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Soft, peaceful sighs leave the brunette's mouth. The sunlight peeks through the blinds and kisses his face, causing him to look more ethereal than ever before.

Birds happily chirp in the early morning, greeting a new day.

Jeongguk's lips carry an unerasable grin, his eyes a never-diminishing spark.

Taehyung slowly starts stirring, a gentle groan slipping past his lips. The clock reads ten AM when his brown orbs flutter open, slowly regaining full conciousness.

It doesn't take long before he sits up in bed, confusion written all over his face.

"Where am I?" He mumbles to himself, suddenly fully awake and his senses kicking in.

His nose immediately picks up on the delicious scent of pine and scandalwood, roses and leather.

He turns his head and he finds the source sitting right next to him, looking ever so attractive in the ray of light, hair slightly messy and dark eyes staring straight back at him.

A pink tint creeps up on the brunette's face. He averts his orbs to his hands, fiddling with his fingers.

"Good morning." Jeongguk says, his voice raspier and deeper than usual due to the time.

Taehyung visibly shivers, causing the ravenette to let out a throaty laugh.

"G'morning.." Taehyung greets back, sounding so awfully tiny and adorable the wolf inside of Jeongguk got attacked by cuteness level overload.

The ravenette doesn't say anything for the next few moments, purposely leaving a silence in the air.

"What happened yesterday? Why am I here?" Taehyung mumbles confusedly, not remembering how he got here at all.

He scratches the back of his head, lifting his gaze up. There seems to be a hole in his memory.

"Well," Jeongguk clears his throat, turning serious. "What's the last thing you can remember?"

The brunette straightens his back, his eyebrows furrowed as he tries his best to think of anything.

"I remember getting home from college, eating and showering. Also finding this wierd patch of hair on my jaw, which I shaved off. I remember getting clothed and hearing the doorbell.." He trails off at the end, getting a bit more quiet.

"Do you remember anything after that?" Jeongguk questions, hoping the answer is yes.

"No, not really. It all seems like a blur. As if I fainted afterwards or something."

The elder hums, nodding.

"You opened the door, revealing me. I wanted to surprise you, but─"

"But I was supposed to hang out with Yoongi!" Taehyung suddenly raises his voice as he interjects, getting flashbacks. 

"I remember what happened at the door," The brunette goes, indeed remembering it vividly. "Then I went to the cinema with Yoongi, afterwards we were supposed to have fun at the club, but.."

He stops talking again, brows furrowing some more.

He takes a glance at the male in front of him, gulping because of the expression that adorned his features.

"That Yoongi guy had too much to drink," The elder started. "He forced you to dance with him and couldn't keep his grubby, dirty hands to himself," His voice lowered the more he spoke.

Taehyung could feel the earlier peaceful atmosphere turning into something else, pure red anger radiating off the other.

"You tried to get him to stop, but he didn't listen. That's when I butted in and made him quit." Jeongguk snarls at the end. The sound came out so animal-like, Taehyung's eyes widen and his face pales a little. 

The ravenette picks up on it, deciding that it is time.

"Do you remember what happened after?" He questions.

Taehyung tries to ignore what his ears heard seconds ago, thinking deeply.

His heart suddenly starts picking up its speed, throat running dry as faint memories pop up in his head.

"I.. I reacted to something you said. You were pissed at what he did, and I remember slipping into some sort of headspace because of how it played out."

Jeongguk nods, his own brows contorting. He clenches his jaw a few times, speaking up after.

"Do you remember apologising to me?"

Taehyung starts feeling dizzy as he ponders on it, trying to scrape the last few bits of his memory together to form a clearer picture of it all.

Noticing the male's troubles, the ravenette goes to try something else.

"Omega," He calls, causing Taehyung's head to rise up absurdly quick.

As if on cue, the brunette's head starts stinging and throbbing, all of the remaining memories from last night flooding back in, including the emotions and feelings.

A whimper exits his throat and Jeongguk immediately reaches forward, pulling him to his chest and gently shushing him.

"It's alright, Taehyung, try not to slip and let it take over okay? Focus on your surroundings, on colours, anything. If you slip now and let it take over you without knowing what's going on first, it'll consume you."

The brunette does as told, counting to twenty out loud and voicing out all of the colours he sees after, feeling himself getting a little more relaxed.

The moment he does, his cheeks turn embarrassingly red. His head bends downwards, he doesn't dare to meet Jeongguk's face again.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The ravenette breathes out, gently holding on to his arm.

"I.. I called you something embarrassing.." He mumbles, butterflies exploding in his stomach at a specific memory.

"Hm? Did you now?" Jeongguk smirks, tilting his head as he teases the younger.

Taehyung nods a few times, turning even redder.

"You mean.. 'alpha?'"

The brunette crumbles, hugging his knees and hiding his face away.

The elder laughs, finding him immensely charming.

"That was an entirely natural response, Taehyung," He starts explaining, cupping his small face in his large hand and forcing him to meet his eyes.

"You were submitting to me, baby. You were acknowledging me as your alpha."

Taehyung frowns, feeling more confused than ever. "I did what?" He croaks, about to puke up the butterflies because of the sudden nickname.

"We're both werewolves, love. I'm an alpha, you're an omega, my omega. We're mates, that's why you feel the way you feel around me." Jeongguk finally drops the bomb.

Taehyung's breath hitches. At first he thinks it's a joke, but considering how serious the other is and figuring the odd things that have happened to him recently, it doesn't take long before he starts pondering on the actual possibility of it.

"T─that's not possible.." He whispers, shaking his head. Yet at the same time, the snarl from the elder earlier comes back to his mind and the way he reacts to being adressed as what the other told him he supposedly is.

"So that wierd feeling, that echo inside of me is─"

"Your wolf, Taehyung. It's who you truly are."

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