The beginning

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I am completing everything in my office. Lisa is about to give birth. I really don't want to leave her, but I made sure I'm 100% on her side when our babies come out. Whenever I think about it. My heart explodes because of excitement. Riiiiing!

"Hey baby I'm-." I was cut off when I heard my wife panting. "Where are you, Jennie?" I heard her groan. I jolted from my seat. "Baby, okay, I'm coming.. I -" she groaned again. "Mrs. Kim, We'll meet you in the hospital. " It was Dulce. Then the call got disconnected.

I run to the elevator. While waiting, I called the chauffer, "Get ready for my car in front of the building." I take the elevator, I'm nervous, but I'm happy. I reached the lobby, "Hello, dad. Let's meet in the hospital. Yes, it's today, dad. Okay." I speed up my walking. This is it. I'm going to meet my baby boy and girl. Whew. I took a deep breath before I turned the engine on.

"Like what I told you! I won't push and deliver my babies without my wife!!" I run when I heard Lisa. "Baby, I'm here. I'm here." When she saw me. She cried harder. "Lovey, they don't want to wait for you. I'm sorry I shouted at them. I told them many times. I told them I'll wait for you. Now I'm ready." I smiled and caressed Lisa's eyebrow. "It's totally fine. I'm here now, baby. Thank you for waiting for me." She smiled, but she kept on taking a deep breath. I rub her back, help her with her breathing, "We're ready for you, Mrs. Kim. It's time for us to meet the babies." The doctor mentioned.

Throughout the delivery process, I hold Lisa's hand. I thought it's going to break, but I did not complain. I'm sure as hell it's more painful for Lisa. "Push Mrs. Kim, 1,2." I heard my wife gave her 100%. ( baby crying on the background. ) "I got it. It's the baby girl. Alright, now let's meet your older baby, Mrs. Kim. Push!!!!"

Our family is in the waiting room. I never leave Lisa's side after. I always swiped her forehead. But now, she's asleep. "Come in." When I heard the knock on the door. We are still in the delivery room. But they said Lisa would be transferred for in her room. "We're ready to transfer Mrs. Kim." I nodded. I gathered all our things. I saw dad. I tearfully smile at him. "I'll take it, hija." I nodded. He got the bags, then we started walking. "After a while, Mrs. Kim. We will visit the room with your twins. Congratulations, by the way. The twins are so lovely." Smile proudly. My dad and I looked at each other, and I see how excited you he is. "You'll meet your grandchildren later, Granddad." He smiled so big.

We settled in Lisa's room, and she's still sleeping, which is okay, so she regains her strength. "Hey Jennie." I smiled and welcomed our friends. "How do the twins look?" Seulgi asked. "Looking so lovely, Seul." She giggled. "No doubt. Look at your gene, both of you." Irene commented, then smiled. Lisa may hear our friends because she wakes up. "Hey baby, do you want something. " She smiles tiredly. I approached her and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, baby." She looked at me, and we smiled at each other.

Our moments got interrupted when "Mrs. Kim, the first latch is needed now. Here are your babies." 2 nurses approached us. They gave the girl to Lisa while mine is the boy. I get so emotional. "Look at our babies, hello. I'm your mommy. I love you." I kiss both of their little hands. Our friends surrounded us to get a glimpse. "Oh my god! They are so cute!" Rosie shouted due to excitement. Then our babies cry. "Oh no! I'm sorry." I smiled at them. "It's okay, your godparents are just excited." I heard my wife talking to our baby girl. And because of that, our friends jumped in joy.

"Dad, do you want to hold him?" I asked dad, who keeps on clicking his phone to take a picture. "Sure." I handed him our baby boy. "Jacob, meet your grandad." My wife is done breastfeeding our baby girl. "Love, let me feed Jacob." I nodded. I brought Jacob and handed me our baby girl. "Alright baby Jillian, you go to mommy so your brother can eat." My wife talks to our girl.

The introduction is over. Now our children are sleeping to their bed. Since there's no complication, they let the baby stay here in our room. "Lisa. Do you want to eat something?" I heard Jisoo asked my wife. "Yes, unnie! I think I like to have burgers." I heard dad chuckled.

I smile at my family. They are so happy chatting and gushing about our children. I looked at dad and mother. "Thank you." He understandly nodded.

Yes, if dad didn't introduce me to Lisa and get married, I won't be able to feel this happiness in my life.

Yes, if dad didn't introduce me to Lisa and get married, I won't be able to feel this happiness in my life

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The end.

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