I would never

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I jolted from my sleep when I heard my phone. Did I sleep on my desk? I got my phone and answered it right away.

"Love? We're about to go and meet you. Are you ready? No meetings anymore?"

I sobbed when I heard my wife's voice. Oh my god! She didn't leave me? Am I just dreaming? "Love? Are you okay? Are you crying? What happened?"

It was just a dream. It's not true. Oh my god! Sniff. "Hey baby, I'm sorry, I just. I'll tell you later. I will wait in the lobby for you, my baby. Take care, okay? I love you so so much, baby. I'm so excited to see you and know the gender of our babies." I heard my wife giggled, then she responded to my" I love yous "before the call got disconnected.

It was a dream! That's right! I would never ever cheat on my wife.

Even I cried earlier, I'm so happy right now when everything sinks in.

"Come in." There was a knock, I am trying to place an order for Lisa's donuts. "Mrs. Kim, the secretary of our client today, called in and requested to see you in an hour, I know how important the event is---" I cut Tzuyu. "Whoever the client is, I don't care. If they refused to continue working with us because I wasn't able to meet them, let them be. My family is important. " Tzuyu nodded and then left my office. I continue placing an order after my secretary left.

I received a message from my wife afterward.

I neated my clothes then walked to my private elevator

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I neated my clothes then walked to my private elevator. I will wait for her in the lobby. Our schedule today is at 11 AM, we still have 2 hours to wait and rest here.

The employees bowed their heads when they saw me. I walked outside, and the guards automatically surrounded me, ready to protect me, if in case. When I saw my wife's car. I can't help but smile. I noticed how my employees were shocked. I rarely smile, so I believe it's their lucky day. Hahaha.

I didn't hesitate to open the door for my wife. I'm just so excited to see her, hug her, and kiss her. I lend my hand to my wife and assist her. Her tummy is so big. "Hi baby." She smiled at me. I didn't hesitate to kiss her lips. She was shocked but after she smiled at me charmingly. "Hey, love."

I got Lisa's bag, and we proceeded to take an elevator.

"Are you tired, baby?" I asked her. She shakes her head and clings her arm to mine. My wife kept looking around. "Love, you have a big company, and it's so beautiful." She sounded excited. I smiled at her and caressed her tummy. We finally take our elevator. "I placed an order for your donuts, baby. Let's eat first and rest a little before we go?" She nodded her head while she bit her lip. My baby is happy.

The elevator indicates that we are now on my office floor. We walked towards my office, however. "Lisaaa. Hi, the babies are getting bigger." Jisoo said after hugging Lisa. My wife pouted, "I know. I'm so fat right now." I chuckled. "Baby. It's not and even so. You're still the prettiest woman and sexy. Alright?" Jisoo snickered. "Alright, love birds. Lisa, I'll see you soon, okay?" My wife nodded.

"Baby, you rest on the sofa first." I then proceeded to Tzuyu's desk. "Wait for the delivery, and make my wife a tea. Then I'll introduce you, I know you are excited." Tzuyu nodded while smiling so big. I then sit beside my wife, and she leans her shoulder to mine and automatically encircles my hand to her waist

A little later, the donuts arrived, Tzuyu and Lisa finally met. I can see my wife giggling and smiling while caressing her tummy. It really warms my heart. We are about to meet our babies.

I have all the things that I need in my life. I'm so happy.

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