the entire room, both of their scents mixing together and clouding the air.

Tears start rolling down the brunette's face when the elder moves back, only his hands gripping on his hips as he pulls them back towards himself to meet his thrusts─ absolutely hammering inside of him.

"C─close, alpha─ 'M so close, please don't stop, please.." Taehyung manages to stutter out, lisping sluggishly.

However the ravenette goes exactly against his words, causing him to cry out, about to throw a fit before he realises the other is turning him back around─ staying inside of him as he does.

He hovers back over him, continuing with his previous pace.

Leaning down he smashes their lips together, barely even making out because both of them are too far gone to focus on that.

"I'm getting close, pup. Come together with me, yeah?" He husks out, moving his head to kiss his cheek and jawline.

The brunette nods, nails digging into the male's back and eyes screwing shut as he just lays there and takes it.

"'M gonna come, omega. Gonna knot you so good, fill you to the brim." Jeongguk mutters out, thrusting between the words.

Taehyung's brows contort together, not understanding what he meant with the second thing. However before he could ponder on it any longer, his eyes widen when he feels the base of the other's cock start to grow, stretching him to his limit.

He starts whimpering out and trashing about, shaking his head as he gasps.

The alpha's hips start to stutter before he gives one last, especially deep thrust─ burying himself inside of him and moaning out in utter bliss when he locks inside of the omega.

"Shh, it's okay. You're taking me so well. I'm so proud of you, love." He whispers against his ear, feeling himself start to twitch.

He kisses away Taehyung's tears, lips moving towards his neck on pure instinct when he finally explodes inside of the younger─ causing the omega to come with him because of the euphoric feeling of being filled and knotted.

At the same time, Jeongguk's teeth breach through the soft skin of his neck, fangs buried deep within as he permanently marks the other as his.

Taehyung whimpers out a cry, gasping because of the throbbing sensation. Everything hits him at full force and it causes him to come for the third time, spilling all over his soft tummy as he violently shakes in overstimulation.

The ravenette pulls out his teeth, licking over the puncture wound to seal it shut. A blissful, pure feeling of peace, love and exhilaration thrills through the both of them, causing them to hum out loud in contentment.

The alpha maneuvers them on their side, spooning his omega from behind as he presses tons of kisses on the back of his head, wrapping his arms around him as he waits for the knot to deflate.

"I'm so proud of you, love. You were so good for me. I love you so fucking much. I wish I met you sooner because you have no idea how happy you make me." Jeongguk whispers against his locks, hearing the omega release a tired, worn-out giggle.

"'Love you too, alpha. You're so good for me. Wish I met you earlier, too." He tiredly mumbles, voice only quieting the more he speaks. His eyelids flutter close, exhaustion overtaking him.

The elder smiles fondly at the male within his arms, feeling his heart jolt in his chest. Cuddling him even closer, he shuts his own eyes, knowing he has to rest before the omega's heat spikes up again.

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