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"It was purely coincidental that I stumbled upon him. Call it fate, destiny, an accident, whatever! My point is, I'll never be able to find him if I know absolutely nothing about him! It's hopeless." A certain ravenette grumbles out, completely fed up.

Jimin has been pestering him about his mate ever since he found out about it.

Now he won't shut up about it.

And as much as Jeongguk would like to talk about his mate for hours on end, he doesn't really like it as much under these circumstances.

"I'm just saying, you need to visit town more often! Maybe you'll stumble upon him again. Call it fate, destiny, whatever. You mustn't doubt what the Moon Goddess planned out for you two." The beta retorts, mimicking the alpha's words.

"I highly doubt it. I bet he'll avoid me like the plague, anyway. I highly doubt he wants to be near me. You should've seen his reaction, Jimin." The ravenette slaps away a random branch.

"I'm sure you're overreacting.. it couldn't have been that bad. Right?" The smaller male's voice ups an octave at the last word, certainly hoping it wasn't that horrific.

Jeongguk humourlessly chuckles, scoffing after.

"Well, even if it wasn't. It was, but let's say it wasn't. First of all, like I just said, it'll be difficult as hell to find him again. That is if I even manage to do so. Secondly, how the fuck am I supposed to talk to him?"

He coughs once, putting up a fake, deeper voice,

'Hey, remember me? We're mates, destined to be together forever. You're mine now. Oh and by the way, you have an actual wolf inside of you! You're an omega, meaning you're also able to bear pups.' Man, come on, imagine yourself in his shoes, with someone like me randomly popping up. You'd also assume the guy has a loose screw somewhere, probably even multiple!"

Jimin bites on his lip, not sure how to respond to that. But when he wanted to open his mouth to speak up, he was beaten to it by Jeongguk who continues to ramble.

"He has spent his what? Twenty years or so believing he's an ordinary human being. A proper man. Suddenly I stroll along, awaken the omega inside of him due to my wolf being overjoyed and trying to reach out to his, and his entire life flips upside down. What if I completely ruined it for him? What if he was so much better off before? God, fuck, I should've lingered in the store for some longer so he wouldn't h─"

"STOP!" Jimin suddenly screeches, not only because of the amount of brabble that started to hurt his ears, also because he picks up on movement a little further in the distance.

Jeongguk abruptly shuts up, head shooting upwards and eyes focusing a little farther ahead.

"Surrender yourself or face the consequences!" The alpha growls out authoritatively, glaring.

For a full minute nothing happens, but then the bush starts ruffling loudly.

Both of the wolves squeeze their orbs in suspicion, slowly walking forward.

The moment they stood about six metres away, Jeongguk repeated himself and the bush started shaking some more.

Then it turned silent.

Jimin glanced at the ravenette next to him, mentioning for him to stay put.

He quietly neared it, one foot in front of the other.

That was when the culprit suddenly emerges from the bush, absolutely launcing itself and going straight for Jimin's face.

Jeongguk starts hysterically laughing, almost to the point of teary eyes at the sight of a squirrel attacking the beta and the wolf desperately trying to remove it.

However, what Jimin failed to realise is that he shouldn't have taken any steps back─ because suddenly the squirrel is the least of his concerns, as something tightly encloses itself around his ankle and he gets yeeted up in the air upside down, dangeling above the ground five metres up.

He simply hangs there, accepting his fate.

His arms sadly dangle in the air, face wearing a grumpy expression and going redder and redder because of the blood flow. His hair bounces along with his body.

The alpha only starts laughing harder.

"Looks like we found another one!" He wheezes, trying to calm himself down.

They were patrolling to see if they could find any traps hidden around in the area.

They succeeded.

"Yeah, yeah, get me down now, will you?" Jimin huffs, pouting.

Jeongguk hums with a chuckle, nodding once whilst trying to stop smiling.

He walks around to the other side of the tree, removing some leaves to find the base of the trap.

Once he did, he disabled it without any form of a warning─ causing the other male to shriek and yelp out as he tumbles down, landing on the soil with a thud.

"Hey! I could've broken my neck!" He angrily hisses, stomping towards the alpha.

"Hey! Newsflash, you're a werewolf, you would've healed within ten minutes from that!" He grins.

"Yeah, ten minutes of unbearable pain!" The beta rolls his eyes, continuing to huff and puff about.

But Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows, wolf also going on full alert upon a twisting gut feeling. He wasn't even listening to his friend anymore, orbs only prawning around in utter suspicion.

"Shh, be quiet for a second." The alpha mutters, placing a finger against his lips without sharing the other a glance.

The beta wanted to protest thinking it was an attempt to get him to stop sulking, but upon seeing the male's serious expression, he immediately does as told.

That was when an arrow flies right through the gap between the two men, only missing them by mere inches.

"Fuck!" Jeongguk curses, immediately pulling the beta with him into the direction of their pack and both of them shifting into their wolves.

"YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!" Is what they hear coming from behind them all of a sudden.


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