Eat out

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I will be discharged today. I was absent for 2 days already. But Jennie said dad advised all my professors, and I am excused for a week. I don't know what's happening to the Café.

I was so scared on that day. Fortunately, Derek didn't succeed in his evil plan. We weren't talking about it yet, but dad said an authority will be visiting today to interview me.

Dad asked us yesterday to stay at his house in the meantime because up until now, Derek hasn't been arrested, so dad wanted to make sure our safety. Jennie and I agreed wholeheartedly.

"You know what, I am thinking of a different endearment for you. Because our friends call you baby as well." I heard Jennie talking, so my thoughts we're interrupted and looked at her.

"I don't want you to change it, love. Even though they are calling me baby, yours will be my favorite." She showed me her gummy smile after she heard my response. "You and your words, baby." I giggled.

I suddenly remember what I was supposed to do when the day of the attack. Is this the right time? I should get the necklace first. Hihihi.

"What are you thinking, and you're all smiley." I approached her and held her hand. "Love, can we drop to your house first. I will get something."

She crossed her arm and corrected me. "Our house. Did you forget that I am your wife?" I smiled and held her shoulder. "No, love. I won't forget that we are married. It just slipped my mind." We both leaned, I met her lips. The kiss was magical, we kiss for too long. Jennie then bit my lower lip gently and dragged it painfully slow. A moan escaped from my mouth. We looked at each other intensly. She sighed heavily and then connected our foreheads. I was about to ask her what's wrong, when our moment was interrupted.

We both startled when someone cleared their throats loudly. I saw our friends and I got shy that I looked away.

"Jisoo! What the hell! We are a married, learned to knock." Our friends laughed. Jisoo raised her hands like she was surrendering. "I'm sorry, Jendeuk, I didn't expect that you're eating out Lisa's lip."

Our friend burst in laughing with the word that Jisoo unnie used. I blushed hard. "Stop teasing us, please, Jisoo, unnie." I pleaded, with matching puppy eyes. And everyone stopped laughing. Jisoo unnie was taken aback a bit, and she cleared her throat. "I'm sorry, baby Lisa, it won't happen again." See, it works. My puppy eyes are their weakness. "Thank you, Jisoo, unnie." I heard Jennie muttered, "unbelievable!. " I giggled.

Then I saw dad, and he informed us that everything was settled. We can now go home. Dad informed us that he asked chef Rico to prepare a special lunch and invited everyone, that's why they are here.

Jennie suggested arranging it in the garden. "Even perfect, sweetheart." Dad agreed.

I called dad attention after their done with their conversation. "Dad, can we stop over to our home? I'll just get some clothes and my other books?" He smiled at me and nodded. "Sure, sweetheart." He then announced to everyone so they are aware that we will be having a stop over.

We walked outside from the suite, I didn't forget to thank everyone who took care of me, especially on my first day here.

We reached our room and our friends helped us to gather everything that we needed. I sneakily go back to my room and get the necklace. "What's that? I startled and saw Jisoo unnie.

"Jisoo unnie, you scared me."

"Oh, sorry, Lisayah." She becomes worried. "No, no. It's fine. I just, I thought it was Jennie."

She inspected the necklace and said, "Why is this for Jennie?" I nodded, "you bought this for her?" I nodded excitedly. "Yes, unnie, I used half of my savings to buy this, but I didn't regret it. "Isn't it pretty?" I asked Jisoo. "It is Lisa, it beautiful." I smiled after hearing her.

She then asked me, "may I know the reason why you bought this for Jennie?" Oh. I scratched my eyebrow and shared my plan with her. "On the day that I was attacked, I planned to cook for Jennie, set up the table nicely, and tell her I am in love with her." I was startled again when Jisoo unnie squealed and hugged me.

I hugged her back. We looked at the necklace again and gush about it.

I was able to return it on the box and hid it when Jennie suddenly talked. "Why are you both here? We're going now. Let's go, baby." I nodded and reached her hand. She stopped and pointed at Jisoo. "You! Stop taking her away from me!"

"Alright, alright. Geez." Jisoo unnie looked at me and wink. "Hey! No winking!" Jisoo then ran for her life. I laughed at the scene.

We are now settled on Jennie's car when she suddenly says, "Wait. Let me take a picture of you first." I agreed and pouted. When she's contented. She leaned closely, and it was too close that I could literally feel her warm breath. She then told me huskily, "You are so adorable, baby." The pecked my lips and returned to her position.

Dad's car blows the horn twice, indicating that we're leaving

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Dad's car blows the horn twice, indicating that we're leaving. Jennie then started the car.

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