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Taehyung sits awkwardly at the table, trying to eat his food without feeling the stares of his friends who were still expecting an answer.

"Well?" Hoseok urges, not being able to get his eyes back to their normal size.

The brunette sighs deeply, shoving his lunch a bit farther away on the table whilst exclaiming,

"I don't know! Seriously, I wish I could give all of you an answer but I just can't! No one will believe me, but this happened overnight. It really did. I didn't take anything, I didn't do anything other than usual─ I woke up, glanced at myself in the mirror and boom, suddenly I appeared to be reformed."

His head rose up to be able to look the other two boys in their eyes.

Their expressions went from pure shock, to intently listening, to sad, to pitying him.

"Yeah, no.. That shouldn't be scientifically possible. It can't be, right? It isn't. Like.. how, even?" Namjoon scratches the back of his head, glancing at the red head next to him.

"No, but.. the evidence is sitting right in front of us. He can't be faking it, why would he even? It's just.. uh .. odd. To say the least."

A giggle slips past the brunette's lips at his friend's brainstorming session. He surprises himself with it, not knowing he could produce such noises.

"I mean, it's definitely something we need to get used to. This entirely new you. It does explain the strange behaviour that you've had lately, though. Perhaps it was already incubating inside of you or something. We don't even know if it's permanent. Hell, maybe you have a really wierd allergic reaction to a certain food or drink or whatever." Hoseok comments.

Namjoon snickers, "An allergic reaction? Really?"

"Yeah, so what? We don't know anything! It could be. At least I'm thinking about what could've been the cause of it. Unless you have any better ideas, I w─"

"Kim Taehyung!" A sudden voice calls out, causing most of the students to look up.

"Incoming.." Namjoon annouces. Simply by hearing the tone, the brunette already knows what he is indicating.

"Great." He sighs, slumping back in his chair at the sight of professor Bardot nearing his table.

"Thought I'd let you off the hook after the disrespect you've showed me last time? I didn't think so. Head to the headmaster's office, I'll be right there." The man grumbles out, eyeing him up and down with a wary look.

"Good morning to you too." Taehyung mumbles to himself the moment he exited the cafetaria, dragging himself through the hallway while rolling his eyes.

He could feel anxiety creeping up inside of him, which is a new sensation to say the least. He never worries about whether professors are going to yell at him or attempt to discipline him, however this time around it feels different.

Another odd thing─ as if his personality is changing along with his body.

Knocking on the door thrice in a rhythm, he hesitantly opens the door after he hears a "Come in."

"You wanted to see me, sir?" He voices, standing in front of the desk and fiddling with his fingers in nervousness.

The man nods, averting his eyes from his computer and glancing at the boy. He freezes, orbs going up and down, up and down and up and down again.

"The hell happened to you?" He exclaims suddenly, biting back a laugh.

Taehyung discards the thought of him being unbelievably unprofessional because of it, shrugging in response instead.

"I genuinely don't know, sir. I woke up like this."

"Right," The man sighs, not believing the brunette in the slightest.

"Anyways, Bardot will be here any second now. He informed me about you being very disrespectful to him the other day, is that correct?"

The brunette awkwardly fiddles with the end of his shirt.

"W─well, I guess, yeah.. But he wasn't exactly nice to me either─"

"I don't want to hear any excuses," The man interjects. "You were either rude to a professor, or you were not. You have to respect your elders, Taehyung. I'll let you off the hook this time with a solid warning, don't let it happen again."

The boy frantically nods, already taking a few steps back towards the door, when it suddenly opens and almost squishes him against the wall.

Bardot's face comes in vision and the youngest male internally cries out loud.

The professor raises an eyebrow, switching his gaze from the headmaster to Taehyung and wordlessly asking what was going on.

"I let him off the hook this time with a warning," The man repeats himself, causing Bardot to visibly come across as disappointed.

"Respect comes from two sides, Bardot. Let this be the last time I'll have you two in my office together."

Taehyung smiles to himself as he dashes out the room, immediately skipping towards his car since the long day is over.

Reaching for the door, he freezes abruptly in his spot at the sound of something scratching his vehicle.

Releasing the handle, he frowns seeing a rather long, white mark.

How did that just happen?

His eyebrows furrow.

There is nothing stuck behind the handle, so he takes a look at his hand instead.

A big, heavy lump finds itself in his throat at the sight of his index finger.

One of his nails had turned into a sharp claw.

He hastily enters his car and sits down, watching as the nail retracts and goes back to normal after a minute.

His eyes shut close and he lets his head thump against the seat, a stray tear rolling down his cheek.

What the hell is wrong with him?

This can't be happening.

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