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Jeongguk sighs, detaching himself from the omega and walking towards the door of the hotel room.

Taehyung peels himself from the wall after a rough second or four, trying to comprehend what just happened.

He peeks around the corner and sees Jeongguk engrossed in a conversation with a shorter male. With a deep inhale he appears in vision, heading over towards them.

"Hi, you must be Taehyung! I've heard so much about you. This sucker here wouldn't stop talking about you." The unknown guy elbows Jeongguk, ignoring the intimidating glare that is shot his way.

Taehyung smiles, giggling a little. "I am. Who are you?"

"I'm Jimin! Jeongguk's oldest friend. We've known each other for twenty-ish years now, so I have the right to bully him and get on his nerves. I'm a beta." He happily annouces.

"A what?" Taehyung frowns, staring.

For a second, Jimin seems to freeze and panic. He hastily looks at Jeongguk.

"No, no, it's alright, I told him a few basic things." He reassures.

"Phew, thank the Moon Goddess. For a second I thought I fucked up," He chuckles heartedly.

"I'm a beta. One rank higher than a delta, one rank lower than an alpha." He clears with a friendly smile on his face.

"So where does that leave me exactly?" Taehyung wonders, shoulders slugging down.

"Well, there are omega's, then delta's. Beta's come after and lastly, there are alpha's. Omega's are rare nowadays, though. Especially male omega's. Until you, I've never met one."

Taehyung pouts in the ravenette's direction, "You really weren't lying when you told me I am the lowest rank out there."

"Well, see it from a positive perspective─ you are really special." Jeongguk grins.

"Anyways, let's eat!" Jimin exclaims, putting the bag he was carrying on the table.

They sit down, all starting to munch away.

"So, Taehyung, how much has Guk told you?" The beta wonders, glancing over at him.

"Well.. he told me a little about ranks, about the wolf inside of me, about being mates. Then he started assuming things about my birth parents and how I ended up being the way I am. Afterwards he started asking whether I want to learn more about our nature, and marking and─"

Jimin loudly clears his throat, "Yeah, I think I know where that is going. I'll leave that part up to him to explain, but does anything else come to mind that you would like cleared up?"

Taehyung starts thinking, nodding almost immediately.

"Yes, uh.. how much percent wolf are we? How much does it show in our behaviour? And what does it exactly indicate?"

"You are literally half wolf, half human. So fifty fifty. Your human side can take over as much as your wolf side can. It makes you, entirely you. You'll shift into your wolf form one of these days. As for behaviour it depends on the rank. But if your wolf is more timid, you'll be too. If your wolf is shy, you'll be too. All the emotions your wolf feels, you'll feel it too. It's only on very rare occasions your wolf disagrees with you, but that depends on the stubbornness of it," Jimin explains.

"Also, we have this cool thing called a mind link. We can literally hear each other in our thoughts, communicate if a bond exists. For example, Jeongguk is our alpha. All the pack members can hear his commands because we are linked as a pack."

Taehyung frowns. "That sounds impossible and also, I thought you told me you were my alpha?" He emphasises the 'mine' part, glancing at the ravenette's frame.

Jeongguk chuckles and Jimin laughs, causing him to become even more confused.

"So you have an entire pack calling you their alpha? In what way am I special, then?" His mood dies down, leaving a dull one in return.

"I do have a pack, yes. I am indeed their alpha, their leader. I take care of everything. That role was passed onto me when my father died not too long ago. They refer to me by that name, purely because of honorifics, to be respectful, another word for 'the one in charge,'" He smiles softly.

Taehyung starts to feel bad, especially hearing his father passed away not too long ago. But before he could speak up, the elder continues,

"Within our mate bond, it's different. You refer to me as 'alpha' because I am yours only. Your provider, your caregiver, your mate. It's like calling me your.. what's the human term? Ah, your 'husband.' 'Mates' is a synonym for it. It's like being a married couple, especially after finishing the mating process. Just like you are my omega, no one else's."

Taehyung 'O's, nodding. Jimin switches his gaze between the two of them and rolls his eyes at the alpha's possessiveness. 

"I am so sorry for your loss." Taehyung condolences.

The male nods, "Thank you. He should've been here, but sadly there was nothing we could do to save him. I wish you could've met each other. He would've been fond of you."

Taehyung smiles sadly, not sure how to respond to that.

"Before we get depressed again, let's switch the topic to a happier one! Taehyung, do you like little pups? If you do, you must be elated knowing you can birth your own now!" Jimin happily smiles.

"I what?" Taehyung breathes, eyes popping out of their sockets.

Jimin freezes, panicking, and hastily looks over at Jeongguk.

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