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A poison infused arrow pierces through the air. The individual aiming it missed, causing it to penetrate through the bark of a tree.

The howls of wolves from a distance fill up the cold air. Hues of colour that contrast the sky mirror what it looks like on the ground─ red brushes of blood spillage, blue because of the tears and pain. The orange seems to be mocking what's going on─ what usually represents a warm, happy colour that brings life, is nowhere found down.

On the ground is only coldness, sadness and rage. Instead of lives being born, lives are getting brutally taken.

Whimpers and cries reach one's eardrums, along comes the deafening sound of silver bullets with engraved skulls rocketing forward at the speed of 2,700 feet per second.

The ones firing them want them dead. All of them, they want them to cease to exist. Those who are so different than them. Those who possess the ability to shapeshift into a canined predator on four legs. Those who, in their eyes, form a treacherous danger to mankind.

They've never been able to stand how they've always lived amongst them, forming a threat to each and everyone. One bite is considered fatal─ and the average humans have never accepted to not be on the top of the foodchain.

That is as to why wolves are dashing past trees left and right, trying to seek safety and comfort. They either run, or they die a painful death.

Humans will never accept them, even though they share the exact same DNA.

It's true they have another gen-mutation within their cells, granting them things others perhaps can only dream of. It depends on perspective, one could either see it as a gift or a curse.

Some wolves could only wish they were normal, wanting to live properly within society without feeling unwanted, without feeling like someone would come after them any moment to hunt them down to their end.

But wishes are just wishes, most of them have to be turned into actuality by the individual themself in order for them to get real. Unfortunately in their case, there is nothing they can do but wish. That's all it can ever be─ an empty hope they won't be able to fulfil.

They can't change what they are. They are born that way, whether they wanted it or not.

Others see it as a gift. They find it miraculously beautiful how they can transform into a mighty other being, for it being a natural part of themselves. They find having an actual other half, a literal soulmate, assigned to them by the Moon Goddess herself, a pure supernatural phenomenon they would live and die for.

For their kind that is the most important thing─ finding their other half.

From the moment they hit the age of eighteen, one can find the person whom they are destined to spend the rest of their lives with.

It can happen at any time. Most of it being the most unexpected, yet happiest sudden encounter they least saw coming.

It's the best surprise of their life. One cannot be mistaken. The scent that allures them towards their other half is more addictive than any drug, the feeling they get upon seeing them for the first time won't ever repeat itself for someone else.

It's love at first sight.

A sudden howl coming from a particular wolf stands out amongst the rest of them. All stop dead in their tracks, ears perking up and heads turning into the direction it came from.

It's a command from their alpha, their leader whom they can only obey to.

'Seek refuge in the allies' pack, twelve miles east.'

That's all it took for the wolves to sprint away, trying their best to split up and not go in the said way in a group. The hunters would be able to attack them easier, so they have to create confusion, mislead them.

Two wolves are left behind at the scene. The alpha himself and his son, who is refusing to leave his side no matter the circumstances.

>Leave, my boy! Go after the others and take on my role. Lead them, you have no other option!

But the alpha knows his words are useless. He knows his son, he won't budge. He got the stubbornness from his mother.

<Did you really expect me to listen to you, old man? Come on, get up. You aren't dead yet.

Is what he mind links back to him.

The grey wolf huffed, struggling to get up. In the end, he manages to get back up on his feet and starts limping into the right direction with the help of the dark, chestnut brown wolf next to him who keeps nudging him with his head. He let's his father lean on him, slowly going forward.

>The poison is spreading and you know it. Even if you manage to get us back, it'll only be a matter of time, Jeongguk. And that won't be long.

The aforementioned only nudges his father harder in response. Maybe a little bit too hard, for someone with three arrows stuck in his body.

He doesn't want to admit it, but he is highly aware of the fact that the alpha is right. But admitting it means it's real, and if it's real it means it's going to happen and it's going to hurt.

He doesn't want to say it, but he's afraid. Afraid of losing the last person he's blood related to, afraid of needing to take on a role he isn't ready for just yet. And sure as hell not in these times, what is he supposed to do?

<I know. But I won't leave you behind for dead when you're not. Not quite yet.

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