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The next morning when Taehyung wakes up, he sits up in bed with a pounding headache. He remembers yesterday's events clearly, so he's aware it isn't due to a hangover.

He rolls himself out of bed, immediately heading towards the bathroom to take a refreshing shower in order to properly wake up.

He rubs his eyes, yawning deeply.

Closing the door behind him, he turns around to face the mirror.

His orbs enlarge drastically, breath hitching in his throat.

His once broad build and muscles seem to have completely vanished into thin air overnight─ leaving a slight hourglass shape in return.

Now, he's slim, looks tinier and it doesn't take long before he realises he actually grew shorter.

Tears jump to his eyes and he starts to shake his head from the left to the right frantically.

His hand reaches up to trace over his stomach, absolutely void of any form of a six pack.

"This isn't my body.." He whispers in utter disbelief, a few times over.

"This can't be my body!" He freaks out, tugging at his hair strands while tears jump to his eyes.

How could this happen? He doubts if this is even scientifically possible.

For a second he contemplates whether this is all a nightmare, it just can't be real. But sensing the intensity of it, his overwhelming emotions and the fact that pinching himself actually hurt─ it is. It's his horrendous actuality.

"What the hell is happening to me?!" He cries out, needing to hold on to the sink when his head starts hurting even more.

Within a split second his vision goes blurry, then black. It only lasted what seemed like a minute, within that span of time all of his senses stopped functioning.

However when they disappeared, so did his headache and the ache in his gums.

In turn, it brought back all of his senses─ but certainly not in the way they used to be.

His nostrils are suddenly able to pick up on various of scents he couldn't smell before and even his sight seems to be ten times sharper.

He leans a bit further towards the mirror, opening his mouth slightly and breath once again getting stuck in his throat at the sight of four tiny fangs sticking out.

Two in the upper jaw and two in his lower jaw, all of them right next to the first two front teeth.

Now that he looks at himself properly, he also realises that his eyelashes indeed have grown.

His skin is indeed smoother, softer, almost perfect.

His face is slightly more round and his neck indeed did thin out, all in all making him appear more elegant and slightly feminine like.

That's when his nose picks up on the faint smell of cherries and vanilla.

He didn't have to search for long, he notices quickly enough that the what seems like natural scent comes from himself.

"What the hell?" He's left absolutely stunned, entirely flabbergasted.

How it managed to happen, he does not know. Nor does he actually wish to know, since he somewhat figures someone out there placed a curse upon him or something.

Now how does he go back to college, see his friends? He can't show himself a day later with a total switch of appearance.

Not even the most popular gym in the world with the craziest supplements out there would've been able to create such a body within the span of a single night.

How does he explain something he can't even explain himself?

As if his friends would believe him.

After processing most of the shock which took a rough fifty minutes, he took a shower after all and tried to refrain himself from crumbling when he noticed he didn't only manage to lose inches in height.

After that horrendous moment, he turned the shower off and decided to go for the baggiest pieces of clothing in his possession in order to hide his new figure.
Not only from the eyes of others, but from himself, too.

He even contemplates on whether he should wear a face mask, but in the end he makes up his mind and leaves it be.

He sadly can't hide himself away entirely, it'll be even wierder.

Leaving his apartment, he enters his car instead, drives off to campus and arrives twenty minutes later.

The moment he steps out he has to take a big, deep inhale─ mentally trying to prepare himself for all the stares he's bound to get and the tons of questions that come along with them.

It doesn't take surprisingly long before he hears the first hushed murmur going,

"Hey, isn't that Taehyung? He's in your year, right? Since when does he look so small?"

As he walks through multiple hallways passing quite a few people, he kept hearing one comment after the other.

"What happened to him? Did he mistook his sleeping pills for estrogen or something?"

"How can someone change that much in such a short amount of time?"

"Isn't that Taeyong or whatever? Didn't he look different? Like, a lot?"

Within an hour he became the topic of the day─ keeping on getting stared at, professors being no exception.

Even though he feels highly uncomfortable because of them, certainly not liking all of the attention and only wanting to hide himself away, he can't blame everyone for noticing the changes.

They aren't exactly subtle. Not anymore, at least.

Break time came around rather quickly, and it didn't take long before two familiar faces made their appearance in the cafetaria.

They immediately rush over to the table the brunette is sitting at, gawking at him.

"Dude, what the actual fuck happened to you?"

Taehyung deeply wishes he knew how to answer that question.

He's terrified.

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