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Yoongi is having his fifth drink of the night whilst Taehyung is having trouble gulping down his first one.

"Hey, do you want to dance?" Yoongi seems to slurr out. He already stands up, holding his hand out in front of him.

Taehyung swallows thickly, quickly glancing to his right only to find the ravenette sit there watching him with crossed arms, an expression on his face as if he's daring him to continue.

But before the brunette could decline Yoongi's offer, he finds himself getting pulled towards the dance floor by his hand.

"Come on! Show me what you've got." The male winks, letting himself go in the flow of the rhythm of the music.

Taehyung doesn't dare to glance back at the ravenette anymore. He stares at Yoongi instead, not knowing what to do with himself.

He used to be a partygoer. He used to down drinks and dance his ass off.

But he only knew how to dance as the one who leads─ now he seems forced to be the one who follows. As if he totally forgot how he used to dance, as if it feels unnatural and uncomfortable.

The music swiftly changes to something sensual and he sees the other nearing him. It doesn't take long after that before his hands wrap around his waist.

Taehyung awkwardly tries to dance along, not sure how to feel about the situation. He doesn't feel very uncomfortable by Yoongi's hands, but he certainly feels pressured because he knows someone else is watching him, strongly disliking the scene.

All in all it just feels wrong.

"Hey, I'm going to get some more drinks." The brunette announces a lie in order to get away, however the other seemed to have different plans.

"Oh come on, live a little! We'll get more drinks within a few, alright?" He pulls Taehyung more towards him, quick with his sudden movements when he turns the other around so his chest is pressed against Taehyung's back.

That is when every alarm flares red inside of the brunette and he really attempts to get away this time. The feeling within him wants to howl out and he panics.

"Yoongi, please let go of me, you're drunk. I'm going to sit down." Taehyung says, trying to peel his hands off his waist.

"No, no, stay! We're having a good time!" He slurrs, still trying to get it on with him.

"Yoongi, please let go of me." Taehyung mumbles, eyes shinier than usual and heart sinking to his stomach.

That's when the familiar scent intensifies, coming closer and closer.

"He told you to let go of him. Scram!"

Jeongguk's voice sounds low, dangerous and threatening as it reaches the brunette's eardrums. At the same time Yoongi's hands disappear from his waist and he turns around, left to watch as the male shoves Yoongi away, almost sending him to the other side of the dance floor.

Taehyung's throat slips out an actual whimper, coming from the deepest part of him because of Jeongguk's aura and authority, definitely not liking what happened seconds ago himself either.

"He was all over you!" The ravenette snarls out, jaw clenching and unclenching as he glares down at him.

"I─I'm sorry.." Taehyung hiccups, not daring to look up.

"Sorry, what?" Jeongguk pushes, emphasising the last word. He just wants to hear the omega say his name. He just wants to hear him adress him.

"S─sorry─" Taehyung trembles, shaking on his legs because of the situation, the male in front of him and the absolute chaos in his mind and being.


"I─I'm sorry, Alpha.." He suddenly exclaims, subconsciously voicing out the word inside of him that echoed.

Jeongguk freezes up, eyes impossibly darkening.

"What did you just call me?" He lowly lets out, feeling himself getting riled up to the max.

He steps closer towards the shaking boy, his big hands slowly enclosing around his petite waist and feeling how tiny he is for himself.

Another snarl leaves his mouth, expression ferocious.

Taehyung cowers entirely, feeling tingles and warmth shoot up his body because of the hands on him. He leans towards the ravenette's chest, hiding himself away.

"Say it again, Taehyung." Jeongguk commands, almost growling. He tries to keep himself contained, not wanting others to hear what's going on above the loudness of the music.

He needs him to say it again. He needs him to submit to him, even if the brunette is not aware of what he's doing just quite yet.

"Alpha.." Taehyung whispers, loud enough for the other to hear.

Jeongguk shuts his eyes tight, not wanting to lose control of his wolf. He bends down, leaning his head against the side of Taehyung's. Ragged breaths leave his throat, right next to the brunette's ear causing him to shiver, goosebumps spreading all over his petite body.

Taehyung whimpers again, not understanding what's going on at all. His emotions are a mess, yet he feels─

"Omega," Jeongguk lets out through gritted teeth, nosing the side of his jaw a little. His grip tightens on the other's waist, bound to leave bruises.

"Fucking hell, omega, look what you're doing to me." The ravenette exhales croakily, almost shivering himself because of pure adrenaline and the strength it takes to refrain himself.

That's when Taehyung feels such an overwhelming amount of whirlwinding emotions it's absurd. He feels grounded in a way he can't decipher, tears jumping to his eyes.

It's too much. Everything is too much. He doesn't know what to do with himself, he doesn't understand a thing about what's going on. That leaves him solely with his feelings, but those are too dramatically messed up to make anything out of them.

His insides feel mushy, his heart is fiercely hammering inside of his dry throat and his forehead feels tingly.

"What is happening to me?" He sobs out, desperately trying to hide himself away in the alpha's chest, hands tightly trying to hold on to his shirt. 

Everything is just too much.

"Shh, love, it's alright. I got you, alpha's got you," Jeongguk hushes in his ear, enclosing him tighter in his arms.

"Come on, let's get you out of here, hm? I'll take care of you, omega."

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