What a show off

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Jennie shared everything. What I only notice is that whenever she speaks about Lisa, her eyes are shining. Is she? Already, but? Well love moves in mysterious ways. I can't judge for falling in love thus early, but I hope Lisa will reciprocate her feelings if ever she comes to her senses and informed Lisa.

I got mad when she told the part where Derek barged in. And I can't help but comment. "I'm glad he is not the one you married Jennie."

Chaeyoung nodded while chewing her food. Irene agreed as well. "Correct, whoever that Lisa is I'm still happy that you did not end up with your fuck up EX.

Jennie nodded agreeing. "When can we get to meet her?" I excitedly asked.

"Yes, Jennie, can we meet Lisa?".

Jennie then said, "Not tonight, guys. She will be cooking later and I promised we will be having dinner in our house."

"That's great! Then we can go to your house later." Irene clapped her hands, indicating that she's liking my suggestion. "Great idea, chu! I will text Seulgi so she can meet Jennie's wife. Wait, I'll text her."

While Irene is texting Seulgi, I saw in Jennie's eyes she's contemplating. "What's wrong?" Jennie looked at me and said, "I am not sure if she's ready to meet someone else after what happened earlier, but I'll message her, and let's see."

That bastard hurt Lisa, so I can't blame Jennie if she's worried to Lisa. I smiled at her, "Understandable. Okay, message her first, and let's see what her reaction will be."

"Okay, unnie." While Jennie is typing something. I drink a little to my drinks and eat some snacks. Jennie didn't get any food from the order, then I noticed her she's eating something. She said Lisa made it for her. Oh, my baby, sis is in love. I can't help and think that.

She then smiled so big and cheerfully announced. "Lisa said she will be out from her office and will drop off to groceries to make sure that the food she will be making is enough for 6 people."

I high five Irene and my girlfriend. It only means. Lisa agreed.

Irene suddenly says, "Tell her she doesn't need to make some efforts. We can order so she can rest."

Jennie then messaged Lisa and smiled after getting a response. We asked her what Lisa said, and she showed her phone.

 We asked her what Lisa said, and she showed her phone

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What a show off.

"You got a good wife, Jennie." I told her.

And she proudly smiles.

We started talking randomly when Irene said, "Seulgi will be here at 6". Then Jennie butt in, "The timing is great, Lisa said she will be home at around 4. So I think 6 is perfect."

Chaeyoung intersects as well, "if in case Unnie, we can help preparing our dinner."

Jennie smiled, "sounds like a plan."

After a couple of hours. Seulgi arrived and fixed ourselves. While in the elevator, Jennie asked my girlfriend. "Rosie, what's the name of the drink you for me earlier. I think Lisa will like it, I will buy her the next time.".

Irene, seulgi, and I looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

We get to our own cars. Me and Chaeyoung, Jennie and the Seulrene couple.

"Drive safely, guys." Jennie said before driving away.

We followed her. While driving, chaeyoung asked me, "she's in love, right?"

I smiled and looked at her quickly before turning to focus on my driving. "She is honey."

My thoughts are going wild. But the most beautiful thought is I'm hella excited to witness their love story.

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