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"I do not have a wolf inside of me." Taehyung shakes his head with a pale face. "That can't be true. That's absurd and not scientifically possible."

Jeongguk chuckles, "It's not actually inside of you. It is you. I don't know how much longer it'll take before you'll shift into it for the first time. That feeling, that echo, is just your wolf being there. It's alive within your genes."

Taehyung blinks, staring at the wall. He wiggles his upper body a bit, pulling a strange face.

"What are you doing?" Jeongguk laughs, quirking his brows upwards.

"Trying to feel it inside of me." Taehyung responds, still going.

"It doesn't work like that, baby," The ravenette laughs harder, shaking his head.

"You told me you heard the echo speak once, right? That's true. It's your wolf talking to you. Or more like your deepest nature signing things to you. For example, when we met for the first time, my wolf chanted 'mate.' That's how I knew you are the one destined for me by the Moon Goddess." Jeongguk explains, biting on his lip.

Taehyung's confused expression only turns worse and worse.

"Moon Goddess? Mates?" He repeats warily.

"Yes, the Moon Goddess linked us together. It's believed that when she created us, she created us together. As one, like a soulmate. A literal other half. But we got into this world split up, bound to find each other after the age of eighteen. It's like that for all werewolves out there. Everyone has a mate, a lover."

Taehyung is afraid his brain will explode and that he won't be able to sleep properly again without nightmares, ever.

"Well it does explain why I couldn't get you out of my head after we met.. and how I feel around you." He mumbles bashfully, at least able to somewhat comprehend the soulmate part.

"It's love at first sight," Jeongguk smiles fondly. "Although, for nearly everyone, that is. That wasn't the case for you, because your wolf wasn't present for some reason.. I can't believe you spent twenty years believing you were an ordinary human being. I don't understand why your wolf seemed to be hiding.." He trails off, looking confused himself at the end.

Taehyung frowns.

"What about your parents?" Jeongguk suddenly asks.

"I was adopted." The brunette shrugs. "I never got to know my birth parents and I'm not close to the ones who raised me instead."

"That explains a lot, actually," The elder says. "A werewolf only gets born if both of the parents are wolves themselves. I think your real parents carried a secret along with them. I don't know the reason why you were adopted, but perhaps your parents made sure your wolf was repressed so you'd survive in the ordinary world. But when I showed up, your wolf awoke."

Taehyung slowly nods, nibbling on his bottom lip and pulling the skin between his teeth.

"Ouch!" He suddenly hisses, immediately releasing his lip while tasting blood.

His eyes find the first mirror he sees in the room and he stands up to walk towards it, opening his mouth.

"They're pointy again." Taehyung mutters, starting to believe Jeongguk's words more and more.

The male goes to stand behind him, wrapping his arms around his small waist and resting his head on his shoulder.

"See? You're a puppy!" The ravenette fondly grins, chuckling.

Taehyung huffs, slightly glaring into the reflection.

"'M not a puppy. At least refer to me as a strong, fierce wolf, like you told me." He nods at himself, feeling slightly powerful.

Jeongguk shakes his head, smirking.

"You may be a wolf, but I hate to break it to you, you're not strong. In our hierarchy, you have the lowest rank. You're an omega, pup."

"Who decides my rank? I want to change it. I should've been an alpha. I always acted like an alpha before, let me be one now." He states in determination, definitely wanting an answer.

That's when he could feel the ravenette's posture stiffen. Now he's the one slightly glaring.

"I'm the alpha. I'm dominant, I provide for you and take care of you. That's my role. No one can change ranks, it's within your nature from birth. You can not change your wolf and that's a good thing, because I do not want to give up my authority." A growl leaves his throat, coming from the depths of his chest.

Taehyung flinches, feeling it vibrate throughout his entire body. He cowers, face turning drastically more white.

"Is that your wolf?" He wonders, rather curiously yet still wholly mindblown and unable to comprehend the whole ordeal.

Jeongguk hums, manspreading on the edge of the bed.

"Your wolf has its own personality. Its temperament also really depends on the rank. Mine has a really big ego, for example."

The brunette giggles, tilting his head. "No, I bet that's just you."

The ravenette chuckles, standing up and stalking towards him. Taehyung immediately takes haste steps back.

"W─what are you doing?" Taehyung whispers, stuttering. His back meets a wall, trapping him in place.

Jeongguk smirks, placing both of his arms on either side of the omega's body and leaning in closer to his ear.

"Wanna find out about our nature?" He husks, lips ever so slightly brushing over his smooth and soft skin.

"My wolf has a lot to teach you," He adds, slowly nosing his flesh, going down until he stops over a certain spot on his neck.

"For example when I say 'submit,'"

A loud whimper exits Taehyung's throat, his head automatically tilting to the side and eyes widening.

"You'll bare your neck to me in complete subservience," Jeongguk's voice turns raspy, his chest pressed to the omega's.

Taehyung then feels pointy sharp teeth graze over the supple skin, causing his eyes to blow even wider and the butterflies from earlier to explode within him.

"Our mate bond isn't complete just yet. I still have to mark you and knot you," His breathing comes out a bit heavier, as if he's getting riled up.

Taehyung shivers, turning red again. He has no idea what that means but he assumes it's very intimate considering how Jeongguk himself is reacting to the idea.

"I want everyone to know who you belong to." The ravenette croaks, nipping at the skin.

A sudden knock on the door seems to snap him out of it, yet reluctantly.

"I come bearing breakfast!" An unknown voice pipes cheerily.

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