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After the last night celebration. Lisa and I decided to go home first so we could take a bath, visit our OB, and then go straight to dad's home. We have already informed him that we will be going to our house. I notified Tzuyu about my important matter today, so I asked her not to disturb me since Jisoo will be in the office.

"Love, how do I look?" I turned my attention to her after she called me. I smiled at her when I saw how beautiful she was.

"Looking so beautiful baby, of course

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"Looking so beautiful baby, of course." She smiled charmingly when I answered her. "So do you love, thank you for accompanying me today. I know how busy you are, but you are still joining me."

I approached her so I could hold her hand

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I approached her so I could hold her hand. "Baby, every check up that you will have, I promise I'll be by your side. This is our child. Of course I will accompany you. There's no need to thank me."

She squeezed my hand, and then she caressed her tummy and talked to our baby. "Little munchkin, did you hear your mommy? Aren't we lucky to have her?" I caress her tummy as well. "I'm the lucky one to have your momma and you little one." I kissed her tummy, we smiled at each other, walked hand in hand, and proceeded to my car.

"Mrs. Kim, did you see this little dot that's your baby #1, and this one is the baby # 2." The doctor may see the confusion in our face. "Oh! Hahaha. Well, congratulations, you will be having twins, we will know the gender of your babies after 5 months." The doctor smiled at us after delivering the information. Lisa and I looked at each other, smiling through our tears.

"We were having 2 babies, baby. Thank you, baby. I love you so much." We attached our foreheads. "I love you more. Love." After we have our moment. I asked the nurse that I'll be the one to clean my wife's tummy, and she agreed with me, and we proceeded to sit in front of our OB.

"Okay, so here are the lists of vitamins that you needed to intake. We need to restrict you from working in full time. Make sure you get proper rest, you can start exercising like walking. And especially you can't be stressed, okay?" We nodded at the doctor's advice. Of course, we are more than happy to follow. "So here's your card, we need to see each other every month, and don't hesitate to inform me anything that you are unfamiliar with, especially if you feel any discomfort, Mrs Kim. Okay?" My wife nodded.

"Ahm, doc, any food that she craves will be okay? No harm to our babies?" The doctor smiled. "Yes any food, but still make sure to balance, eats lots of fruits and no as in no coffee, softdrinks or liquor allowed, okay?" I nodded the same as Lisa.

We talked for a couple of minutes before we decided to leave. I asked my wife if she's tired already, but she shook her head. She then asked for my hand, and I happily reached for her. We walked again hand in hand, but I made sure that she was on the safe side . If there were any accidents, I could easily shield myself. We decided to stop at a convenience store to buy all the vitamins listed, and we bought her milk as well. She pouted and asked me if I could buy her some milk chocolate. I agreed for 1 condition. She will only drink 1 glass every 3 days. I remembered our doctor restricting her for too many sweets. Lisa understood the situation, and that's why she happily agreed it.

After a couple of hours, we reached dad's house. During our travel time, I asked my wife if there's something that she wanted to eat so we could request it to Dulce. And she said that she just wanted some rice and almondigas. After that, I informed dad to ask Dulce to cook that and prepare some fruits.

"Hi, Sweethearts, it is so sudden that you wanted to be here. I know how busy you two are." Dad welcomed us. I looked at Lisa, and we smiled knowingly. "We have something to tell you, dad. But first, let's eat first. Lisa needs to eat." I informed him, and he happily agreed. I noticed Lisa eats more than her regular meal. It seems like my 3 babies were tired. I smiled at that thought. After Lisa ate, I prepared a plate of fruits for her to eat and then gave her the vitamin she needed to intake.

"Why is Lisa taking medicine? Are you unwell, sweetheart?" Dad asked my wife. My wife nodded at me. I held her hands, and I smiled at dad, who was waiting for us to tell him what's going on.

"Dad, Lisa needed to take some vitamins because she's pregnant. You're going to be a grandad for 2 dad!" I happily shared to dad the information, and we saw multiple expressions from him but overall. He's very happy. "Are you two saying the truth? I'm going to be a granddad? Not just for one but two? You'll be having twins?" Dad asked everything in one go. Hahaha. My dad is very excited, I can tell. We nodded, and he stood up to approach us so he could hug Lisa.

"Congratulations to both of you. I'm so happy for the two of you. Can we celebrate?" I mean, I know, no alcohol for Lisa, but can I drink a little?" Dad asked.

"Hahaha, of course, dad, I'll join you for a glass of wine." He then gestures to our server to give us each wine. My wife is still enjoying her fruits.

"Why don't you bring Dulce with you, I'm more confident to her than anyone in your home. You will still need to get to your office, so it would be best if we have Dulce there aside from your servants." Dad suggested. I nodded at dad. "Thank you, dad. I'm more relieved now knowing Dulce will be there. Gladys is great, but I know Dulce is better when it comes to Lisa. I may ask for Luca so he can drive us, especially Lisa, if in case dad and 3 bodyguards to help me with Lisa's security during this pregnancy." Dad nodded and asked Leo to bring Louie, Kuma, and Hank with him.

"Dad, we planned to stay here every weekend. We will start on Friday night." Dad agreed. "Better! So I can help as well. Give me the list of Lisa's vitamins and as well as the foods that you want to have so we can let our maids get them before you go here." Lisa nodded at dad.

"Once Lisa reached her 5th month, we will stay here until her due." Dad agreed. "Sure! Tho we always clean your room. I'll ask them to do it every other day to make sure."

We continue telling Dad our plans. Until we bid our goodbyes. Dad asked Dulce to come with us already, the same as the 3 bodyguards. "Love, are you happy?" My wife suddenly asked. Since we have a driver already, we are now relaxing at the backseat. "Of course, my baby. I'm so happy my heart is full!" She then asked me cutely. "Am I still your baby?" I smiled at her and kissed her lips. "Of course! You are my original baby." She smiled, then she leaned her head into my shoulder. My hand automatically rests in her tummy to caress it.

I can't wait to feel your kicks loves. I smile at that thought.

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