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"─I swear it was like I wasn't myself! To be honest, it all feels like a blur now. Like I know it happened, but it feels more like a vague dream. You get what I mean?"

The blonde male slowly chews on his sandwich, trying to comprehend what his friend just rambled out.

"You have way too much on your plate right now. Your life has been nothing but hectic lately, I'm not surprised something like that happened. It was bound to happen, I'm only surprised it didn't earlier." The man comments, swallowing.

Taehyung groans, ruffling his own hair out of utter frustration.

"I know, I know! With finals coming up, way too many assignments, the fact that I got fired three days ago and with me not exactly feeling very well I've realised I need to tie some loose ends together to get more of a grip. I need to get my life together but I feel out of place."

The brunette was about to take a bite of his own lunch when his eyes meet with a dreaded face across the cafeteria.

"Oh god no, incoming.." He mumbles out loud enough for Namjoon to hear.

Curiously, the boy looks up, only to see professor Bardot marching towards where they are sitting.

"Taehyung, you forgot to pick up the results of yesterday's test. It's in my class, on top of my desk. You really need to do better because if I need to scribble down another 'F' I'll have to be less lenient with you and get you to face consequences." The man exclaims, shaking his head in disapproval.

The brunette feels his blood starting to boil, his eye twitching.

Namjoon takes one glance at his friend and sees he's about to explode any second now, knowing him.

And that he does.

"Seriously?! I failed another test?! Come on man, I can't be that bad! I studied my fucking ass off and fucked up my entire sleep schedule just for your thrashy subject and yet─ Y'know what? Maybe you need a switch of profession because you just can't teach! It's not me, it's you!"

He spat his words out so quickly, it took a deadly second to come across. But when it did, and Taehyung saw his change of facial expressions, there was a slight moment he wanted to take it all back.

But he stays composed, infuriated and hateful, never going down without a fight.

"Never, and I mean ever, speak to me with such a tone again or you'll find yourself expelled for over a month. Am I clear?" Bardot glares.

The brunette's expressions contort even further, a mocking shine in his orbs.

"You're just a dick of a teacher and I'm not going to put up with it any longer. You always only pick on me. I'm dropping your shitty subject, find some other students to teach for all I care." He spits, standing up and shoving his food farther on the table.

With that he takes furious strides away, glad he at least doesn't have to deal with him any longer.

Was the move he just pulled smart?

Absolutely not.

Will he regret it in a bit?

Hell no.

Because that's just who he is─ he stands up for himself, he states what's on his mind without giving a fuck about what others think.

His personality matches his outside perfectly well. Even though he is not the most muscular guy out there, he is broad, dresses like a strong man and eyes confident because he is. He is Kim Taehyung and he isn't afraid to show it. He isn't reserved at all.

He perhaps doesn't have a very visible six pack or biceps, but the outlines surely are there and he certainly won't be blown away by a gush of wind. He stands strong in his shoes, even when things get hectic.

Taehyung's phone starts buzzing in his backpocket so he swiftly pulls it out, answering the call.

"Dude, Bardot is pissed! You'll most likely be facing the consequences of your actions soon enough. Anyways, you need to clear your head. A friend of mine is throwing a party next week. I'm taking you with me." The familiar voice of Namjoon enters his ears.

"Fuck yeah, name the time, I'll be ready then. I haven't been to one in what seems like ages and I certainly need to get my mind off things." He retorts, chuckling a bit.

"I knew you'd say that. I'll pick you up and text you. Anyways, I got to run since my grades haven't been the best lately. I'll see you in class tomorrow, yeah?"

The brunette hums, "Yeah, alright. See ya."

The call ends shortly after whilst he enters a restroom.

With a loud exhale, he drags himself over to one of the sinks and puts his hands on either side of it, leaning on it. Swiftly turning on the faucet, he bends down a bit to splash some water on his face, glancing up to look in the mirror after.

His eyebrows furrow at his reflection.

How long ago has he glanced into a mirror last? He starts to doubt.

Reaching up a hand to his face, his brows contort even farther.

Since when does it appear slightly more round instead of elongated? Since when is his skin so smooth and perfect? He can't even see his pores. And since when is his neck thinner?

He leans more towards the mirror, nibbling on his bottom lip in utter confusion.

Did his eyelashes grow?

Overall, he finds himself to eye softer, less intimidating.

Groaning, he shakes his head and splashes even more water on his face, shaking off the thoughts.

No, there is no way. He's dead certain he's simply imagining it, if he really has changed one of his friends would've commented on it.

With that, he exits the room, totally unaware of his own odour that turned a bit sweeter.

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