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Jeongguk's wolf's fur is completely drenched in the blood of hunters, teeth shining a crimson red as it bares its fangs towards its next victim.

It distracts him successfully, watching as another wolf takes him down from behind.

Quickly glancing around, it nods to himself seeing the amount of hunters they managed to take down already.

However a new incoming wave of them causes it to throw its head back, snout opened when it releases a long howl as it fires off the next sign.

The amount of wolves present triple, visibly overwhelming the hunters but they discard the surprise soon enough when they start to fight back.

That's when the chestnut wolf picks up on its most favourite scent in the world, now absolutely dreading it.

Its eyes widen in sudden fear when he starts searching around, trying to block out the heavy metallic stench of blood.

It takes a full three minutes before the wolf spots an awfully familiar, frozen figure in the middle of the field.

As if on full autopilot, the creature shifts back effortlessly as the human side protrudes.

Jeongguk's heart has sunk to the bottom pit of his stomach, adrenaline pushing him through the war that's going on towards his other half in order to protect him.

"What are you doing here?!" He screams, holding onto the boy's shoulders as he shakes him and his worries verbally exit through him.

"My love, what in god's name are you doing here?!" He screams again, almost feeling powerless as it threatened to come out in a whisper. He wants to throw up, wishing he could teleport the other to safety.

But that, he can't.

Taehyung's eyes tear up once it settles within him that it's Jeongguk, turning around hastily and some fear slipping away. In a second he is full on wailing, clinging to the elder's shirt.

"J─Jimin was being all wierd and I had this feeling, went to the cafe but she told me you resigned and─ and then I got this other feeling and I ended up here─" He stammers and lisps, hiccuping.

"I─I'm so, so scared, Guk." He adds, shrieking when a wolf flies past him.

The ravenette's gut alarms him and he quickly eyes around, noticing a hunter staring at them.

Taehyung whimpers, sobbing as he tugs on the man's shirt causing him to look back at him, engulfing him in his arms without second thoughts.

The brunette hides his face in the crook of his neck, trying to hide himself against him as he stands shaking on his wobbly legs.

He can feel the elder hold on to him tighter, for a second feeling his entire weight on him. The ravenette airily chuckles, lips nearing his ear as he goes,

"Shh, don't be scared, love. I'm here and I won't let anything happen to you. Alpha's going to get you to safety, hm?"

Taehyung nods rapidly, feeling the elder's hand on his lower back as he guides him towards the mansion in a rapid pace.

The alpha protectively takes him towards the big window, punching the glass and watching as it shatters right in front of him. He carefully gets the other to enter, following after him.

He then takes him upstairs, runs through one of the corridors behind his mate and tells him to enter the last room on the right.

The omega does as told, hyperventilating because of the pure panic. He grips his hair, flinching when more guns go off outside.

Jeongguk's fingertips graze the upper doorframe, entering after the younger when he managed to get what he was looking for.

With the key he just grabbed he locks the door behind them, immediately crouching in front of the omega and holding onto his face.

"Baby, look at me. Look in my eyes," He instructs, locking their gazes.

"Take a deep breath in now, okay? Come on, I'll follow along." He says, watching with a small grin as the omega does as told.

The ravenette inhales deeply with him, coughing. He waves it off, exhaling and telling the other to repeat his instructions a few times so he'll calm down.

He wipes his tears away, feeling his heart pulsate at his deeply saddening sniffles. His eyes are red and swollen, cheeks puffy with stains.

"That's it! Good job, pup! Love you lots, alright?" He grins weakly, standing up to glance out of the smaller window in order to be able to see what's going on.

Only then Taehyung loses his voice entirely, his face drains whiter than snow and actual terror takes over him as he takes in Jeongguk's state.

An arrow is poking right through the alpha's chest, the middle of it stuck inside of his body.

It takes Taehyung a full minute to process, his forehead tingling and feeling feverish. He suddenly feels sick to his core, about to throw up any second.

He slaps his hand in front of his mouth, waterfalls cascading down his cheeks.

Standing up from the bed, he walks towards the male, gently holding on to his hand.

Jeongguk's head snaps towards him, eyebrows furrowing and worry overtaking him once more at the sight of his mate whose state worsened terribly.

"Baby..." The male croaks.

Taehyung shakes his head, a choked cry slipping past his lips.

"Alpha.." He starts to sob so heartwrenchingly, the elder's eyes start to tear up.

So he noticed.

"Shh, love, it's alright! You see, I'm okay!"

He tries to smile, waving off the arrow inside of him as if it's nothing, pretending that all is good in the world as if he hasn't witnessed the same thing happening to someone else very dear to him in the past.

But Taehyung continues to shake his head, his lips wobbling as he stares at the elder's face.

"I told you you were going to be the death of me," Jeongguk attempts to joke to lighten the mood, having inherited that awful habit from his father.

The omega hides his face in the crook of the alpha's neck, terrified of hurting him more. His body convulses, twitching painfully whilst he wails.

"Just close your eyes, darling. It'll be alright." The ravenette adds, pressing a long kiss to the top of his small head and ignoring the tear that rolls down his own cheek.

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