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"Hold on, what did you just say?"

A certain ravenette balls up his fist, his knuckles turning white.

"Did they get to her? Is she harmed?"

"No, she escaped just in time. But the hunters are coming closer again. I don't know how much longer it'll take before they realise we're here."

The alpha from the allies' pack sighs out the words, absolutely tired of having to live like this.

"Okay, thank you for informing me. Hold on in there a little longer, alright? We'll get through this." Jeongguk affirms, absolutely fed up with the hunters himself.

The call ends not long after and the ravenette's expression turns sour.

"What can we do?" Jimin pipes from behind him, causing him to turn around to face the beta and the others who are gathered together in the room.

"I'm afraid that there's still nothing we can do. For now we're safe-ish, at least fifty times safer than out there in the woods." Jeongguk says through slight gritted teeth, eyebrows contorted together and his forehead wrinkling up.

"Hey, Guk, you're doing your best. We all know that. We can't do much for now but that isn't your fault. Don't beat yourself up over it, okay?" Jimin puts his hand on the man's shoulder, trying to lift his mood up.

"I know, but not being able to do anything makes me pissed. I'm so outraged I want to go out there and kill them. Kill every last and single one of them, make them run and hide for a change. But I can not do that because of so many reasons." He groans, his fists clenching and unclenching by his sides.

"Alpha, whatever choice you're going to make, we'll stand by you." Someone else exclaims with determination written over their face.

Jeongguk's lip tugs up slightly. He gives a curt nod, "Thank you. I'll try to come up with a new plan, so at least it feels like I'm doing something about it."

Jimin hums sadly, averting his gaze towards the floor as he speaks up.

"We can not run, because no matter where we go, they'll track us down to the edge of the world. Hiding only works for a short period of time. That's the flight response we've been testing, Guk. What about what you said a few minutes ago? About switching it up and make them experience what we're going through? We haven't tested the fight response yet."

Jeongguk debates on it for a moment, but shakes his head.

"No, that's too dangerous and risky. We have no idea how many of them there are, perhaps we're terribly outnumbered. Apart from that, a bullet or poisonous arrow will always be faster than we on four legs, attempting to bite. I don't want to put any of you in unnecessary danger. If we can avoid bloodshed, we will." He states, taking a deep breath after.

"What if we take them out one by one? Track them down like they're tracking us?" Another person speaks up.

"Unfortunately that won't work either. In order to track them down, we'll have to show ourselves, come out of hiding. I doubt they're out there alone. If we were to attack, we'd have to attack all of them at once. But like I just said, I don't want to take that risk." The alpha denies.

"Sometimes you have no other option but to take a risk.." Jimin mumbles, glancing back up at his fierce childhood friend.

"If we were to train ourselves and strengthen up, we would have a chance. We'd have to lure them towards the woods, but that won't be difficult. If we surround them, use a technique of surprise, we could end it once and for all." The beta adds, causing the others present in the room to hum and nod in agreement.

Jeongguk glances at them, then back at Jimin.

"I don't want to risk losing any of you. You're the only family I have left.." He retorts, swallowing heavily as the image of his father on his deathbed replays in front of his eyes.

"I hate to break it to you, Jeongguk, but you're at risk of losing us all anyway. We could either fight back, or hide and wait for them to attack us. There's no way we're all going to get out of this alive, that's impossible. Rather we end it once and for all, than that they only take our lives while we keep pondering on what our next move is going to be." Jimin responds, looking at him with a sad glint in his eyes.

"Think about it, alpha. What other option do we have?" The male adds, formally.

The ravenette breathes in, feeling as if there's a weight pressing on his chest. He averts his gaze towards the window next to him, glancing outside and watching as the treetops sway in the wind, rain pouring down.

"I'll consider it," Is what he says in the end.

"But in case anyone comes up with a better, less violent idea, I'm all ears."

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