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The chaos outside continues for what seems like hours on end.

Taehyung sits next to Jeongguk as he sits up against the headboard of the bed in an uncomfortable position, holding his hand.

Ever so now and then he gives him a sip of water from the cup on the nightstand, his heart painfully squeezing in his chest at the sight of the alpha's face drastically whitening over time.

The omega's eyes fall upon the blood that is slowly getting pushed out of the wound whenever the male breathes, causing the arrow to move each time.

"I am so sorry.." Taehyung whispers, staring at their intertwined hands and the thumb of the other that is still tracing reassuring circles on his palm.

"It's not your fault, Tae." Jeongguk retorts through chapped lips, trying to imagine what he looks like right now.

Is his skin already starting to get blue, ugly blotches?

"It is. It is absolutely my fault. If I hadn't showed up, you wouldn't be laying here right now because you literally turned yourself into a human shield when you hugged me out there." He mumbles, sniffling.

"Baby, listen to me. It's─"

The sudden noise of a singular alpha wolf howling interrupts him.

Finally, the sign of the war coming to an end sounds like music to everyone's ears.

Jeongguk grins, his head falling against the wall behind him with a soft thud as most of the stress flows out of his body, making place for the tiredness instead.

"We did it." He whispers, eyes drooping close.

Taehyung averts his eyes back up towards his face when the other's thumb stops tracing circles on his hand.

For the hundredth time today, his heart drops. But this time, it seems to come to an abrupt stop─ practically continuing to beat in slow motion.

He thought he was too weak to cry and crumble again, but he proves himself wrong when an actual scream leaves his throat, tears once again rolling down his cheeks.

Grabbing the key from the nightstand, he sprints towards the door trying to open it with trembling hands.

It seems as if a second lasts a minute and he sobs louder when the key doesn't immediately go in the keyhole because of the way he's shaking. The fear of it taking too long and being too late presses heavily on his conscious and almost makes it impossible to breathe.

He gets the door to open and he runs for Jeongguk's life, going back out through the window and not even caring about the fact that he got cut, barely managing to feel it over the pain of his heart breaking.

"Help me!" He screams, almost toppling over because of how exhausted he is and how untrustworthy his legs are.

"Please help me!" Another sobs wacks through him, his vocal chords strained and hoarse.

Everyone who is left at the battlefield barely get the time to mourn the losses when the cries reach their ears. Their heads snap towards the male, all starting to form a crowd around him.

One person pushes himself through the others, worriedly glancing down at him─ the alpha from the allies' pack.

"What's wrong, boy? What happened?"

Taehyung shakes his head, the back of his hand clasping over his mouth as he tries to voice it out.

But all that he manages to croak is "J─Jeongguk.."

The next moments are an entire blur to the omega. A few people burst through the door of the mansion in order to get inside, the wolves inside of them leading them towards the room where the scent of blood is the strongest.

He is left outside with the crowd, feeling his head spin and dizziness overtaking him. His vision starts to blur and black dots appear in front of his eyes.

The last thing he sees are two people hastily reaching forward to prevent him from roughly collapsing to the ground.

It's miraculous how one's life can suddenly flip around out of nowhere, turning it into something they never saw coming.

Roughly two months ago Taehyung found his life extremely ordinary and tedious. He was stuck in a loop, every day seemed the same and it just wasn't exciting at all.

Then suddenly one particularly bad day he stumbles upon someone who he prejudged too soon─ because that person turned out to be someone who was the exact miracle he needed in life.

The brunette had to go through some very confusing phases in order to realise who he truly is. And now, he has never been more himself.

And all of that thanks to a certain ravenette who whispered 'mate,' during their very first interaction and awakened the wolf inside of him.

Taehyung fiddles nervously with his fingers, biting on his nails as he stares at the door the pack's healer can come out of any second now.

His eyes are wide in worry and his breathing is uneven, his anxiety riled up to the max.

And when the door finally does open, he jumps up from his seat.

He immediately speed-walks towards Jeongguk's pale frame on the bed, holding onto his hand whilst he expectantly glances at the healer.

"I managed to remove the arrow just in time so he wouldn't bleed to death. Overall he is extremely lucky, perhaps even blessed by the Moon Goddess herself since the arrow he was shot with wasn't poisonous,"

Taehyung frowns at the information, not knowing they could contain lethal substances.

"But fear not, his recovery has already started. Knowing him, he'll be back on his feet within a month."

The omega exhales loudly, all of the tension, stress, worry and terror exiting his body and making place for utter relief and joy.

"Did you hear that, alpha?" He whispers at his sleeping frame, a wide smile tugging at his lips.

"You get to live to see the home you fought so bravely for thriving," He adds, leaning down to peck his lips.

"I promise to stay here by your side until you wake up, and every single day after."

──THE  END────

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