Late Wife - 6

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After the conversation with Lisa, I am now convinced that she is the one for my daughter

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After the conversation with Lisa, I am now convinced that she is the one for my daughter. I closed my eyes and solemnly talked to my beloved wife in heaven.

Dear, I found the woman for our daughter. Guide them, sweetheart. I miss you and I think I am now ready to join you there. 

I suddenly felt that I flew inches apart from my seat. And looked at my driver. " What happened?" 

The driver looks at me guilty,  " I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't see the humper. My apologies, sir. "

When I heard him, I subtly looked up. My driver was one of the best drivers. Okay, dear. I got the message. I was only joking. It seems like my late wife doesn't want to be reunited with me yet. Hahaha. Then, turn to look at my driver. " Drive safely."

I pulled out my phone and called my dearest daughter. " Is there any way that you can meet your old man, sweetheart? I have something to discuss with you as well."

After I heard her response. " Great, thanks, sweetie." 

I then dialed my butler's phone. " Rico, I'll be having dinner with my daughter. Make something special. Okay? Thank you."

I hunged up and turned to look at my assistant/lawyer.

"Join us on dinner?" Leo looked at me mockingly and chuckled.

" Nope, Mr. Kim. I know you can handle your daughter. You can convince her."

Shaking my head, "I hope so, too. Don't I deserve to be protected for tonight? Leo smirked and answered.

"I need protection, too, from your daughter, so the best thing I can do is to avoid the raging beast. Hahahaha."

A sighed escape from my mouth. " Alright, I can handle this. I'm the father, after all."

Determination. That's what I am trying to portray. My driver stopped, it only meant we had arrived at my home. I look at Leo,
"I'll see you tomorrow then?"

He answered right away. "Definitely, Mr Kim. Goodbye, sir."

And, he went to his car that was parked to my garage and sped like a maniac.

I chuckled. Is he that scared? What a man. Tsk.tsk, can't blame, tho. While walking to reach my door, I noticed my daughter's car. Oh, she's here already. I looked up in the sky and whispered,  Dear, help me. 

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