Planning something evil

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The next day, Lisa woke up a little early to make some breakfast. She made sure that the coffee she would be making for Jennie was perfect. She added a little bit of coffee as per request from last night.

After cooking eggs, bacon and toast some bread. She gently knocked on Jennie's room to inform her that breakfast was ready.

She also made some packed sandwiches for her. She made one for Jennie as well.

Jennie came out and readied with her office attire. She just needed to attend the meeting and will visit the boutique right after.

 She just needed to attend the meeting and will visit the boutique right after

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They shared the food that Lisa made. But suddenly, a man barged in interrupting their breakfast.

"Jennie, let's talk." The angry man stated and noticed Lisa. He then pointed. "And who is she!?"

Jennie cursed herself because she forgot to change the pass code on her door.

Lisa stood up and bowed a little. "Hello, sir. Good morning. My name is Lisa." The man scoffed." I don't care who you are! Then he turned towards Jennie, but he's shocked because Jennie looked at him pointedly. "You don't have the right to disrespect my wife." She angrily stated.

Lisa sat silently because she didn't have any idea what's going on. Jennie noticed she's done and talked to her softly. "Lisa, you start preparing so I can drop you off to your school." Completely ignoring the raging man.

Lisa looked at her, didn't expect that Jennie would drop her off. "You don't need to that I can go on my own. I don't want you to be late." Lisa used the endearment since Jennie announced that she was her wife.

They heard a couple of sarcastic laugh. "Really, Jennie, you marry this woman? While pointing at Lisa. "I can't believe this!"

Jennie disregarded the man and continued looking at Lisa. "No, it's okay. I think I have time. Fixed your things so we can go now."

Lisa nodded and gathered all the plates they used and brought to the sink. She's about to go to her room, but the man stops her by holding her wrist tightly. "What did you do to Jennie, huh? Do you know who I am to her?" Jennie suddenly stood up and growled.

"How dare you! Take your hand off to Lisa!"

When the man let go of Lisa's wrist. Lisa can't control herself to pat the wrist. A mark red is evident on her porcelain skin.

Jennie approached and touched her wrist. "Does it hurt? I'm sorry for what happened, Lisa." The man is shocked. He never heard Jennie so soft like this.

Due to the soothing voice of Jennie, Lisa touched Jennie's shoulder to calm her because she felt that she was shaking. "I'm okay. Love, don't worry, please." They looked at each other, and concern is evident on Jennie's eyes.

Lisa held both Jennie's hands and squeezed it. "I'm okay, love. Calm down, please."

Jennied nodded and squeezed her hand back. "Okay, fix yourself and the things you needed to bring, we will go after 15 minutes, would that be enough, baby?"

Lisa smiled and nodded. "Yes, 15 minutes is enough." She sidely glanced at the man. Lisa doesn't really want to leave Jennie alone with this man, but Jennie feels that she's worrying. That's why she patted Lisa head. "I'll be okay baby, just fix yourself, okay?"

Lisa defeatedly agreed and turned herself back to go to her room.

When Jennie is sure that Lisa gets inside her room. She turned to the man and slap his face out of him.

"How dare you barging in my house, disrespect Lisa, and hurt her. Are you fucking out of your mind?!" She's mad, but more to herself because she didn't protect Lisa.

"Listen to me carefully Derek. From now on. Don't you dare show yourself to me or I will not control myself anymore and will beat the hell out of you. Don't forget who I am." She then crossed her arm, "Get out and don't you dare come back!"

The man turned like a 360 degrees because of how he calm he is. He softly said. "Babe, I'm sorry. I just, I want to talk to you. Talk about us. Don't do this." He begged as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I came by your house yesterday and ended things with you. Don't act as if like we love each other. I literally saw you fucking someone else." Jennie added and she made sure that this will be the last because Lisa is about to come out.

"Get out! Stop pretending you lost your loved one. What you just want from me is my money and my reputation. Stop this bullshits! Get out now! She pushed Derek hard.

The man is ready to leave defeatedly, but he made sure to himself that this is not gonna be the last.

The man started dreaming his future after she got Jennie, and he will do everything to make sure Jennie hates and despises her wife.

"I'll leave for now, but you can't stop me coming back to you. You know that I like.. I love you, right?"

She scoffed. "Yeah, right. Get out!"

After the man left, Jennie made sure to change her pass code and will chat Lisa about it.

Lisa came out of her room. She looked so simple yet so beautiful.

"Are you ready to go? Asked Jennie when she noticed the presence of Lisa

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"Are you ready to go? Asked Jennie when she noticed the presence of Lisa. "Yes," she mumbled but exchanged to an excited one when she remembered something. "By the way, Unnie, I made you some sandwiches. Bring it to your office if incase the meeting will take too long.

She bubbly said as if there's no chaos earlier.

Jennie smiled at her and asked for it. "Really? Thank you, Lisayah. I will make sure to eat these."

"You're welcome, Unnie." They walked together to elevator. Jennie pushed the parking button.

After they reached the parking, they settled inside, fixed their seatbelts, and drove away.

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