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"You what?" Hoseok drops his utenstils and Namjoon's jaw hits the table.

"I─I quit college." Taehyung repeats himself, fiddling with his fingers.

"Now why would you do that?" The blonde male asks in astonishment, brows furrowed.

The brunette shrugs, "It doesn't feel right anymore. I want to get on with my life, actually start living. I have my necessary diploma's so it won't be hard to get jobs. I just.. feel like I'll be a lot happier. I feel like a new chapter in my life is about to begin."

Hoseok glances at the boy next to him, shrugging.

"Well, we can't change your mind since you already quit. But god, will it be wierd to not see you around here anymore. Looks like we'll have to hang out more often."

Taehyung smiles, nodding. "Yeah, that sounds great. This is my last day here. Monday I'll start at my new job, actually. I'll be working in the cafe I took you guys to. The owner didn't mind hiring me since apparently, I'm her favourite customer."

The men chuckle, shaking their heads.

"We're proud of you, Taehyung. You'll do well! I'm sure of it." Namjoon fist bumps him and Hoseok gives him two thumbs up.

The brunette smile widens. They finish their lunch with a chat and then they part ways, heading back to class.

"Hey, Taehyung! Wait up," He stops in his tracks at the sound of someone calling him, craning his head.

"Oh, Yoongi! Hi."

"What's up? I actually wanted to ask you whether you're free tonight or one of these days. Let's do something fun." The man asks with a fond grin.

"I have nothing to do tonight, so we could do that. I'm actually dropping out of college, so you won't be seeing me around after today."

"No way, that's a bummer! Tell me about it tonight, alright? I'll pick you up at seven. I have to run to class since I'm aready late and Bardot hates me." The peppermint head chuckles out, about to speed away.

"God, tell me about it. I'm so glad I dropped his subject. He used to despise me. Well, good luck! I'll see you tonight." Taehyung smiles, shortly waving.

Yoongi sends him a quick wink and jogs off, disappearing around the corner.

The day went by absurdly quick.

The brunette attempted to enjoy his very last day there, causing time to go by quicker than expected.

The moment he arrives back at his apartment he hops inside, feeling elated.

He takes the time to eat and shower, ending up staring at his new body in the mirror after.

"What... what is that?" He suddenly mutters out loud, frowning. Stepping closer to the mirror he raises his finger to touch a very small patch of hair on his jaw, next to his earlobe.

For a second he considered it being his beard grow showing, but he cancels that thought soon enough.

His beard would be natural, equally spread and his own colour.

Then why the hell is this tiny patch caramel coloured? And why is it that shape? Why is it even on his body?

He glances in his own eyes, biting on his bottom lip in worry while debating whether he has a very rare illness or not.

With a sigh he glances at the time, knowing he has to start getting ready. In the end he picks up his razor, quickly removing the hair and staring at it as it falls into the sink.

"What the..." He mumbles, scratching the back of his head.

He puts on a hoodie and baggy pants, wanting to hide his body at all costs. Not that he is still that ashamed of it per say, but because of the worry that it will start showing malfunctions while he hangs out with his friend.

It doesn't take much longer before he hears a knock on the door.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in, he goes to open the door after with a smile that doesn't fully reach his orbs.

"Hi, Yoon─ oh, Jeongguk?" His timid smile disappears within the blink of an eye, getting replaced by a bigger one showing his white pearls of teeth.

His heart starts leaping inside of his chest and his nostrils immediately take a giant whiff of the other's mouth-watering scent, bringing back flashes of him stuffing his nose in his shirt.

Taehyung's cheeks warm up because of the embarrassing memory. How can he ever face the elder with that act pressing on his conscious?

The handsome male grins, his locks contrasting his sculpted face. His dark eyes withhold a spark as he glances down at the brunette.

"Hey, I hope this isn't an inconvenient time? Were you expecting someone else?" The male questions, hoping he'd say it isn't.

"No, no of course not! You're welcome anytime! However I was indeed expecting someone else.." Taehyung quickly stammers, voice drifting off at the last part.

"Oh," The ravenette's smile slightly falters.
"I shall take my leave, then. I don't want to─"

"N─no, please stay!" Taehyung accidentally interrupts rather loudly, heart starting to beat even faster.

Jeongguk's brow raises up, his smile somewhere between a cocky grin and a smirk.


The brunette shuts his eyes close, feeling himself starting to sweat because of his nervosity.

"I─ um.. I kind of missed you?" He breathes out, wanting the ground to swallow him whole.

He misses the way the ravenette's eyes darken, his posture tightens up and his jaw clenches.

But of course the omega has no idea how much his words affect the elder and the wolf inside of him.

"I missed you too, little one." Jeongguk voices, not failing to pick up on the way the brunette seems to be having an internal battle with himself right after he said that.

It leaves him questioning how much of an effect the mate bond between them already has on the other. He makes a mental note to start testing that out.

Taehyung gulps, feeling floaty. That echo-like thing from inside of him sounds as if it's voicing out a whimper and it's so strong he almost fails to swallow it back down.

Jeongguk has missed him back?

His entire body flushes warm. He's not sure if it's because of the fact that that feeling got reciprocated or because of the sudden nickname, or because of the male himself.

He reckons it's everything at once.

That's when another familiar face pops up, wearing a confused expression on his features.

"Hey Taehyung, I hope you didn't forget about our date?"

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