Minnie Yous.

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I can only think one reason why Lisa is acting like that. The process that they did 2 months ago seems successful, and there's only one thing that we can do to resolve that. I am fixing myself to go to the convenience store to buy the thing. I'm glad that Lisa asked if we have ice cream right now, milk ice cream, to be exact. I have now reason to go out without giving them any hint.

"Unnie, I'm sorry if I came here without informing you first, I'm planning to go to Irene unnie, but yours is nearer, and I think these past few days I easily get tired. I'm  sorry." I smiled at Lisa because she absolutely looks adorable. "Hey! You are welcome here anytime, I'm sure my Rosie is happy that you are here, right, Hon?" No need to ask that questing because my girl is clinging to Lisa. "Absolutely Lisa, if you want, you can stay here forever. Hihihi." Lisa shook her head dismissively. "No. Just for tonight, I just hurt when Jennje said she's tired." And she's on the verge of crying again.

"I'm sure your wife doesn't mean that. She sometimes says something that is not the same as what she feels, you know? Anyways. I'll go outside and buy your ice cream. Is there anything else you'd like?" I saw her thinking, and she's pouting like a duckling. So adorable.

"Just milk ice cream and fries unnie. Thank you. You can use my card here." I jokingly looked at her angry, "No need for that Lisayah. Can't I buy you with my own money?" She shakes her head. "Good. I got this, okay?" She then nodded. I patted her head and kissed my girl, then left.

Right about time, I saw Jennie getting out of her car. "Jennie, come here first." She approached me and sat on the passenger seat. "Where are you going? Am I joining you? Please, unnie, I'm tired." She said. "That word again. Lisa misunderstood you that you are tired of her. Come with me. There's a reason why your wife is acting like that. I can't believe that you didn't think about it." I shake my head and maneuver my car.

We went to McDonald's first to get Lisa her fries and then return to the nearest convenience store in our house. We were able to find a milk ice cream for Lisa, tho Jennie is confused because she knows Lisa wants mint chocolate but still agreed since I insisted that it's a request from Lisa. I then proceeded to the counter.

"May I have 3 different brands of pregnancy test kit?" Jennie was shocked. "You're pregnant, unnie?"

See, stupid.. "Are you for real Jennie when did we take an IVF?" I asked her mockingly. She shakes her head. "Alright, how about this? In our group, who only undergoes that procedure?" She thinks and suddenly covers her mouth. And she's getting emotional. "Oh my god. Is it for my wife?! Oh my god. We're pregnant!!? Unnie, hahaha." I'm happy for them if ever, however. "That needs to be determined first. I'm happy and excited if in case, but we need to make sure first, okay?" She nodded happily.

"I'm 200% sure. Oh my god. Do we get anything that my wife wants? Let's get a flower first. She misunderstood me earlier, so I need to apologize. Oh my god. I'm so in love with my wife." I can't help but giggle in Jennie's frantic behavior.

We visited the flowershop that is still open at this hour. She found a sunflower beautifully arranged that really suits Lisa's liking.

We are now driving, and Jennie is smiling so widely. I really hope that it's positive because I don't want Jennie to become sad if incase. After a couple of minutes of driving. Jennie gets everything that her wife's craving. "Unnie, faster, please. I want to see my wife already. I miss her beautiful face." I chuckled at Jennie's behavior. "Calm down your ass lover girl." She scoffed jokingly, but I think no one can ruin her mood right now.

When I opened the door, this kitten bumped me slightly so she could move faster. I'm still putting off my shoes when I hear Lisa. "Jennie, why are you here? I thought you were tired of me already. I'm sorry if you needed to go here. I can go home by myself." Her voice is so sad. But I can't blame Jennie. She did not intend to hurt Lisa. This is new to them.

"Baby, you misunderstood. I have back to back meetings, that's why I'm tired but not with you. I will never get tired of you. But still, I apologize if I hurt you. Here's a flower for you, baby. I love you so much." I sit beside my girlfriend while watching the couple. I saw how Lisa became excited when Jennie offered the bouquet. "Is this for me? Thank you. I'm sorry too if I misunderstood you. I don't know what's happening to me, but I sometimes get annoyed easily. I'm sorry. Love," Then the duckling pouted. Jennie kissed Lisa lovingly, and then they hugged each other. What a lovely couple.

"I heard from Unnie that you want milk ice cream and a fries, we bought these food, but did you eat your dinner yet?" Jennie asked.

"I did, Rosie made me salmon, which is my favorite. How about you? Did you eat already?" Jennie shaked her head but still smiling. "Oh? Then let's eat. I can prepare you some food or do you want to go home already?" I cleared my throat. To get their attention and I succeeded. "Lisa, Jennie wants to say something to you." Lisa then looked at Jennie.

"What is it, love?" Concern is evident on Lisa's eyes. "Baby, we thought about your mood swings and cravings. We might think that the process we made last 2 months ago is successful. We bought the kit already, so we can test it?" Jennie is smiling throughout the explanation. My girl gasped the same as Lisa. She became emotional afterward. "Oh my god, love, is it?" I'm getting emotional already. I'm anticipating the result that it's positive. Jennie answered, smiling through her tears. "Yes, baby."

"Alright, sniff. I'll test it now. Just stay here. I'll be going alone, okay?" Jennie nodded. "Sure baby, but please be careful." I can sense an overprotective kitten already. Lisa nodded and kissed Jennie on her mouth multiple times before she proceeded to the restroom.

Jennie is restless while waiting for Lisa. Same as we are. Suddenly, we heard footsteps that came into our direction. We welcomed her and asked her. Lisa looked directly to Jennie's eyes. She was crying, but I could see a smile. Oh my god! "We're pregnant, love." Then Lisa sobbed, Jennie, too. She ran towards her wife and hugged tighly. She slightly carries Lisa and twirls it. I heard Lisa's laughing.

I hugged Rosie because of the happiness.

We approached the couple and hugged them. "Congratulations to the both of you. Oh my god. We have minnie, yous in our family." We hugged each other. And the couple give kisses to each other.

Suddenly, Jennie knelt down and placed her ear on Lisa's tummy. Then, she pampered a kiss. Lisa brushed Jennie's hair. "Hi babies. I'm your mommy. I can't wait to fall in love again. We can't wait to see you little munchkin. Me and your momma will protect you. I love you." And we all become emotional. It's very rare to see Jennie so soft like this. I'm just really happy for them.

"Why don't you two stay the night over? It's getting late." Rosie suggested. "Right, I know  that Jennie can drive safely, but we are not sure if the weather will not bring complications to Lisa. So stay the night." I seconded. The couple agreed because I know for a fact that Jennie will not risk anything, especially for their first child.

"How about this, we can all sleep and arrange in the living room, then let's video call Seulrene. I kinda want them here as well." Lisa asked. "Of course, let's video call them. Then we'll proceed to Dad's house tomorrow after our check up would that be fine, baby?" Lisa then nodded happily.

This night will be one of the happiest nights that we had together.

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