Perfect for holding

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After almost 2 hours of meeting, it ended. I checked what time it is, and it's almost 11. I went to my office and sat down on my swivel chair. I checked if Lisa send sent me a message, but there's none. For sure, she's still reviewing.

I composed a message, and I sent it to Dulce to make sure that Lisa was eating on time. Then, I quickly answered all the documents that I needed to sign. I'm planning to go home at 3 PM.

After a while, the trio is back with our lunch. I asked them earlier to buy outside and eat here in the office. I can't afford to eat outside because there's a lot of documents I need to sign. "Let's go? I'm hungry." Rosie said. I stand up to follow them on the pantry here in my office.

We are currently eating when I received a message from Lisa. I opened it and saw another photo of her. Her meal looks delicious.

"Jisoo, wait, can you take a picture of me first?" She shot up her brow but agreed after

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"Jisoo, wait, can you take a picture of me first?" She shot up her brow but agreed after.

I ate my food first while we talked about the meeting earlier. I'm just so happy with the opening of our new boutique. After we ate, I sent a reply to Lisa. Then, I engaged with them again.

"Do you have any idea of what to give Lisa, as her graduation gift?" Irene suddenly asked

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"Do you have any idea of what to give Lisa, as her graduation gift?" Irene suddenly asked.

"I'm contemplating between laptop or the a space for her restaurant." I laugh after and so with them. "What a comparison, Unnie, hahaha." Rosie said. "I know, but seriously, guys. I want her to have her own restaurant because she's really good at cooking and she seems she's enjoying it. But I think we need to talk about it first. She may pursue being a lawyer, so"

Irene interjected. "Try to open the topic so you can have the idea already. I guess your gift is the laptop?" I nodded my head, I then received a message and opened it.

 I guess your gift is the laptop?" I nodded my head, I then received a message and opened it

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