Ungrateful human being

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Mr Kim

He waited outside when the security guard from the main gate informed that the car with Jennie and Lisa arrived.

I am now seeing the car and stopped. The driver went to open the door of the backseat. My daughters haven't noticed me yet, but I see Jennie fixed Lisa's hair before they walked together hand in hand. I smiled to see how sweet her daughter to Lisa was. 

I subtly looked up and whispered,  "we did it, dear." I am no convince that Jennie finally learns to love Lisa. I am now satisfied because I know she's in good hands.

They walked towards me hand in hand. "Hi, dad." They greeted me in unison and hugged me.

"Hello sweethearts, how's the flight, darling?" I asked my daughter, who held Lisa's hand again. "Tiring, that was earlier. I felt relaxed now, " and she subtly glanced at Lisa.

"Very well, let's go. The food is waiting." I turned my attention to Lisa. "How school, sweetheart?" When is your graduation?" Lisa smiled and answered me. "In two weeks, dad, are you joining us on that day?" She asked adorably, "Of course, sweetheart. That's one of the important stages of our lives. I promise that I will be there." She smiled at me. "Thank you, dad."

I asked my daughter after, "Are you the one who will accompany her on stage or me?" My daughter glared at me, "Of course dad! Are you expecting to hear from Lisa that it's that she listed? In your dreams!" I laughed at my daughter antics.

"Alright, calm down. I just asked, you know." She scoffed.

We are now in the dining area, and Jennie pulled a chair for Lisa before she took her seat.

"Thank you for the food, dad." Said by my sweetest daughter. "Of course Lisaya, I asked Martha to make crab curry for you." Her eyes looked excited when I mentioned crab curry, then I turned my head to Jennie and teased.

Jennie glared at me, but Lisa noticed her and asked her, "What's wrong? Love?" Jennie smirked at me first before she answered Lisa. "I'm okay, baby. I'm just tired." Lisa creased her brown and massaged Jennie's hand while waiting for the remaining food to be served.

I chuckled and mumbled. My possesive daughter.

After the food was served. I see how Lisa is taking care of my daughter. She gets the food and puts it on my daughter's plate. 

I am really happy about the progress of their relationship.

I cleared my throat. "2 months from now, you will be celebrating your 6th month wedding anniversary. Are there any plans?"

Jennie looked at me pointedly. It seemed like she planned something. I understand her looks that she's giving me. She wants to murder me.

I am thinking of how I can change the topic. "Lisa, how's the food?" Lisa turned to me and smiled. "The food is great, dad!"

"Good, good, eat more." Lisa nodded and focused on her plate again.

I looked at my daughter and mouthed, sorry. Hehehe.

She just rolled her eyes and now back in removing the shell of shrimp and bringing it to Lisa's plate.

Tsk. What an ungrateful daughter. I shaked my head and continued eating.

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